In this FL4K pet build guide, I will be showing you the best abilities to go to buff FL4K’s pets and have them do the work for you. This FL4K pet build maximizes their damage and gives you a little something too.
This FL4K build can easily solo Borderlands 3 without much of an issue. While it isn’t the boss destroying FL4K crit build, it can perform sufficiently.
I’ve updated this over the years and even changed some trees to reflect this. The version you’re reading right now is the most current. Also, this pet build does great at mayhem 10 so don’t worry about scaling.
FL4K Pet Build Guide

The above image is a video that I will be basing most of the build on.
You’re going to be using the Loader pet for this FL4K build and dipping into the purple and blue trees. Previously, you only dipped into the blue tree, but the Loader is now one of the best pets for FL4K.

WAR Loader is a very important skill to equip, as it allows you to issue an attack command at infinite range (something you can’t do with any other pet). This makes this equip slot very important.

The key parts of this build:
- Faulty Star – this shield is mandatory for the build. It is what makes you do INSANE damage with your pet
- Take This (Purple Tree) – this gives your pet the shield
- Fuzzy Math (Purple Tree) – lets you “blip” your shield (explained below)
These three things are probably the most important part of the whole build. With Faulty Star, every time you take damage to your shield, you have a chance to trigger a nova around the enemy. Pairing this with “Take This” means that your pet now has a chance to do so as well, AND any pet damage bonuses increase this damage.
I think you see where I am going with this.

Fuzzy Math makes it so that whenever you or your pet do crit damage, you gain a percentage of your shield back. On high mayhem, this shield will likely be destroyed immediately. But that doesn’t matter since you’ll constantly be getting it back in small “blips”.
Fuzzy Math allows you to constantly have a shield available for Faulty Star to activate, which means you and your pet will almost always be triggering novas on enemies.
That’s why these three abilities are so important.
Gamma Burst is also an important action skill to equip, as it teleports your pet directly to you. You’ll want to equip this ASAP.
Avoid getting any survivability for your pet other than what is already recommended in the build. Mayhem scaling + not being able to die in Gamma Burst makes your pet practically indestructible.
You now have twice the freedom you used to when playing FL4K when it comes to his pets. I highly recommend you check out the video where this build came from, it is great and explains it in much more detail. This is just the short explanation for anyone interested in running this pet build.
Hope this helps all the FL4K’s that prefer rolling enemies with their pets.