Merlin Trials in the Forbidden Forest are the most enjoyable ones. This article provides the locations of all three Merlin Trial puzzles and also guides you on how to solve them in minimum time.
The Forbidden Forest is one of the most important locations that you must visit to collect quest items and magical creatures. The Merlin Trials in Forbidden Forest is yet another reason to explore the dreadful plantation. Players are obsessed with these puzzles because they increase your gear capacity and grant inventory expansions. But how can you find and solve all these puzzles in one go? Well, this article offers complete guidelines to aid your cause.
The Forbidden Forest:
The Forbidden Forest is the massive tree plantation in the north of Hogwarts Castle. This spooky forest has been a part of almost every movie and book from the Wizarding World. However, the region has never been explored to its full potential, even by Newt Scamander. Fortunately, Hogwarts Legacy gives you the opportunity to explore the realized version of the forest without worrying about the deadly magical creatures, even if you are Ron Weasley. The Forbidden Forest is home to several magical plants, beasts, and treasures that you can explore on your own. Furthermore, there are three Merlin Trials Puzzles that you can solve for some extra XP and other bonuses.
Forbidden Forest Merlin Trials:
As mentioned before, there are three Merlin Trials puzzles in the Forbidden Forest. However, all three of them are unique, and you must solve them with the appropriate technique to proceed any further. Moreover, finding the location of each puzzle in the extremely dense forest can be pretty challenging. The good news is that each puzzle is located next to a familiar landmark. So, without any further delay, here’s how to solve the Merlin Trials of the Forbidden Forest:
Puzzle 1: Lighting the Torches
The first Merlin Puzzle in the Forbidden Forest is quite a simple one. All you need to do is to find and ignite all three torches in the area. However, the torch will start to descend into the water as soon as you light it, and the goal is to keep them lit simultaneously. To find the Merlin Trials puzzle, start at the Jackdaw’s Tomb, and go across the lake to find the puzzle stone.

Once you reach the puzzle site, try to locate the Merlin Trials stone, it is a unique stone with the shape of a large circle spiraling into a smaller one. After finding the stone, interact with it using Mallowsweet Leaves to initiate the puzzle. Next, you must use the Revelio spell to reveal the location of all three torches. If the spell doesn’t reveal all of the torches, turn around while casting the spell.
The first brazier is behind the spider web near the fallen tree, close to the Merlin stone. You can easily burn the web with either Incendio or Confringo. Similarly, the second brazier is near the slope, east of the Merlin stone. Finally, the third and final brazier is near the lake; you can spot it by looking toward the Jackdaw’s Tomb. After spotting all three of the torches or braziers, stand near the Merlin stone and use Confringo as quickly as you can. All three torches are of the same height, so the order to ignite them doesn’t matter in this case. After completing the puzzle, a cutscene will be triggered, revealing the monument on the Merlin stone.

Puzzle 2: The Moonlight Puzzle
The next Merlin Trials puzzle is quite a simple one, but without proper guidance, it can take a lot of your time. The goal of this puzzle is to lead the clusters of butterflies to the Moonlight gem stone pillars to activate them. The only problem is that you must lead the butterflies to the pillar by using Lumos, which doesn’t work out very efficiently. So, you must remember the location of the pillar and carefully lure the butterflies by casting Lumos several times on your way to the pillar.
The Moonlight Merlin Trials puzzle is located to the east of the Hippogriff Den. However, you must vanquish the animal poachers to access the Merlin stone site.

Activate the Merlin stone by using Mallowsweet Leaves and use the Revelio spell to reveal the location of all three pillars. Next, you must find all three clusters of butterflies and lead them to the nearest pillar to activate the gem. The first cluster is inside the cave behind the Merlin stone. You must use Confringo at the rocks to reveal the butterflies. The second cluster is behind the vines near the animal pelt. You must clear the vines by using Confringo to reveal them. Finally, the last cluster is inside the wooden tower, right behind the Merlin stone. Lead the butterflies to the pillars using Lumos to activate the Moonlight gems and complete the puzzle.

Puzzle 3: The Platforming Stones Merlin Trial
The final Merlin Trials puzzle in the Forbidden Forest is the most challenging one. The goal of this puzzle is to knock off the cairn stone piles and parkour along the large stone slabs without falling. It may sound easy, but the platforms are widely gapped, and you must pass without touching the ground. The platforming puzzle is located north of The North Ford Bog Entrance.

Initiate the puzzle with Mallowsweet Leaves and use the Revelio spell to reveal the location of all of the pillars. Next, you must knock off the cairn stone piles off the stone pillars with either Confringo or Incendio. After knocking off the stones, hop onto the wooden box and jump to the first stone pillar. After that, you must follow the course counterclockwise (to the left) till you reach the final pillar. Each successive jump triggers a green flash. However, if you fall at any point, you must restart the course from the first pillar. The monument cutscene will start after you complete the parkour course.

We hope you enjoyed this guide on all three Forbidden Forest Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy.