Hogwarts Valley Merlin Trials - Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough - Nerd Lodge
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Hogwarts Valley Merlin Trials – Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough

There are 16 Merlin Trials in the Hogwarts Valley region. However, they can be hard to find, let alone solve them. Therefore, this article provides a detailed guide about all of the Hogwarts Valley Merlin Trials and how to find/solve them in Hogwarts Legacy.

The renowned wizard Merlin belonged to the Slytherin house. He was very fond of riddles, so he left numerous puzzles around the Wizarding World. The good news is that your house doesn’t matter when solving the infamous Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy. These puzzles are a fun way to explore the vastness of the open world and prove your worth as a young wizard. Furthermore, completing each Merlin Trials puzzle grants you extra XP and inventory capacity boosts.

Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Valley:

There are 16 Merlin Trials locations in the Hogwarts Vallery region. All of these puzzles are different variants of the original nine puzzle types. So, you will have no trouble solving them if you know the essential tricks. The bigger problem is finding these puzzles, understanding their requirements, and solving them with the appropriate techniques. Here is how to solve all Merlin Trials in the Hogwarts Vallery region:

Puzzle 1: Small Stone Balls

The first puzzle in the Hogwarts Valley region is quite a simple one, with no added tricks. All you need to do is to find the small stone balls and move them to their respective stone pressure plates. You can find the Merlin stone site by moving southwest from the lake in the valley, as shown in the picture.

Puzzle 1: Small Stone Balls  - merlin trial

After reaching the puzzle site, use Mallowsweet leaves to initiate the puzzle. There are three stone holes and three stone clusters in the area. The first set of stones is in the north of the Merlin stone, behind some rocks. You can easily spot the stone balls by using the Revelio spell. Next, use Confringo to break the rocks and reveal the cluster of stone balls. Finally, use the Wingardium Leviosa spell to guide the balls to the hole at the end of the slope, west of the Merlin stone.

The second cluster of stone balls is atop the cliff north of the Merlin stone. You can easily spot the cliff as it is the only higher platform in the area. Use the Wingardium Leviosa spell from where you spot the balls and guide them to the holes at the bottom of the cliff (to the right side).

Finally, you must use your Broom to fly up the cliff for the last cluster of stone balls. To find these stones, fly in the direction of the hanging flags till you spot a campfire right behind them. Use the Wingardium Leviosa spell to guide the stone balls inside the wooden structure to the holes in the cliff parallel to the camp. Some stones may get caught up in the rocks, so make sure that all the stone balls make it to the holes to complete the puzzle.

solving this trial -cluster of stone balls is atop the cliff

Puzzle 2: Small Balls in the Goblin Camp

The next puzzle in the Hogwarts Valley region is pretty much the same as the previous one. However, for this puzzle, you must drag the stone balls to their respective holes. The puzzle site is located just northwest of the small tree plantation in the area, as shown in the picture:

Puzzle 2: Small Balls in the Goblin Camp  merlin trial

Initiate the Merlin Trials puzzle by using the Mallowsweet leaves on the Merlin stone. After starting the puzzle, use the Revelio spell to reveal the location of all nearby holes. There are three holes in the area that you must fill with stone balls to complete the puzzle.

To find the first cluster of stone balls, walk through the iron gate near the Merlin stone. The stone balls are placed on the ground near the wooden boxes behind the gate. Next, you must use the Accio spell to drag the stone balls and place them in the holes near the campfire behind the iron gate.

The second stone holes are above the stairs to the right of the iron gate. Climb up the stairs, and you will see a stone structure in front of the holes. Use the Accio spell while aiming at the stones from the holes to catch them, then move back to guide them to the holes.

The third stone hole and the cluster of stone balls are a little tricky to find. To reach this site, you must run toward the eastward wall of the camp. Use the Revelio spell to reveal the location of the holes and the stone balls. The stone balls are trapped behind some vines under the slope of the camp wall. Use Incendio to burn these vines and free the stone balls. Finally, use Accio to drag the stone balls and guide them to the holes to complete the Merlin Trials puzzle.

Accio to drag the stone balls

Puzzle 3: Destroy Small Stones

The third Merlin Trials puzzle in the Hogwarts Valley region is the easiest one to solve. All you need to do is to destroy the 9 small stone faces placed on top of pillars to complete the puzzle. To reach this area, you must go directly south from the tressure vault or north from the tree plantation, as shown in the picture:

Puzzle 3: Destroy Small Stones

After initiating the puzzle using the Mallowsweet leaves on the Merlin stone, use the Revelio spell to reveal all nearby stone faces. Next, you must either use Confringo or Incendio while aiming at the stones to destroy them.

The first two stone faces are in the east of the Merlin stone. The next stone face is above the large rock in front of the Merlin stone, and the next three are located near the large boulder behind the puzzle site. The next two stones are behind the large rock in the south, and the last stone face is behind the trees in the south; you can reveal it with the Revelio spell.

use Confringo or Incendio

Puzzle 4: Lighting the Braziers

The fourth puzzle is a time-based one, as you must act quickly to light up all three braziers simultaneously. The brazier will start to descend into the pond as soon as you ignite it. Depending on its height, you get limited time to find and ignite the remaining ones before the time runs out. You can find this puzzle on the eastern shore of the river, near Central Hogwarts Valley region, as shown in the picture:

Puzzle 4: Lighting the Braziers

This puzzle is quite a simple one if you manage to ignite the braziers in the correct order. After initiating the puzzle, go near the river bank and use the Revelio spell to reveal the first two braziers. The last brazier is slightly ahead of the second one on the river bank. After finding all the braziers, ignite them in the order of first, last, then the middle one as it is the shortest. You can use Confringo to light up the braziers to complete the Merlin Trials puzzle.

ignite the braziers in the correct order

Puzzle 5: Moonlight Challenge

The fifth puzzle will surely test your patience. The goal is simple, find the cluster of Lacewing Flies and guide them to the nearest Moonlight stone. You can find this puzzle site by going west from the Kidnapped Cabbage quest area, as shown in the picture:

Puzzle 5: Moonlight Challenge

Start the puzzle with Mallowsweet leaves and cast Revelio to reveal the location of the activated Moonlight pillars. The clusters of Lacewing Flies are near the Moonlight pillars; they glow, so you won’t have any trouble finding them. Go near a cluster and use the Lumos spell to attract the butterflies. Next, you must walk to the Moonlight pillar to activate it. Repeat the process for the remaining pillars to complete the Merlin Trials Puzzle.

use the Lumos spell to attract the butterflies

Puzzle 6: Giant Stone Ball in Brocburrow

The next Merlin Trials puzzle in the Hogwarts Valley region can be a little tricky, depending on your experience. To solve this puzzle, you must hit the giant stone so that it rolls into the massive hole below the slope. You can find this Merlin puzzle site in the south of Brocburrow, as shown in the picture:

Puzzle 6: Giant Stone Ball in Brocburrow

Start the Merlin Trials puzzle and move south from the Merlin stone, past the talking NPC (ignore him for now). Continue walking till you spot a giant hole in the ground. You can use Revelio to confirm its location. Next, continue running uphill till you find a bunch of rocks, use Confringo to break them. You will find a large boulder behind the rocks. Go behind the boulder and hit it a few times to set it in motion. You must run behind the boulder and guide it with Confringo to the hole at the bottom of the hill. The puzzle will complete once the boulder sits inside the hole.

The puzzle will complete once the boulder sits inside the hole

Puzzle 7: Stone Platforms

The Stone Platforms Merlin Trial is probably the most challenging one so far. To solve this puzzle, you must complete a parkour course on the large rock platforms without touching the ground. The location of this puzzle site is in Brocborrow, as shown in the picture:

Puzzle 7: Stone Platforms

Start the puzzle and use the Revelio spell to reveal all rock platforms. Next, fly to the hill next to the platforms on your Broom and break the stone figure with Confringo. Finally, jump on the first platform to begin the parkour course. The key is to keep running after your first jump and stop at the third platform, as it is short. Jump on the fourth platform to complete the course and solve the puzzle.

begin the parkour course

Puzzle 8: Destroy Stones Pillars

For the next puzzle, you must destroy 5 stone pillars in the area to complete the task. You can find the Merlin stone for this puzzle by traveling northeast from the Keenbridge area, as shown in the picture:

Puzzle 8: Destroy Stones Pillars

After initiating the puzzle, use the Revelio spell to reveal all 5 stone pillars near the stone. Next, aim at the pillars one by one and use Confringo to destroy them. The challenge will be completed when you have destroyed all 5 pillars in the area.

The challenge will be completed when you have destroyed all 5 pillars in the area.

Puzzle 9: Giant Stone Ball in Keenbridge

The Giant Stone ball Merlin Trial is pretty much the same as the previous one. However, it would be best to get the Depulso by completing professor Sharp’s Assignment 1 before starting this puzzle. Otherwise, you will have a hard time guiding the ball with Confringo and Accio spells. You can find this Merlin Trial near Keenbridge, as shown in the picture:

Puzzle 9: Giant Stone Ball in Keenbridge

Start the puzzle and move west till you spot a large stone ball (use Revelio to confirm it). Next, use the Depulso spell to move the ball to the other side of the fence over the wooden ramp. When the ball is on the path, again use Depulso and guide it across the bridge. The giant hole in the ground is direct to the left of the bridge. So, guide the ball into the hole to complete the puzzle.

use the Depulso spell to move the ball

Puzzle 10: Moonlight Challenge in Keenbridge

The tenth puzzle requires no tips and tricks. All you must do is find the Lacewing Flies and guide them to their respective Moonlight pillars using Lumos. You can find this puzzle directly to the west of Keenbridge, as shown in the picture:

Puzzle 10: Moonlight Challenge in Keenbridge

The flies will glow, and you can reveal the Moonlight pillars using Revelio. So, you can’t mess this up even if you want to. However, it would be best to cast Lumos after every jump to catch the fireflies after you lose them.

cast Lumos after every jump

Puzzle 11: Destroy Stones in Keenbridge

The task is simple, find and destroy all 9 small stone faces to complete the challenge. You can find this Merlin Trials puzzle near the Ancient Magic Hotspot in Keenbridge, as shown:

Puzzle 11: Destroy Stones in Keenbridge

After starting the puzzle, the first three stone balls are located directly to the north of the Merlin stone. Next, fly on your Broom to the roof of the western structure to find three more stones. Finally, jump through the southern ledge and proceed into the next room to find two stones in front of you, and the last one is hidden behind the wall. You can break everything for this puzzle using the Confringo spell.

Puzzle 12: Stone Platforms in Keenbridge

For this puzzle, you must jump on all three stone platforms without touching the ground. This puzzle is located between The Grim and the Infamous Foe near Keenbridge, as shown:

Puzzle 12: Stone Platforms in Keenbridge

The puzzle is simple, and you can stop to balance before proceeding to the next platform.

parkour merlin trial

Puzzle 13: Repair Statues

The next puzzle is slightly different from the rest. To complete this trial, you must repair the broken stone statues using the Reparo spell. This puzzle is located in the southwest of Keenbridge, as shown in the picture:

Puzzle 13: Repair Statues

Three stone statues will break after you initiate the puzzle. Your goal is to find and repair all three statues to complete the trial. You can use Revelio near the statues to reveal their locations. The first statue is on the edge of the hill, east of the Merlin stone. The second statue is hidden behind vines, south of the Merlin stone. Finally, the last statue is under the tent to the west of the Merlin stone. You must use the Reparo spell on all of them to complete the trial.

use the Reparo spell

Puzzle 14: Stone Platforms in Keenbridge

For this puzzle, you must jump over the 5 stone platforms without touching the ground. You can find this puzzle slightly to the southeast of Keenbridge, as shown:

Puzzle 14: Stone Platforms in Keenbridge

The key is to keep running while jumping on platforms. After you complete the four aligned platforms, move back to the third and jump on the platform to your left to complete the Merlin Trial.

running while jumping on platforms

Puzzle 15: Giant Stone Ball

You can find this Merlin Trials puzzle near The Mine’s Eye in the Keenbridge area, as shown:

Puzzle 15: Giant Stone Ball

After starting the puzzle, head north till you find a large stone ball. Push the stone ball downhill by hitting it a few times. The ball will start to move downhill on its own, but you should guide it to the hole in the ground if it moves out of the way.

Push the stone ball downhill by hitting it

Puzzle 16: Lighting the Braziers

The final Merlin Trials puzzle in Hogwarts Valley is directly to the north of The Mine’s Eye, as shown:

Puzzle 16: Lighting the Braziers

To complete the trial, you must light up all three braziers in the area. The first two are located on opposite hills, behind the Merlin stone. The final brazier is behind some wooden crates near the stone. So, you must break the crates and then light up all braziers such that the nearest one is ignited at the end.

light up all three braziers in the area


Merlin Trials provide a fun way to explore and interact with the Wizarding World in Hogwarts Legacy. Moreover, they also grant you extra XP and boost your weight capacity. There are 16 Merlin Trials in the Hogwarts Valley region. So, this article provides a detailed guide about finding and solving all of them without getting into trouble.