Crushed beast bones are a material you don’t pay much attention to until you start upgrading your potions somewhere around level 30. Then, all of a sudden, you notice how little you have.
This article will focus on where to get crushed beast bones and the best locations for farming them quickly. If you’d like to check out our other guides, like our Necromancer guide for Diablo 4 or Sorcerer guide, please do so.
Where to Get Crushed Beast Bones in Diablo 4?

The best place to farm crushed beast bones in Diablo 4 is in cellars or dungeons that have only beast-type mobs inside. Mobs like spiders, wolves, bears, etc., are the only type that drops crushed beast bones. Werecreatures count as well.

Your best locations to find these types of enemies are going to be the Flooded Mine, the cellar by Nevesk (starting zone), Sarat’s Lair (dungeon southeast of Cerrigar), and a cellar near Sarat. Those are the absolute best locations for finding crushed beast bones.
If you decide to farm Sarat’s Lair, don’t complete the dungeon. Instead, defeat all of the enemies leading up to the final boss of the dungeon and then teleport out. Wait a few minutes and the dungeon will reset, allowing you to farm it all over again and get even more crushed beast bones.
For me, it only took a single run through Sarat’s Lair to get all the beast bones I needed for the potion upgrade. But, the drop rate is very low so don’t expect to get it as quickly.
And that’s about it. This is a relatively short guide because the answer is simple, but feel free to check out our other Diablo 4 guides while you’re at it!