Poison Mist in Elden Ring is one of the most popular incantation spells in Elden Ring. Finding this incantation spell, however, is quite a challenging feat. Besides weapons, incantations are the best method of causing damage to your foe.
If you are a player that prefers poison attacks, this incantation is your perfect match. Note that you will need a Sacred Seal in order to utilize Poison Mist. We recommend that you use a Sacred Seal that has been upgraded.
Table of Contents
The Weeping Peninsula

To commence your journey to obtain Poison Mist in Elden Ring, start by making your way towards the Weeping Peninsula. Once you’re there, you will notice a lookout tower in Oridy’s Rise. Head east from there to reach the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace.
We recommend you rest here before venturing further out. Next, move to the wild forested area situated southwest of your location. The Poison Mist will be harvested in this area.
Teardrop Scarab

The Teardrop Scarab drops Poison Mist once it is killed. They are not much of a threat and can easily be defeated in a strike or two. Equip a sacred seal once you have killed a scarab to equip the incantation spell. The incantation is now ready to be implemented in battle.
More About Poison Mist

Poison Mist in Elden Ring inflicts massive amounts of poison damage to enemies. It has a Faith stat of 12 and requires 10 Stamina to activate. This incantation has a medium range of effects and is most effective when it is used against large groups of enemies. The duration of this incantation is 5 seconds, and you can use it even while moving, which makes it great for both offense and defense.
Frequently Asked Questions
This segment of the article aims to answer commonly asked questions regarding Poison Mist.
What Are the Best Incantations in Elden Ring?
There are several incantations with impressive effects. At the end of the day, it boils down to your personal preferences and gameplay style. However, our top 5 incantations would be Rotten Breath, Erdtree Heal, Frenzied Burst, Bestial Sling, and Poison Mist. We recommend that you explore and find the incantations that suit you best.
How Do I Make My Incantations Stronger?
In order to upgrade the strength and intensity of your incantation, you need to upgrade the sacred seal you have equipped. In order to upgrade the seal, you will have to expend sacred coins and put additional badges on it.
What Are the Best Sorceries in Elden Ring?
As mentioned in the article, this varies greatly based on your preferred playstyle. Sorceries are more offense-based spells and focus on inflicting heavy damage to the opponent. For us, Glintstone Pebble, Glintstone Icecrag, and Terra Magica are the strongest sorceries. There are, however, a plethora of other sorceries that you should experiment with to fine-tune your gameplay.