Elden Ring is a great leap from the Soulsborne franchise for FromSoftware.inc. It seems as if the developers wanted to do everything bigger and better in their new game. For instance, Elden Ring has one of the largest maps that offers an opportunity for endless exploration to all players. However, roaming the humongous grounds on foot is probably impossible. So, FromSoftware Inc took pity and offered a horse for the Tarnished.
Moreover, the Torrent is a magical horse that appears underneath the player as soon as he blows the magical whistle. Still, many beginners seem confused about how to summon the horse in Elden Ring. Therefore, this article provides all the major and minor details about getting and efficiently riding a horse in Elden Ring.
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How to Get a Horse in Elden Ring

The first thing you must learn before starting your journey in the Lands Between is how to get a horse. Like all other things, Elden Ring doesn’t lead you to the horse. Fortunately, getting a horse isn’t as difficult as fighting the first boss in the game. All you need is to carefully make your way to the outskirts of the Stormgate castle. After you create your character and finish the tutorial section, you will teleport to the First Step Site of Grace in Limgrave. Beware of the Tree Sentinel that roams near the campfire; your best chance is to avoid him at all costs.
Head northwest from the Site of Grace till you reach the Church of Elleh. From here, check your map and follow the golden path in the northeast section till you spot an enemy campsite in the woods. It would be best to avoid confrontation and carefully sneak past the enemies as you aren’t strong enough yet. Instead, make your way along the golden path till you reach the Gatefront Site of Grace. Resting here will trigger a cutscene in which Melina appears: accept her offer to receive the Spectral Steed Whistle.
However, you still need the Spirit Calling Bell to summon your horse. For that, you must travel south of the Church of Elleh, rest at the Site of Grace, leave, and fast travel back to the Church Site of Grace. Renna will spawn, speak with her, and tell her that you can call the spectral steed. Doing so will give you the Lone Wolf Spirit and the Spirit Calling Bell.
How to summon the horse in Elden Ring

Once you receive the Torrent and the Spirit Calling Bell, all there’s left to do is to press the right buttons. Summoning and riding a horse in Elden Ring is relatively easier as compared to other games like the Witcher 3. Instead of waiting for the horse to come close to you, he appears directly under you as soon as you press the summon button. However, there are a few limitations to summoning a horse, i.e., the game restricts you from riding the Torrent in certain areas.
To summon a horse in Elden Ring, head to the inventory menu and look for the Quick Items tab. Select any empty slot and choose the Spectral Steed Whistle from your inventory. After this, all you need is to press the relevant button assigned to the Spectral Steed Whistle slot to summon the Torrent. It would be best to permanently assign a Quick Items slot to the horse so that you can quickly summon him in dangerous situations.
What are the benefits of the Torrent?

The Torrent functions just like a normal horse in any other game of this genre, i.e., you can mount him to reach distant locations in little time. The exciting part is that while most games leave it just there, Elden Ring likes to take things a few steps ahead. For instance, riding the Torrent increases your speed, jumping height, and reduces the fall damage. It doesn’t mean that you won’t die from falling, but the ratio of death to injury would be muchly reasonable should you fall with the Torrent.
Moreover, you can also do double jumps with the Torrent. Many players use this ability right before impact to survive death from falling. However, this trick doesn’t work all the time, so don’t rely on it too much. Still, the double jump ability alone is efficient enough to take you to unreachable spots. Lastly, you can also attack your enemies while riding the horse. Simply press the LB, L1, or the attack button to attack the nearest enemy with the melee weapon. In short, the Torrent is perhaps the most useful horse in all the games of this genre.
How to resurrect the horse?

The Torrent may sound like a powerful beast, but he isn’t invincible. Your horse may lose HP if an enemy attacks you or if you fall from higher elevations. Moreover, the damage would also drain your HP but with a small reduction. There are times when the Torrent dies after taking too much damage. Fortunately, the horse doesn’t die completely, and you can summon him again after 10 seconds. However, you must still recover his HP by feeding him raisins or by resting at the nearest Site of Grace. You can craft raisins by gathering the orange-red Rowa Fruits that you can find all over the Lands Between. In any case, you must spend one Flask of Crimson Tears or rest at any Site of Grace to resurrect the Torrent after dying.
How to heal the Torrent in Elden Ring?
You must feed the Rowa Raisins to the Torrent to recover his HP. Fortunately, you can easily craft these raisins by purchasing the crafting kit from Merchant Kale in the Church of Elleh. Once you have the kit, collect a few orange-red Rowa Fruits and visit any Site of Grace to craft the raisins.
What to do if the horse dies in Elden Ring?
The Torrent may die if it receives too much damage from enemy attacks or by falling off the cliff. Fortunately, the horse doesn’t actually die. You can always resurrect him by spending one Flask of Crimson Tears or resting at any Site of Grace. Once the Torrent is resurrected, you must recover his HP by feeding him Rowa Raisins.
How to dismount the horse in Elden Ring?
Dismounting the Torrent is as easy as summoning him. Simply activate the Spectral Steed Whistle from the Quick Items inventory to trigger the dismounting animation. Alternatively, you can press the left stick or the dismount button to quickly jump off the Torrent when the enemies are nearby.
Can I use the horse during fights?
Riding the Torrent is beneficial in a few fights in the game, especially against bosses and dragons. The Torrent increases your speed so that you can quickly move away from the attacks and then come back for a quick counter. However, you must truly master this maneuver as you will be left on your own if the horse dies during the fight.
What can I do with the Torrent in the game?
The Torrent is a handy ride when you want to quickly get away from enemies, jump from heights, cross large obstacles, and cover greater distances on the map. Moreover, you can also launch melee attacks from horseback, where the L1/L2 launch left attacks and R1/R2 buttons launch attacks on the right side. Similarly, you can also cast magic spells and consume flasks from the Quick Items slots while riding the Torrent.
Elden Ring is considered one of the largest games in this genre. So, you must find a ride to explore the vastness of the Lands Between and uncover various secrets. Fortunately, FromSoftware Inc offers assistance by giving you Torrent, the magical horse. However, you must first obtain the Spectral Steed Whistle and the Spirit Calling Bell to summon the horse. Once you have these items, you can summon the Torrent by pressing the assigned Quick Items button. This article explains all you need to know about how to summon the horse in Elden Ring.