Bestial Incantations in Elden Ring will make you feel like a beast, even in a horrifying world such as the Lands Between. By using these animalistic powers, you can get up in every demigod’s business and destroy their poise like no tomorrow.
However, to get these amazing powers, most players will have to go through some trials, fetch quests, and hard battles. Here is how to get the Beast Claw in Elden Ring Faith/Strength spell with just a few simple battles.
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How does Beast Claw work?

The Beast Claw in Elden Ring incantation creates animal claws that send shockwaves tearing into the earth. Charging it increases potency. It deals damage that is mostly physical, with a little bit of magic. Waves have gaps between them and move forward in a broad cone of space.
No matter how many waves pass across the hitbox of a monster, this spell will only hit it once. Effective ranged attack option when combined with the Clawmark Seal in low-Faith, high-Strength setups. With Patch 1.07, the shockwave’s range was expanded.
Beast Claw Location

Players can finally obtain the powerful Beast Claw in Elden Ring by giving Gurranq, Beast Clergyman, the fifth Deathroot, at the Bestial Sanctum in Dragonbarrow.
After taking down the Tibia Mariner boss in Summonwater Village, players should head back to D at the Roundtable Hold so that he may continue his mission there. You can follow his instructions to go to Caelid’s Bestial Sanctum. Use the waygate in East Limgrave to teleport there without needing to go exploring.
Gurranq will turn hostile after the fourth Deathroot. You must lower his HP until he stops attacking before speaking with him, clearing the area, and using the fifth Deathroot for the Beast Claw Incantation. Gurranq will grant you the Beast Claw Incantation right away after you subdue him if you hand him the fifth Deathroot before he becomes hostile.
Where to find Deathroot
Here is where you can find enough Deathroot to unlock the Beast Claw in Elden Ring.
- You can discover in the Deathtouched Catacombs in a chest beneath the Black Knife Assassin.
- Resides in a box in the Black Knife Catacombs, behind the Cemetery Shade.
- Obtained in Summonwater Village after defeating the Tibia Mariner.
- Obtained in Wyndham Ruins after defeating the Tibia Mariner.
- Obtained in East Liurnia of the Lakes after defeating the Tibia Mariner.
The Beast Claw in Elden Ring is a great way of destroying close enemies and bringing them down to their knees. The only problem with it is that gathering so many Deathroots can be considered a bit of a chore, and some might give up on getting in just because of this task. However, once you dedicate yourself and get enough of these roots, the Beast Claw will make all of the effort worth it. Since it can be cast incredibly fast and it only costs 10 FP, this ability can be great against mobs of enemies that just won’t relent.
Now that you know the location of and got the Beast Claw incantation in Elden Ring, the Lands Between experience is not even close to done. If you want more compelling Elden Ring content, also check out: Where to Find Swarm of Flies Elden Ring | (Complete) List of Walking Mausoleum Locations in Elden Ring | How to Upgrade Summons in Elden Ring