Elden Ring follows the trend of multiple endings, set by numerous modern RPGs. The general critical path for getting each ending is more or less the same, and only a few major steps will determine how the game will conclude. Furthermore, these conclusive steps are presented to you at different parts of the main storyline.
So, who do you choose to side with, which gods do you prefer, and how do you choose to use the Elden Ring? These steps will eventually trigger one of the six major endings in the game.
That being said, here’s everything you need to know about the endings in Elden Ring.
Table of Contents
How many endings are in Elden Ring?

Elden Ring is probably one of the longest RPGs of 2022-23. However, it doesn’t go on forever, i.e., it must reach a conclusion at some point, and it does in a dramatic way. The endings in Elden Ring are classified into 3 major categories, which are then further divided into more branches.
Here’s a list of all endings in Elden Ring:
- Elden Lord Ending
- Age of Fracture
- Age of Order
- Age of Duskborn
- Blessing of Despair
- Lord of Frenzied Flame Ending
- Age of the Stars Ending
So, there are 6 different endings in total in Elden Ring. How you play the game will eventually decide which ending you get in your playthrough. It is best to plan what ending you want before starting a new game, choose one ending, and play the entire game to achieve that ending.
How to get all Endings in Elden Ring:
As mentioned earlier, each of the 6 endings in Elden Ring is linked to one or two major steps. Your choices at those moments will determine the ending that you will see and how the world finally concludes.
Here are all Elden Ring endings and how to get them:
Elden Lord Ending:
The Elden Lord Endings category is divided into 4 branches. However, the general idea is almost identical, i.e., you become the sole Lord of the world. However, your selection will determine the fate of the Lands Between and everyone living within it.
The 4 variations of the Elden Lord endings are:
- Age of Fracture:

The Age of Fracture is the default conclusion of Elden Ring. When you unlock it, you become the new Elden Lord with acceptance of the Greater Will.
Apart from this, everything else remains exactly the same in the Lands Between. In other words, after all of your struggles to acquire the Elden Ring, you are just continuing the status quo.
How to get the Age of Fracture?
- You shouldn’t inherit the Frenzied Flame or be marked when defeating the Elden Beast.
- After defeating the final boss, interact with Fractured Marika and select “Mend the Elden Ring” to get the Age of Fracture Ending.
Age of Order Ending

The Age of Order is the alternate ending of the Perfect Order. Basically, Goldmask believes that the struggle for greater power for one’s personal will is the root cause of absolute evil. Thus, in this ending, you will become the Elden Lord, but the concept of Free Will is eradicated from the Lands Between in the name of Perfect Order.
This ending may sound like a utopia, but it will take away the freedom of experimentation ominously from the people. In any case, the Age of Order is slightly better than Fracture as it brings about some changes in the world.
How to get the Age of Order?
- Avoid Inheriting the Frenzied Flame or getting marked until you touch Marika.
- Complete Brother Corhyn & Goldmask’s questlines to acquire the Mending Rune of Perfect Order.
- After defeating the Elden Beast, interact with Fractured Marika and choose the “Use Mending Rune of Perfect Order” option to trigger the Age of Order end.
Age of Duskborn Ending

The Age of Duskborn is by far the best revolutionary ending of all. In this ending, the Tarnished will become the Elden Lord and help Fia achieve her goals. This way, the concept of immortality is eradicated from the Lands Between, and every soul, be it humans, gods, beasts, or mages, will become mortals.
In other words, the concept of death will become an integral part of the life cycle. So, if you are tired of creatures bragging about immortality in the game, you will lean toward this option. However, you still get to enjoy the title of the Elden Lord in the now close to natural world.
How to get the Age of Duskborn Ending?
- As always, you should avoid inheriting the Frenzied Flame until you touch the Fractured Marika.
- You must complete Fia’s questline, defeat Lichdragon Fortissax, and loot the Mending Rune of the Death-Prince from Fia’s corpse.
- Finally, choose the “Use Mending Rune of the Death-Prince” beast after defeating the Elden Beast to get the Age of Duskborn ending.
Blessing of Despair Ending

The Blessing of Despair is probably a bad ending for most players. However, there is no embarrassment if you are inclined towards it. In this ending, the Tarnished sides with the Dung Eater after becoming the Elden Lord.
As a result, the Dung Eater inflicts all present and future generations with the Fell Curse. Why he does that is yet to be unexplained by FromSoftware.Inc.
For now, we know that every living being will get stuck between life and death as their souls fail to return to the Erdtree.
How to get the Blessing of Despair Ending?
- You should avoid getting marked with the Frenzied Flame at all costs (the unmarking remedy will be discussed in a while).
- You must complete the Dung Eater quest line and provide him the Seedbed Curses until you acquire the Mending Rune of the Fell Curse.
- Touch Marika after defeating the Elden Beast and choose Use Mending Rune of the Fell Curse” to unlock the Blessing of Despair ending.
Lord of Frenzied Flame Ending:

The Lord of Frenzied Flame Ending is probably one of the most badass endings in Elden Ring. In this ending, the Tarnished sides with the Lord of Chaos by becoming the Elden Lord of the Frenzied Flame. As a result, the God of Chaos tasks you with burning the world with the flame to abolish all mistakes made by the Greater Will, such as sin, curse, Fracture, and torment.
If you choose to go down this path, Melina will leave you to sacrifice yourself at the hands of the flame.
After the ending sequence, Melina will devote herself to delivering the “Destined Death” to the Tarnished. Overall, it is a bad ending as the Lands Between will return to a condition that existed before time.
How to get the Lord of Frenzied Flame Ending?
- Complete Hyetta’s questline to receive the Frenzied Flame Seal.
- Next, locate the Cathedral of the Forsaken under the Subterranean Shunning Grounds.
- Speak with the Three Fingers and find the large stone door.
- Removing all your gear (becoming naked) is the only way to access this door. Afterward, a cutscene will play in which Malena leaves your side, and the Forge of the Giants marks you with the Frenzied Flame.
Note: this mark will lock you out of all other endings unless you remove the mark. - After defeating the Elden Beast, touch the fractured Marika and choose the “Become the Lord of Frenzied Flame” option to unlock this ending.
Age of the Stars Ending

The Age of the Stars Ending is the most emotional and complex ending of them all.
In this ending, the Tarnished sides with Ranni, The Witch, who marries the new Elden Lord and becomes a ruling goddess. As a result, she abolishes the Golden Order and removes the influence of the Greater Will from the Lands Between.
Thus, the inhabitants of the world are left to rule on their own without any influence from lords and gods.
Finally, she decides to go on thousands of years-long journey, taking the Order of the Dark Moon and the Elden Lord with her. So, for the first time in history, the Lands Between is left without an Elden Lord.
How to get the Age of the Stars Ending?
- Avoid getting marked with the Frenzied Flame, or cleanse yourself from the mark before reaching the final boss fight.
- First, you must complete Ranni, The Witch’s quest line, and get the Hidden Treasure of Nokron, Eternal City.
- After defeating the Elden Beast, don’t touch the fractured Marika. Instead, look for a special blue summon sign on the ground near the Site of Grace to summon Ranni. If you interact with this summon sign, the Age of the Stairs ending will be triggered.
What are the best and worst endings in Elden Ring?

According to the Elden Ring Wiki, the game has no good, bad, or true ending. All 6 endings are unique and decisively conclude the lore. However, players from all around the world believe that the inhabitants of Lands Between deserve to rule without any influence from the outside.
In this regard, the Age of the Stars is undoubtedly the best ending that takes away all influence of the Greater Will and any other lordships from the world.
Similarly, if you consider yourself a just ruler, you can consider the Age of Fracture as the second-best ending in Elden Ring. This opinion is mainly based on the fact that the Greater Will can establish order in the chaotic world by using your lordship as a channeling medium.
As for the worst ending, there are again two contenders. The first and the most obvious one is the Lord of the Frenzied Flame Ending. In this ending, you are tasked to burn the whole world to eradicate all traces of sin, torment, curses, and other such things. However, it also removes all traces of the Greater Will and spreads madness worldwide.
Secondly, the Blessing of Despair is another bad ending for many players. The biggest reason is that it leaves the world in complete chaos, with zombies living in the Lands Between without any purpose or hope for salvation. However, it also gives you the opportunity to punish all those who stood in your path.
So, the fate of the Lands Between rests in your hands after you beat the Elden Beast.
How to get all Elden Ring ending trophies?
You can get 3 trophies in Elden Ring for completing the game. However, each trophy is linked with one of the Elden Ring endings. Firstly, you will get the Elden Lord trophy by unlocking any of the 4 Elden Lord endings. Similarly, you will get a trophy for unlocking the Age of the Stars and the Lord of the Frenzied Flame endings. So, the only way to unlock all trophies is to play and complete the game at least 3 times and choose a new Elden Ring ending every time.
How to remove the Frenzied Flame mark?
Getting marked with the Frenzied Flame locks you out of all other endings. Fortunately, you can fix it by getting Miquella’s Needle. You will acquire this item by giving the Unalloyed Gold Needle to the Scarlet Aeonia. The only way to acquire this Gold Needle is by completing Millicent’s questline. Finally, head to Dragonlord Placidusax’s in Crumbling Farum Azula and use Miquella’s Needle to reverse the Three Finger’s Lord of the Frenzy mark.
How to see different endings in one playthrough?
Elden Ring allows you to unlock only one ending per playthrough. However, you can still use the save/load function to see different endings in a single playthrough. For instance, you can get the Great Runes for all 4 Elden Lord endings, then save your progress after defeating the Elden Beast. Finally, use one rune at fractured Marika to unlock its ending, load the game and repeat the process. However, you must complete the game separately to unlock the Lord of the Frenzied Flame Ending.
There are six endings in Elden Ring. Each ending concludes the game by following a different path of the lore. However, you must complete certain steps while playing the main story to unlock these endings. So, many players are confused about which path to follow to get the best ending.
Therefore, this article lists all Elden Ring endings, how to get them, and which steps lead to which ending.