FGO Servant Tier List (Updated) - Nerd Lodge
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FGO Servant Tier List (Updated)

An updated servant tier list for FGO. This FGO tier list will rank all of the servants in Fate Grand Order from S-F with plenty of reasoning behind each pick. Please remember that tier lists are rather subjective in nature and reflect personal opinion as for each player. That being said, these are what we believe the best servants in FGO are in 2020.

S Rank Servants

The best of the best. These characters are either great all-rounders that can fit in almost any team, or they are incredibly good at their specific roles.

  • Mash Kyrielight: Provides a ton of defense and survivability to the party, including a taunt and targeted invincibility. Low cost, easy to build and fit in any team.
  • Gilgamesh (Archer): Packs an NP with an incredibly high damage modifier against Servant enemies, which covers a lot of major bosses. Also comes with an NP charge skill and decent crit potential.
  • Zhuge Liang: Invaluable party support character, useful for anyone at any stage of the game. Provides teamwide attack and defense buffs, with an NP that debuffs the entire enemy party.
  • Tamamo no Mae (Caster): Unparalleled support capability for Arts-centric teams. Comes with party healing, Arts card buffs, and cooldown reduction for the whole team.
  • Jack the Ripper: High hit counts on her Quick cards lets her charge up her NP and gain a lot of C-stars in the process. A fantastic boss-killer, especially against Female enemies.
  • Ryougi Shiki (Assassin): Packs a solid, well-rounded kit with evasion, damage buffs, and NP charging. She also boasts an incredibly strong NP, on top of being a free welfare character.
  • Cu Chulainn (Alter): Strong, self-sustainable single-target attacker. Surprisingly tanky, especially for a Berserker, with his access to DEF buffs, Evasion, Guts, and enemy ATK down. 
  • Jeanne d’Arc (Alter): Sports the highest ATK stat in the game, combined with a lot of offensive self buffs. A simple, but very effective DPS character.
  • Minamoto no Raikou: An excellent attacker capable of mowing down entire enemy waves or bosses alike. She has access to unique damage multipliers, as well as high C-star generation for strong critical attacks.
  • Sakata Kintoki (Rider): Kintoki is blessed with a strong skillset that lets him quickly charge up his hard-hitting NP. His crit capabilities allow him to continue dishing out damage even outside his NP, and to quickly charge up his gauge.
  • Ozymandias: Provides a great mix of damage and party support. Has access to party ATK up, NP gauge charge, and the rare buff success rate up, as well as his own hard-hitting NP.
  • Altria Pendragon (Archer): Strong, single-target NP coupled with high NP generation, which allows her to pull off multiple NPs in quick succession. She also comes with useful party buffs such as Arts up, DEF up, and ATK up.
  • Quetzalcoatl: Her targetable offensive buffs means she’s flexible with her support, allowing her to either buff herself or her teammates as needed. Her own offensive powers are pretty potent as well, packing strong crits and a single-target NP.
  • Merlin: Very strong support, especially for critical or buster teams. Offers a plethora of valuable party buffs including ATK up, Invincibility, HP regen, NP charge, C-star generation, Buster up, and crit damage up. 
  • BB: All-around useful character who can provide strong healing, charge the party’s NP, remove defensive buffs from the enemy, and deal strong crits herself. Bonus points for being a free welfare character, and being in the rare Moon Cancer class.

A Rank Servants

These Servants are strong and useful in plenty of situations.

  • Heracles: Well-known for his phenomenal survivability, on top of his above average damage capability. Multiple stacking guts coupled with evasion allow him to survive prolonged battles against even the toughest enemies.
  • Sakata Kintoki (Berserker): A Berserker who’s very straightforward, but very reliable. He’s got a strong damage buff and NP charging skill, along with a DEF-ignoring single-target NP.
  • Vlad III (Berserker): As an uncommon Arts-based Berserker, Vlad has little problem charging up his NP with a combination of his skills and cards. Also comes with a decent damage buff, some survivability in Guts and DEF up, and the ability to generate C-stars.
  • Jeanne d’Arc: While her skills are nothing much, her NP has amazing defensive utility, offering party-wide invincibility, DEF up, and healing. Combined with her Ruler class, which lets her take half damage from most enemies, she’s stellar in support and survival.
  • Orion: A highly-specialized character, built for taking down Male bosses. She is capable of both dealing high damage to Male enemies and buffing herself against their attacks.
  • Francis Drake: A very efficient wave clearer, with her high NP charge and multi-target NP. She also comes with damage buffs for the party and C-star generation for strong crits.
  • Okita Souji: She has very high hit counts on her Quick cards, allowing her to quickly gain NP and generate a lot of C-stars. She is a self-reliant attacker, able to deal powerful crits on top of a DEF-reducing single-target NP.
  • Scathach: Boasts overwhelming boss-killing potential with her powerful NP and damage multipliers. She’s only really held back by her below average NP gain.
  • Nikola Tesla: His NP sports fantastic damage against specific enemy types, while his skills let him charge up his NP faster. Great for both clearing waves and taking down certain bosses.
  • Karna: Possesses multiple tools to be a very proficient attacker, ranging from NP charge, potent damage buffs, and reducing the enemies’ resistance to his attacks.
  • Brynhildr: Besides being a strong single-target killer in her own right, Brynhildr also possesses a rare targetable C-star absorption buff, allowing her to support her teammates or buff herself further. Does massive damage against enemies with the Brynhildr’s Beloved trait.
  • Nero Cladius (Bride): A well-rounded unit who’s capable of both support and DPS. Comes with various offensive and defensive buffs for both herself and the team, including healing, DEF up, and ATK up.
  • Xuanzang Sanzang: Valuable for being a rare single-target offensive Caster, especially with her instant NP charge. Can also fulfill an off-tank role, with her taunt skill.
  • Altria Pendragon (Lancer): A straightforward and highly effective wave-clearer, with her various damage buffs and potent NP charge. Her natural Invincibility Pierce is a big plus. 
  • Tamamo no Mae (Lancer): A fantastic boss-killer, through a combination of her potent DEF debuff and high damage multipliers against Male enemies. 
  • Cleopatra: Highly self-sufficient multi-target attacker. On top of her fantastic stats and NP generation, she gets damage buffs, self-healing, and invincibility.
  • Ishtar: Possesses a simple, reliable skillset, with multiple damage buffs and a big NP charge. Her delayed buff requires some careful planning, but it’s well worth it.
  • Enkidu: A competent, self-sufficient attacker with access to various tools. Able to buff their own damage, heal, debuff the enemies, and burst down Divine enemies with their single-target NP.
  • Miyamoto Musashi: A boss-killer with a lot of utility. She’s got damage buffs, but also Invincibility Pierce, buff removal, and the unique ability to double her hit counts.
  • The Old Man of the Mountain: Packs a lot of raw power and survivability, especially for an Assassin. His instant-death capability is just icing on the cake; he already deals plenty of damage to begin with using his triple Buster cards.
  • Hijikata Toshizo: Trades any sort of survivability for the ability to deal increasingly high damage the lower his HP gets. A very high risk, high reward playstyle.
  • Meltryllis: A very useful single-target attacker for many situations, due to her great stats and unique class, giving her advantage over many enemies. She also has a full set of multiplicative damage buffs, along with some evasion for survival.
  • Sherlock Holmes: A fantastic team supporter who is capable of dealing good crit damage in his own right. Most notable for his NP’s massive DEF debuff on enemies, as well as letting the party ignore DEF bonuses and invincibility.
  • Nero Claudius (Caster): Performs incredibly well in clearing enemy waves, with her multiple damage buffs and high NP charge. She gains added utility with her ability to remove her class weakness, as well as Invincibility Pierce and targeted Guts.
  • Altria Pendragon (Rider Alter): Sports very high single-target damage, making her a prime boss-killer. She can also support the team by boosting damage and reducing cooldowns.
  • Abigail Williams: Her biggest advantage is her unique Foreigner class, which lets her fight powerful Berserker enemies while taking less damage. She also comes with a lot of debilitating tools, including buff removal, stun, and DEF down.
  • Katsushika Hokusai: Besides her high NP gain and strong multi-target NP, Hokusai offers a unique stacking DEF debuff every time she hits with her Arts cards. This gives her some capability to both clear enemy waves and significantly weaken bosses.
  • Achilles: Provides powerful offense with his damage buffs, NP charge, and multi-target NP. He’s also able to protect the party with his taunt and invincibility skills.
  • Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova: Packs a lot of utility in her kit, letting her deal damage, buff the party’s offense, and inflict a whole bunch of debuffs on the enemy. Her only drawbacks are her long cooldowns and lack of defensive skills.
  • Ivan the Terrible: Great all-around attacker, with access to multiple damage buffs and crit damage potential. Has added utility in buff removal for all enemies and removing his own debuffs.

B Rank Servants

Characters here are fairly powerful on their own, but may need some weaknesses to be covered to truly shine.

  • Artoria Pendragon (Saber): Suffers somewhat from her extremely simple kit, which is geared towards clearing enemy waves. She still has decent stats and damage, but is held back by her lack of utility skills, and faces stiff competition from other similar characters.
  • Artoria Pendragon (Alter): Very one-dimensional, in that her skills are mostly just simple damage buffs. Her stats and multi-target NP damage are still pretty good, but she needs a good deal of support to be consistently useful.
  • Altera (Saber): Though she is one of many Sabers with multi-target NPs, she sets herself apart from the competition with her ability to generate C-stars and absorb them. This lets her deal with both enemy waves and single targets.
  • Emiya (Archer): A jack-of-all-trades with various utilities. He’s most notable for his high crit damage potential, but he also has access to evasion, ATK debuffs, and card buffs.
  • Euryale: She is the male-killer of the game, boasting incredibly high damage against any male targets with her NP, rivaling even 5-star characters. She also packs additional utility with her Charms, ATK down debuff, enemy NP reduction, and self NP charging. 
  • Carmilla: Has a potent anti-female niche, backed up by her strong single-target NP and a combination of attack buffs, defense debuffs on the enemy, and easy NP charging. Lacks enemy form of survival besides an infrequent self-heal, however. 
  • Mordred (Saber): Has decent potential for defeating enemy mobs, but her most unique aspect is her NP’s high damage multiplier against Arthur enemies. Sadly, she rarely gets to make use of this. 
  • Altria Pendragon (Lancer Alter): A potent, self-sustainable attacker, with her strong damage buffs and high crit damage potential. Lacks any form of survival, but her offense does not disappoint.
  • Arjuna: His most unique aspect is his NP’s high instant death rate against Divine targets, but unfortunately this still fails to trigger on most bosses. Nonetheless, he can function as a decent enemy mob killer, with his AoE NP, triple Arts deck, and NP charge skill.
  • Mysterious Heroine X: Suffers somewhat from overspecialization: her best skills and damage buffs work only against Altria-face enemies. Nonetheless, she still has decent stats, and functions well enough as a simple single-target Assassin.
  • Ryougi Shiki (Saber): Her NP’s multi-target instant death is best used for quickly clearing high HP mobs with low resistance. She sports poor damage output otherwise, with her skills instead focusing on keeping herself alive and healthy.
  • Amakusa Shiro: Valuable for his utility, which is in being able to clear all enemies’ buffs with his multi-target NP; this is very useful for some boss fights. His damage remains pretty average, sadly, and his other skills have very limited uses. 
  • Edmond Dantes: A versatile attacker with good stats, a decent skillset, and good NP and C-star generation. Further provides some utility with his Invincibility Pierce, debuff cleansing, Curse, and DEF debuffs on the enemies.
  • Florence Nightingale: Unique in that she’s a Berserker who specializes in healing. Also has high ATK/DEF buffs against humanoid enemies. Best if you want a support character who can punch through enemies as well if needed.
  • Medb: As an anti-Male specialist, she trades some raw damage in exchange for more utility, with how she can buff Male allies, lower enemies’ debuff resistance, and heal herself.
  • Helena Blavatsky: Provides a lot of offensive support for the party in terms of NP charge, C-star production, a boost to all card types, and DEF down to all enemies. While her NP can deal decent damage against enemy waves, she’s still held back by weak regular attacks, and a lack of defensive skills.
  • Iskandar: Possesses a wide array of offensive buffs for both himself and the team, and he makes good use of them with his hard-hitting multi-target NP. This does make him very one-dimensional, so he will need to rely on his teammates for everything else.
  • Shuten Douji: One of the few Assassins with an AoE NP, along with a high ATK stat. She also comes with both damage buffs for herself and debuffs for the enemy, including a Charm that works on all enemies, a DEF down, and a plethora of debuffs on her NP.
  • Nitocris: She has a very solid niche with her multi-target, instant deathl NP. Her skills all support that, with buffs boosting her instant death chances, and an NP charge that gets her to full NP instantly. 
  • Lancelot (Saber): His skillset has amazing synergy, and he’s capable of dishing out incredibly strong crits for the three turns that they’re up. His NP is no slouch, either, as he can do both good single-target damage and weaken the enemy’s defense further.
  • Leonardo Da Vinci: Able to charge up her NP very quickly with her skills and triple Arts cards, letting her easily clear some enemy mobs. However, she contributes little else to the party, and also lacks some key offensive buffs and defensive skills.
  • Illyasviel von Einzbern: A rare Caster with very high burst damage potential, given her buffs and single-target NP. She does come with some drawbacks, such as some of her buffs having a chance to fail to trigger, or the massive self-inflicted debuffs on her NP.
  • Chloe von Einzbern: A single-target Archer with an impressive capacity to pull off back-to-back NPs, what with her potent charge skill, card buffs, and high NP gain. 
  • Gilgamesh (Caster): Reliable offensive support, able to boost the entire party’s attack, defense, and C-star generation. He can put his own buffs to good use with his multi-target NP, which also reduces enemies’ DEF.
  • Mysterious Heroine X (Alter): A rare Quick-based Berserker who also gains higher damage multipliers against Saber enemies. While she’s able to do a lot of damage and provide C-stars for the team, she struggles to survive prolonged battles.
  • James Moriarty: High single-target and crit damage potential, on top of being able to buff certain teammates’ ATK and lower enemies’ DEF. His most important skill does have a tricky activation condition, however, so he requires some careful planning.
  • Arthur Pendragon (Prototype): Has a simple kit built towards unleashing his multi-target NP for one-turn bursts, especially strong against Giant Beast enemies. He lacks a lot of utility and has zero defensive ability, so he’ll need a lot of support.
  • Sessyoin Kiara: An attacker who packs a ton of debuffs, including the rare Arts resist debuff. She also comes with a sizable NP charge skill, along with several defensive skills such as invincibility, healing, and debuff resistance.
  • Passionlip: A veritable juggernaut. She’s able to protect the party with her taunt and defense buffs, keep her team healthy with party-wide healing, and still deal good damage with her Buster cards.
  • Penthesilea: She does what Berserkers do best: deal a whole lot of damage, especially to Men of Greek Mythology. What sets her apart is how her two powerful damage buffs also get applied to the entire party, letting everyone get stronger along with her.
  • Frankenstein (Saber): Packs a lot of power and utility, with the ability to quickly charge her single-target NP and use it repeatedly. Her skills do come with some self-inflicted debuffs, however, so she requires some careful use.
  • Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): Pretty consistent damage output, given her crit damage potential, single-target NP, and long uptime on her buffs. Some of her best buffs are highly situational, however, and require specific environment conditions to trigger.
  • Minamoto no Raikou (Lancer): Blessed with a strong, highly synergistic kit. Capable of strong crit damage, partywide ATK and C-star generation buffs, and a powerful NP that ignores enemy DEF.
  • Ishtar (Rider): Packs a couple of powerful skills with high uptime and low cooldowns. She can boost the entire party’s Buster and Quick cards along with their NP Gain, and she has an Evasion skill she can use quite frequently.
  • Parvati: Capable of both offense and party support. She has a good combination of damage buffs for her multi-target NP, while she can also heal and charge NP for the party.
  • Yagyuu Munenori: High NP Gain and Arts buffs means he can consistently use his NP. He also comes with multiple ATK debuffs to help the party survive. He’s only really held back by the short durations on his skills.
  • Osakabehime: Dedicated party support and utility for Quick teams. Notable for her NP, which boosts the party’s Max HP, DEF, and Quick cards. She can also charge an ally’s NP gauge or remove buffs from enemies.
  • Ereshkigal: Functions as a mix of offense and party support. For offense, she has a strong damage buff and a high NP charge. For support, she can provide a ton of buffs to the party, including ATK, DEF, NP Gain, and Max HP.
  • Semiramis: Unconventional Assassin with a triple Arts deck and a Buster NP. This does let her build her gauge quickly and fire off a strong NP. One of her strongest assets is a Buster Resist debuff, but it also comes with a tricky condition to activate.
  • Atalanta (Alter): A self-sufficient Quick-based Berserker who has all the tools she needs to deal high crit and NP damage. She can generate her own C-stars, absorb them, and buff her damage. She does appreciate some defensive support to survive longer.
  • Okita Souji (Alter): Provides impressive offense with her multiple damage buffs, along with her NP charge and C-star absorption. Her NP’s rare Buster resistance debuff can also be used to soften up the enemies for her teammates to defeat.

C Rank Servants

This is for characters who have some useful niches, but are otherwise rather average.

  • Nero Claudius (Saber): Nero’s skillset gears her towards surviving prolonged battles. Of note is her triple guts skill, letting her take lethal damage multiple times, along with her various self heals.
  • Siegfried (Saber): Siegfried’s entire kit is centered around building his NP and unleashing tremendous damage against dragon-trait enemies. While his damage potential is very high, his offense falls significantly outside of this niche.
  • Chevalier D’eon: Specializes in survival and taking hits for the team, with their multi-turn taunts, self-heals, and DEF buffs. Lacks any offensive presence whatsoever.
  • Robin Hood (Archer): Boasts incredibly high damage against poisoned enemies, thanks to his skills and NP. Outside of this, he suffers from subpar damage, but in the right situations he can take out bosses entirely by himself.
  • Atalanta: She provides decent support for Quick-based teams, what with her amazing C-star generation with her NP and her teamwide Quick buff. However, she’s highly reliant on her NP as well, and she struggles to do much with her regular attacks outside of crits.
  • Arash: He does surprisingly high damage on his NP, at the cost of killing himself in the process. This can in fact be used strategically, to easily switch in the next party member after Arash clears a pesky wave.
  • Elizabeth Bathory (Lancer): She provides incredibly high ATK buffs for her female party members, and she can further reduce the enemy’s defense. However, she needs the right team to shine, because otherwise her damage output is not enough on her own.
  • Marie Antoinette (Rider): Built for pure survival. Comes with invincibility, several heals, Charm, and debuff cleanse. Unfortunately, her damage is very poor as a result.
  • Saint Martha (Rider): Provides a lot of good utility for the party. She can heal, remove buffs from the enemy, and cleanse debuffs from her party. Her multi-target NP can also clear enemy mobs if needed, or lower the enemy’s DEF for other attackers to finish up.
  • Hans Christian Andersen: Packs incredible utility despite his low stats. He has a skill to quickly charge his NP, which then lets him apply ATK, DEF, and crit buffs for the party, alongside HP regen. Cheap, easy to obtain, and still very effective.
  • Lancelot (Berserker): Stands out among dedicated wave-clearers with his ability to generate a ton of C-stars with his NP, letting the team deal a lot of crits the next turn. With a little help, he can charge up his NP and do it all over again.
  • Tamamo Cat: A Berserker with a multi-target NP always finds some use in clearing enemy waves. However, her other skills, like her Curse or DEF up, have poor utility for her role, and her NP also stuns her afterward.
  • Elizabeth Bathory (Caster): Able to clear enemy waves with her damage buff and multi-target NP, while also able to provide some C-stars for the party. Her damage output is quite poor outside her NP, however, making her offense inconsistent.
  • Medea (Lily): She’s a dedicated cleric, offering powerful and frequent healing and debuff cleansing for the party. However, her damage is very poor in comparison, and she offers no offensive support, so she will need to rely on others for that.
  • Oda Nobunaga: Notable for her outstanding damage multipliers against Divine and Riding trait enemies. Outside of that, she’s still capable of dealing good crit damage.
  • Altria Pendragon (Santa Alter): Useful for pumping out high damage with her multi-target NP. Also capable of some measure of team support with her C-star generation and targeted healing.
  • Nursery Rhyme: A wave-clearer who possesses surprising durability with her self-heals and DEF buffs, and some critical potential. She does need a lot of support to make use of her crits, and she lacks her own damage buffs.
  • Frankenstein (Berserker): Possesses high damage potential against enemies waves, with her self-buffs and enemy debuffs combined. Held back by the self-inflicted debuffs that come with her skills and NP, such as a stun and a burn.
  • Beowulf: Very high burst damage with his buffs and single-target NP, and potentially strong crits. His buffs only last one turn, however, so his damage output is quite inconsistent, so he’ll need a lot of support.
  • Astolfo: Most valuable for his high NP charge, letting him use his multi-target NP very quickly and clear enemy waves. While he’s still quite weak overall, he has some added utility with Stun, C-star production, and Evasion on his NP.
  • Rama: Notable for his high crit damage buff, which also comes with a very low cooldown. While his burst damage is high, he needs team support to be able to crit consistently. He also gains a high damage buff against Demonic enemies.
  • Li Shuwen (Lancer): Has a high one-turn burst potential, through his single-target NP and powerful crits. His buffs are short-lived, however, and his damage falls significantly once they wear off.
  • Thomas Edison: Functions primarily as a support character, with a unique ability to boost the NP Overcharge level of an ally. He also offers C-star generation for the party, and can inflict Skill Seal and NP Seal on enemies.
  • Emiya (Assassin): His most unique skill is a targetable taunt, but he also comes with other utilities like DEF ignore, Invincibility Pierce, and enemy NP charge reduction. He struggles to build his own NP gauge, however, so he takes a while to fire off his NP.
  • Irisviel: Unique among other healer characters with her ability to provide party-wide Guts, which repeatedly lets the party survive even attacks from bosses that pierce defenses or invincibility.
  • Ibaraki Douji: Easily fills in the role of a single-target Berserker with her straightforward kit. Notably, her NP removes enemy buffs, allowing her to kill even bosses with Guts.
  • Tristan: Fits well in Quick-based teams with his good C-star generation. He also offers some great all-around utility with his party-wide evasion and enemy buff removal. He lacks his own damage buffs, however, and needs some help to deal more damage.
  • Gawain: Very high burst damage potential in the right conditions, given his multiple damage buffs, triple Buster deck, and Buster NP. His NP gain does get limited as a result, and he lacks a lot of defensive skills.
  • Marie Antoinette (Caster): Provides plenty of team support, particularly ATK buffs, Crit Strength, and C-star generation. She also has very good survivability with her invincibility skill. Fails to do much damage by herself, and also cannot support the party’s defense.
  • Anne Bonny and Mary Read (Archer): High potential damage with their crit capabilities and their NP’s increasingly high damage as their HP decreases. This can be put to good use with their 1HP Guts skill, but it’s still tricky to set up properly.
  • Mordred (Rider): Very high potential for using her NP several times in succession. Comes with high NP gain, an NP charge skill, and a strong Arts buff.
  • Scathach (Assassin): One of the rare multi-target Assassins, she also benefits from being an accessible welfare Servant, making her a reliable budget wave clearer. She can also function as an off-tank, with her Taunt, self-healing, and damage cuts.
  • Kiyohime (Lancer): High single-target damage potential, through a combination of her damage buffs and DEF debuffs on the enemy. She does have a notable lack of defensive skills and NP charging.
  • Saint Martha (Ruler): Offers a mix of offensive and defensive abilities. She has high lasting potential with her Ruler class, self-healing, and debuff immunity. She also packs a punch with her triple Buster deck and DEF-reducing single-target NP.
  • Elizabeth Bathory (Brave): Notable for her high damage single-target NP, boosted by her self-buff and its ability to ignore enemy DEF. Her third skill has some potentially very good effects, but the cost is far too high for a random chance to activate.
  • Vlad III (Extra): Best used against enemies with the Evil trait, given the damage multipliers on his NP. He can also support the party with his taunt skill and C-star generation.
  • Jeanne d’Arc (Alter Santa Lily): Capable of clearing enemy waves herself, or supporting the party with her targeted heal and ATK buff after her NP. Sadly, her buffs have short durations, so her usage is limited to one-turn bursts.
  • Gorgon: High burst damage potential, with her high ATK and crit damage buffs. However, she needs a lot of party support in providing C-stars, as well as in helping her survive prolonged battles.
  • Emiya (Alter): Overall a decent single-target attacker, with his various damage buffs and his NP that ignores enemy DEF. While he comes with some DEF buffs for himself, it’s often insufficient for him to survive stronger enemies, as he lacks Evasion or Invincibility.
  • Hessian Lobo: An attacker with great stats, good NP gain, and added utility of debuff removal. Unfortunately, his skills are a bit all over the place, letting him do several different things but nothing particularly well.
  • Chacha: A serviceable Berserker who can clear enemy waves with her multi-target NP and DEF debuff. Suffers greatly from her skills’ effects activating on a per-turn basis, even though she lacks the survival skills to last that long.
  • Suzuka Gozen: Fits incredibly well in Buster-Crit teams. With her skills and NP, she can clear enemy waves and generate a ton of C-star, which she can then use with her boosted crit damage.
  • Scheherezade: Notable for her increased damage against Sovereign enemies, which covers a fair amount of bosses. However, her offense is quite lacking on its own, and her other skills are highly situational.
  • Wu Zetian: Offers a good amount of damage support, as she can reduce enemy DEF and buff the entire team’s ATK and Quick cards. She lacks defensive skills, however, and requires proper support to utilize her various damage buffs.
  • Nitocris (Assassin): Her multi-target NP inflicts instant death, so she can be put to work in clearing weaker enemy mobs. She can also work as an off-tank, with her taunt and DEF up skills.
  • Helena Blavatsky (Archer): Provides decent team support with her partywide NP charge, C-star generation, and DEF debuff on all enemies with her NP. She is plagued by incredibly long cooldowns, however, and her own damage output is only passable, at best.
  • Tomoe Gozen: Packs offensive team support, strong criticals, and some survivability with a Guts and a Max HP buff. She lacks a true specialization, however, and is far from capable of carrying a team by herself.
  • Mochizuki Chiyome: Provides a decent mix of offense and debuffing potential. She can inflict Skill and NP Seals, along with stacking Curses. However, she is outclassed by other stronger Assassins in her damage role.
  • Kato Danzo: Notable for providing targetable evasion and invincibility buffs for the party. Outside of this utility, she struggles to do better than other similar Assassins, what with her low damage output and lack of other useful skills. 
  • Mecha Eli-chan: Reliable damage potential with her multiple class advantages, triple Buster cards, and strong single-target NP. She needs a good deal of defensive support, however, especially with her class’ lack of defensive advantage modifiers.
  • Mecha Eli-chan Mk. II: Exact same stats and skills as Mecha Eli-chan. See above.
  • Circe: There are few Casters with powerful, single-target NPs, and Circe certainly fulfills that function. She has Rapid Casting to immediately fill her gauge, along with a poison and DEF debuff. Her NP also comes with a unique stun that works on almost any enemy, and she can further support her party by clearing debuffs.
  • Nezha: With her skillset, she can either charge up her NP for multi-target damage, or buff her crit damage for single targets. She suffers from low multipliers on her skills, however, meaning other similar characters can outperform her in those niches.
  • Queen of Sheba: Capable of good team support, while also doing damage by herself. Provides strong ATK, Buster, and Arts buffs for the entire party, along with C-stars for crits. Has zero defensive ability, however, and no absorption skills to let her crit by herself.
  • Attila the San(ta): Fits well in crit-based teams. Provides various targetable buffs for herself and her teammates, able to boost their NP gauge, C-star generation, and NP strength. She herself makes good use of her own buffs, with her strong single-target NP.
  • Asagami Fujino: A single-target attacker with various utility skills. Most notable are her Buff Block and DEF ignore abilities, which can debilitate bosses. She also gets Sure Hit to prevent enemies from evading her attacks, as well as some damage cuts for survival.
  • Chiron: Great all-around Archer capable of offense, party support, and some self-protection. Most notable for his targetable all card buff, as well as crit damage up for the whole team.
  • Sieg: His signature dragon-slaying ability is often difficult to use, given that most dragons are Rider class and have advantage over his Caster class. What he does have is good NP-looping and wave-clearing potential, with his NP generation, NP charge, and Arts buff.
  • Sakamoto Ryouma: A rare Arts-based Rider with a lot of team support. He provides ATK and Arts buffs for the team, and he can charge everyone’s NP gauges, too. He is no slouch offensively, either, with his hit crit rates and strong single-target NP.

D Rank Servants

Average characters who are serviceable for some roles, but nothing special.

  • Altria Pendragon (Lily): Possesses a very one-dimensional skillset, geared towards buffing up and unleashing her multi-target NP. Unfortunately, her low stats means she still doesn’t do that much damage, and she has few other utilities for herself or the party. 
  • Gaius Julius Caesar: A decent budget option for a single-target Saber. He also provides ample team support, able to boost the team’s damage and crit capabilities.
  • Cu Chulainn (Lancer): A low-cost, common character who specializes in survival. His evasion and guts skills combined allow him to survive several turns even against the strongest enemies. His damage output is just average, but he can be nigh unkillable.
  • Cu Chulainn (Prototype): Combines decent survivability with some crit damage potential, especially with his special damage against Wild Beast enemies. Offers very little to the team, however, and he needs a lot of support to shine.
  • Leonidas: A low-cost meatshield who can taunt enemies and survive a beating. Further supports other characters by providing a party-wide Buster buff.
  • Medusa: An easy to obtain budget option for clearing weaker enemy waves. She comes with an NP charge and a brief damage buff to help her with her role, but she struggles to perform in prolonged battles.
  • Georgios: A pure tank, capable of redirecting damage away from the rest of the party with his long duration taunt. He keeps himself alive with healing, DEF buffs, and guts.
  • Edward Teach: For a low rarity Servant, he gives surprisingly good value for team support and offense. He can provide a few damage buffs to his allies as well as some healing, while his own ATK buff can be used with his multi-target NP to clear weaker waves.
  • Ushiwakamaru: Primarily a budget option for a single-target attacker, due to her availability. She also brings some team support with her party ATK and NP gain buffs, but there are better choices for those roles.
  • Alexander the Great: Provides decent support for Quick-based teams, with his partywide buffs and C-star generation. His multi-target NP can also be used to beat weaker enemy waves.
  • Medea (Caster): With her skills, Medea is capable of unleashing her NP turn after turn. It also has the useful effect of removing all buffs from the enemy each time. Unfortunately, that’s all she has, with her middling stats and lack of damage buffs.
  • William Shakespeare: A low-rarity Servant who’s nonetheless able to provide some offensive support for the party. Most valued for his teamwide Buster buff as well as his targeted NP charge.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Even for a 1-star character, he’s able to provide decent support. Able to generate C-stars, buff Arts cards, and debuff enemies’ ATK and DEF.
  • Sasaki Kojirou: Cheap but effective single-target Assassin with lots of crit damage potential. There are better options overall, but he is very easy to obtain, and can fill in the role as needed.
  • Hassan of the Cursed Arm: Can provide a lot of C-stars for the party, through both his skills and his good star generation. He struggles to deal much damage by himself, however, and his instant death mechanic is only good for trash mobs and not stronger enemies.
  • Stheno: Her signature anti-male instant death playstyle is far too unreliable, especially with an NP that deals zero damage. Best used instead as a utility support, especially with her ATK buffs for Divine party members.
  • Jing Ke: Her skills give her decent burst ability, able to deal strong crits and high damage with her single-target NP. However, her skills have poor uptime, and her damage is very inconsistent without proper support.
  • Lu Bu Fengxian: High damage potential, with his attack buffs and DEF-ignoring single-target NP. He’s still incredibly fragile, however, and struggles to build his NP gauge.
  • Spartacus: Primarily used as a decent budget option for farming mobs, with his NP charge and damage buff. His other main gimmick, his HP regen, is far too difficult for him to use, with his Berserker defenses and low HP pool.
  • Asterios: His main draw is his NP, which inflicts huge ATK and DEF debuffs on the enemy. With some support, he can stack these debuffs multiple times. He is still quite fragile, however, and lacks NP charge or generation skills.
  • Kiyohime: A Berserker with a simple kit: she’s all about boosting her damage and clearing enemy waves. Ultimately held back by her lack of survival skills and NP charge.
  • David: He provides some useful support, primarily in the form of a party-wide evasion, mild healing, and debuff cleanse. He offers little else, but he can save the party when in a pinch.
  • Anne Bonny and Mary Read (Rider): Their main gimmick is their one-turn burst damage at low HP, along with their buffed critical hits. However, it is very difficult to set them up, and their performance is below average otherwise.
  • Fergus Mac Roich: Sports a fair amount of damage buffs and defensive skills for himself, along with a multi-target NP. A lack of NP charging skills and only one Arts card means he struggles to build up his gauge to begin with, however.
  • Charles Babbage: While he has decent offensive skills, he struggles to make good use of them with his low offensive stats. Best relegated for clearing weaker enemy waves.
  • Fionn Mac Cumhaill: His skillset has no clear focus, and while the individual effects are decent, they have no synergy with each other. Further plagued by long cooldowns, low buff uptime, and poor offensive stats.
  • Kid Gil: Offers decent damage on his NP, as well as various potent debuffs such as Charm, NP Strength down, Crit Strength down, and Debuff Resist down. The effects last only one turn, however, and he lacks any form of defensive or survival ability.
  • Billy the Kid: Notable for two things: a high NP charge skill, and multiple crit damage buffs. However, he lacks the damage multipliers that other Archers of his rarity have, so his damage outside of crits falls short.
  • Hassan of the Hundred Personas: Has a potentially powerful kit, with a strong single-target NP. However, her damage buffs have a chance to fail to trigger, and her healing skill also removes all her buffs, so she’s tricky to use properly.
  • Tawara Touta: Carries a mix of offensive and defensive skills. Decent at clearing weak mobs with his NP and damage buff, and he also offers Max HP boosts for the party.
  • Bedivere: Has quite a powerful single-target NP, as well as some skills to charge his gauge and boost his damage. However, his regular attacks are quite weak, so he’s only really good for occasional burst damage.
  • Medusa (Lancer): She packs several survival tools, with her Charm, Stun, and Invincibility. Sadly, her damage output remains very poor, and her spot on the frontline can be better filled by many other characters.
  • Jaguar Man: She has decent burst damage potential with her high damage buffs. Unfortunately, she requires very specific environments for some of her buffs to trigger, so her full potential is unavailable most of the time.
  • Yang Qing: Suffers from low ATK and a lack of damage steroids, even for a 4-star character. He can generate a decent amount of C-stars for the team, but there is little else he can contribute.
  • Christopher Columbus: He comes complete with three different damage buffs, along with a decent NP charging skill. He is at least useful for clearing enemy waves.
  • Paul Bunyan: Despite her low stats and rarity, Paul Bunyan provides a lot of good utility for the party. She’s able to boost the party’s damage output, heal, and debuff the enemies, all while still being able to deal decent damage to enemy mobs.
  • Houzoin Inshun: A very unconventional attacker, whose NP deals no damage, but gives him massive buffs for three turns. He is very difficult to set up properly, but with the right support he can shred enemy teams with his powerful crits.
  • Avicebron: A decent low-cost option for clearing weak enemy waves. He comes with both damage buffs and an NP charge, so he has little problems setting up.
  • Antonio Salieri: There are better options, but he is a decent filler attacker, especially for Arts teams. Notable for his Avenger class and rare Arts resist debuff.
  • Okada Izou: As a legendary manslayer, Izou gains high damage multipliers against Humanoid targets, which covers a lot of bosses in the game. He struggles against other types of enemies, but in the right situations, he can put in the work.

F Rank Servants

These servants perform poorly in most situations, or are far outclassed by many others. They might have some niches, but it takes a lot of work to make them useful.

  • Gilles de Rais (Saber): Has a skillset that seems to be geared towards offense, but unfortunately comes with low attack power and an NP that doesn’t deal damage. Also suffers from a serious 50% DEF debuff along with his main damage buff, making him very prone to dying before he can even deal much damage.
  • Musashibou Benkei: His main draw is his Taunt skill, which at least lets him act as an expendable meatshield. Still, there are better Servants even for that role, and the rest of his skills only have very niche uses, on top of their long cooldowns and low success rates.
  • Romulus: While his skills might be decent individually, they have poor synergy with each other. He has self heals, targetable buffs, and multi-target damage, but he does none of these particularly well.
  • Boudica: Suffers from a bad set of skills and low stats. Has access to DEF up and Arts up, but there are far better options for those. Meanwhile, her anti-Roman niche is too specific to be of much use, not to mention she can barely make good use of it herself.
  • Gilles de Rais (Caster): Packs several debuffs, but most of them are low in effectiveness, or have very limited usage, such as a low chance to stun, or a small reduction in enemy ATK. Unfortunately, he also has one of the lowest ATK stats in the game, so he struggles to defeat most enemies.
  • Mephistopheles: His one saving grace is the rare ability to inflict Nullify Buff on enemies. Outside of this sole niche, his other skills have mediocre effects, while his damage output is very poor.
  • Cu Chulainn (Caster): His skills are all over the place, and it’s hard for him to even make good use of them. He has self-healing and evasion, but his poor offense means he doesn’t contribute much even if he does stay on the field; he has critical damage up, but he can’t inflict critical hits often. 
  • Charles Henri Sanson: He has unique damage bonuses against Evil or Human enemies, but the problem is that most major bosses lack the Human trait to begin with. For an offensive Assassin character, his damage is quite poor.
  • Phantom of the Opera: He has two possible uses: first, a fairly potent Charm against female enemies, and second, a multi-target NP that also lowers debuff resistance. While these can be valuable, he is significantly held back by a lot of other factors, such as long cooldowns, low stats, a self-inflicted DEF debuff, and poor NP generation.
  • Mata Hari: Her focus is on inflicting Charm and DEF debuffs on the enemy, but she’s held back by middling success rates and a Male-only limitation, unlike a few others with the same skill. As a 1-star Servant, she also has very low stats.
  • Caligula: Has several potent offensive self buffs, but they have accompanying drawbacks, including HP reduction, a chance to fail to activate, and a self DEF debuff. On top of this, his NP deals no damage, despite being an offense-oriented character.
  • Darius III: While he seems to be geared towards clearing enemy waves with his multi-target NP, he lacks both the damage buffs of other Berserkers and also their NP generation capacities. 
  • Eric Bloodaxe: While he has a few offensive buffs that give him passable burst damage, Eric is very fragile, and fares very poorly in prolonged battles. He only has a short buff uptime, paired with slow NP generation, so don’t expect him to stay useful for very long.
  • Hector: He’s serviceable enough in the earlygame, with his multi-target NP and semi-reliable stun. He quickly gets replaced as you go along, however, as he doesn’t fulfill any role particularly well, and there are far better options.
  • Diarmuid Ua Duibhne: Comes with a poor selection of skills, preventing him from finding any solid niche, especially with his subpar stats. His biggest advantage is his NP’s ability to clear enemy buffs, but he lacks any charge skill and suffers from poor NP gain.
  • Paracelsus von Hohenheim: He has a pair of useful skills with his NP charge and party Arts buff, but he struggles to be relevant and his damage output is very low, and what little support he can provide is outclassed by other characters.
  • Henry Jekkyl and Hyde: He has the very unique mechanic of changing from Assassin to Berserker, which boosts his HP and damage output. However, he also becomes extremely fragile, and his NP no longer has any effect once transformed. Ultimately, he requires too much support to fulfill his gimmick, which can be easily replaced by more straightforward damage dealers.
  • Geronimo: It is very unfortunate that he can’t even utilize two of his three skills properly. Only the Arts buff is of use to him, but even that has low uptime and multipliers. He has an all-target NP that simultaneously heals the party, but he struggles to fire it off to begin with as he has low NP generation.
  • Angra Mainyu: A very rare and unique character, whose main gimmick is to reflect damage received at higher multipliers. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to make use of this, as he has very low HP to begin with, and he’s prone to dying before he can contribute much.
  • Fuuma Kotarou: Fuuma is perhaps most valuable for his rare ability to give an evasion buff to any party member. Outside of this, however, his other skills are not too useful, and he suffers from poor damage and low stats.
  • Hassan of Serenity: Her kit is centered around inflicting various debuffs on the enemy, including Poison, NP seal, and crit rate down. Unfortunately, these debuffs aren’t terribly useful by themselves, and she struggles to carve a meaningful niche for herself.