Ark is fun and all with these dinos and all the interaction that you can do with them. But you always need to have some sort of weapons and tools to tame these creatures and to protect yourself. And for crafting these items you need various ingredients.
Cementing Paste is one of those essential ingredients. This is a must requirement when you are ready to craft some of the advanced weapons and tools for your journey. The Turret is most commonly used by players to protect their bases. And for this, Cementing Paste is a must ingredient.
So, how to get Cementing Paste in Ark? Actually, we have several different ways for that. Players can either collect the ingredients to craft Cementing Paste or they can use creatures to directly obtain it.
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Ways to Get Cementing Paste in Ark
We can try a few different ways to obtain Cementing Paste. Not all of them work the same way. For each one of them, you will have to come up with a different strategy. Some of you might find it easy to craft Cementing Paste rather than using any creature to harvest it.
So, we are taking a good look at each one of the methods.
1. Crafting Cementing Paste

This can be the easiest method for some of you guys. Actually, for those of you who can get the ingredients easily. There are not so many ingredients needed to craft Cementing Paste. However, one of the ingredients is sometimes tricky to obtain.
So, here is what you need.
- 16x Chitin, Keratin, or Shell Fragment
- 32x Stones
This will give you 1x Cementing Paste. By the way, you need to have constructed the Chemistry Bench to craft Cementing Paste. If you don’t have one then get it first and only after that you can move forward to craft it.
2. Using Creatures to Obtain Cementing Paste

This method is based on taming a few creatures that can harvest Cementing Paste for us. Each one of them has a different strategy for obtaining Cementing Paste.
The first creature is Beelzebufo. This creature has the ability to produce Cementing Paste. What it does is it eats insect creatures such as Titanomyrma, Meganeura, Jug Bug, Glowbug, and Insect Swarm. This allows Beelzebufo to naturally create Cementing Paste.
The second creature is Castoroides. This creature doesn’t require to be tamed in order to collect Cementing Paste. In the wild, you can see the Giant Beaver Dams. These are constructed by the Castoroides. These dams usually contain a large quantity of Cementing Paste. Additionally, these dams can get you Rare Flower, Rare Mushroom, Silica Pearls, and Wood.
The last creature is Achatina. This creature has an ability called Wander. While this is active, the creature will produce Achatina Paste passively. This is a substitute for Cementing Paste. To collect this paste you can either assign the duty to Gacha. Otherwise, you can pick the paste manually.
These are all the possible ways that can get you Cementing Paste in Ark. Crafting may be difficult for some of the players. So, they can try the creatures. That is a way easier and quicker method.
Where do I Find Cementing Paste in Ark?
Cementing Paste can only be crafted or harvested with the help of few creatures that we have discussed above. However, if you are looking to loot it then you can find the Giant Beaver Dams. They are constructed by the Castoroides. These dams contain a large quantity of Cementing Paste. But, beware of the Castoroides. They can attack while you are looting their dams.
What Animals Drop Cementing Paste?
No animal or creature drops Cementing Paste in Ark. Although, you can tame Achatina that produces Achatina Paste passively. This is an alternative to Cementing Paste and you have to collect it manually or with the help of Gacha. Otherwise, it will be despawned after some time
What is the Fastest Way to Get Cementing Paste in Ark?
The fastest way to obtain Cementing Paste is to have a creature by your side that passively produces it. Achatina is the only creature that produces it passively. That is the fastest way of getting Cementing Paste. You can also tame Beelzebufo, this creature also produces Cementing Paste but it needs to eat insects first.
So, there you have all of the possible ways of getting Cementing Paste in Ark. This includes crafting it at Chemistry Bench using just 2 ingredients. And the other ways require using creatures. In this, you can tame the creatures and you can also loot their home such as the Giant Beaver Dam.
The other two creatures Beelzebufo and Achatina can be tamed and used to passively produce Cementing Paste. In my opinion, using the help of creatures is the fastest and most efficient way.
Hopefully, you have found our guide useful and enjoyed it.