In probably one of the most frustrating designs in gaming history, the quest The High Keep, where you have to “climb the battlements,” requires you to chain together a couple of spells you’ve learned along the way to climb an otherwise out-of-reach area. Before starting this quest, you must learn Wingardium Leviosa, a non-combat version of Leviosa.
Sadly, for my sanity, even though the quest requires you to learn the new Wingardium Leviosa, you are actually supposed to use regular ol’ Leviosa.
So here’s the full walkthrough on how to climb the battlements.
How to Climb the Battlements

First, use Depulso on the door winch. This will open up the gate and allow you to use the box inside. Use Wingadium Leviosa on the box and bring it over to the wall you need to climb.
Now, once you have it there, use your regular version of Leviosa. The one you’ve been using before.

Doing this will make the box float so you can climb on top of it and reach the ledge. There. You have officially climbed the battlements. Congratulations!
You can also stand on top of it and then use Leviosa as well. It doesn’t matter which way you decide to use it.
Enter the Gatehouse

The next step in the quest is self-explanatory, but before you can enter the gatehouse through the hole, you will need to go around and use Wingardium Leviosa on the box blocking the path. Once you’ve done this, go through the hole and continue the quest.
Opening the Gate

Hopefully, this helps. Good luck!