How To Get Every Form in V Rising (Quickly) - Nerd Lodge
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How To Get Every Form in V Rising (Quickly)

In V Rising, you have access to many different forms, Wolf, Rat, Bear, Bat, Human, and Toad. All of these forms have various powers that help you during the game. For example, the Wolf form makes you move 45% faster when you’re in it. So, today I will be showing you how to get every form in V Rising as quickly as possible.

How to Unlock the Wolf Form in V Rising

how to unlock the wolf form

To unlock the Wolf form in V Rising you need to extract the V blood from the alpha wolf located at the Wolf Den.

The image below will show you where to find the Alpha Wolf on the V Rising map.

Alpha Wolf Location V Rising

The Alpha Wolf is a level 16 boss so you can defeat them pretty early on in the game. In fact, getting the wolf form early is recommended as it increases your movement speed tremendously.

What does the wolf form do in V Rising? It increases your movement speed by 45% when you are in wolf form. This is incredibly important early game and speeds up your progress throughout the game.

How to Unlock the Rat Form in V Rising

Rat form V Rising

To unlock the Rat form in V Rising you need to craft and defeat the Putrid Rat. After defeating the Putrid Rat boss you will have access to the Rat form.

The Rat form isn’t the most straightforward of the forms to get. For starters, you don’t actually go out and find this boss on the map like the others, like Quincey or Clive. Instead, you actually have to craft an item to summon the Putrid Rat in your base.

You can check out our Putrid Rat guide for more information on how exactly to summon the Putrid Rat, but here is a brief tl;dr on how to craft the Putrid Rat:

  1. First, build a Vermin Nest in your castle
  2. Next, you will need 1 Twighlight Snapper, 4 Fish Bones, and 8 Grave Dust
  3. Once you have all these items you can craft the Putrid Rat and he will spawn within 20 seconds
  4. Finally, defeat the Putrid Rat
How to craft the Putrid rat

The boss fight isn’t that hard for the Putrid Rat and if you have servants they will start to help too.

What does the Rat form do? The rat form makes it easier to sneak past guards in settlements so you don’t have to fight an entire camp. This makes the form extra useful for farming runs.

How to Unlock the Bear Form in V Rising

Ferocious bear location

To unlock the Bear form in V Rising you have to extract blood from the Ferocious Bear in the Bear Cave area. Once you have taken the blood from the Ferocious Bear boss, you will have access to the Bear form.

how to unlock bear form v rising

The Ferocious Bear can be found at the Bear Cave and is a level 36 boss. Make sure to bring some friends with you or at least be around the same level as the Ferocious Bear to make the fight easier.

crush bear form v rising

What does the Bear form do? The bear form gives you access to several useful abilities, the most important of which is Crush. Crush allows you to destroy massive resource objects, but more importantly, allows you to destroy breakable environments. This means you can use the Bear form instead of the minor explosive when trying to get to Quincey the Bandit King.

How to Unlock the Human Form in V Rising


To unlock the human form in V Rising you need to head to Dawnbreak Village and extract blood from Beatrice the Tailor. After beating this boss you will have access to the Human form which allows you to navigate around other humans freely.

Beatrice the Tailor doesn’t really count as a boss, as she just runs away the whole time.

The human form is useful when you want to interact with some traders, however, some people can still detect you. Also, your blood consumption is high in this state so you won’t last long in it.

How to Unlock the Toad Form

Duke of Balaton location

To unlock the Toad form in V Rising you must be THE DUKE OF BALATON, a giant toad, and extract the V Blood. Afterward, you will have access to the Toad form, a form that allows you to jump high.

The Duke of Balaton can be found in the Swamp of Greed, in the northernmost part of the map.

What does the Toad form do? It mainly just lets you jump high. Not a whole lot of practical application here.

How to Unlock the Bat Form in V Rising

How to Unlock the Bat Form in V Rising

To unlock the Bat form in V Rising you will need to beat Nightmarshal Styx the Sunderer who is located on the roads of the Cursed Forest. After beating Nightmarshal Styx, you will unlock the Bat form, which allows you to fly all over the map in V Rising.

Nightmarshal Styx the Sunderer location

You can find Nightmarshal Styx in the cursed forest walking along one of the many roads in that location. He is a level 72 boss but isn’t really that difficult if you’re around his level.

Once you’ve beaten him you have access to the final and most useful of all the forms, the Bat Form. The Bat form lets you fly across the map and shortens travel time tremendously. Sadly, you can’t be carrying a bunch of resources in this form, so it is mainly used to scout or get to somewhere important quickly.


And that is all of the forms in V Rising and how to unlock all forms. If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments.

Hopefully, this form unlock guide for V Rising helps! Good luck out there.

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