Many different choices can be made in Hogwarts Legacy, from lying to your Professor to choosing your house. Some of these choices matter little, while others can change how the story progresses.
In your first potions class, you are given the option to help out a fellow student with a plan to create an interesting potion. However, he needs your help. With access to the Professor’s lab, he wants you to grab a fwooper feather for him. Garreth Weasley promises you won’t be caught, as Professor Sharp won’t miss the common ingredient.
So should you take the feather and help Garreth? Or say no altogether and stay out of potential trouble?
Helping Gareth Weasley

If you choose to steal the fwooper feather and help Garreth, he will then brew a potion that goes horribly wrong, sparking fireworks and smelling awful. Sharp will chastise him but also know that he received help from you.
You have the option of lying and denying your participation or admitting you did help Garreth.
If you lie, he will chastise you for the deception. If, however, you tell the truth, he will commend you for being truthful, and you will avoid any punishment. You will also receive a positive response from Garreth.
Refusing to help
If you refuse to steal the fwooper feather and decline to help Garreth, he will still end up causing havoc in the classroom. Garreth won’t harbor any ill will toward you, but you won’t have any conversation with Sharp or Garreth about the incident after.
Regardless of your choice, most of the events stay the same and don’t change the story much. You miss a few lines of dialog and the option to be forthcoming, but you won’t set off a cascading set of events that change the ending or anything. So if you were worried about your choice, don’t be!