Exquisite hearts are one of the most difficult materials to farm in V Rising. They serve as the primary ingredient for making Primal Blood Essence. The Primal Blood Essence becomes one of the most important Reagents you can have in your arsenal towards the endgame as it enables you to craft a number of different, powerful items, along with leveling up your Castle.
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How to Get Exquisite Hearts in V Rising?

Exquisite Hearts can only be obtained by defeating certain types of enemies in specific locations. This is why many V Rising veterans claim that obtaining Exquisite Hearts is so time-consuming and difficult. However, once obtained, your horizons in the game expand exponentially.
With that being said, let us dive deep into finding out how you can get your hands on those bright red Exquisite Hearts in V Rising.
Exquisite Hearts Location

Exquisite hearts can primarily be found by defeating the enemies at the following three locations:
Silverlight Hills

Your best shot at Exquisite Hearts at the Silverlight Hills is to head West towards Brighthaven Square, Brighthaven Cathedral, Brighthaven Docks, and Brighthaven Slums. Here you will come across many different enemy types such as Priests, Knights and Paladins who can, potentially, drop Exquisite Hearts when defeated. However, make sure that you consume Holy Resistance Flask before entering this location because almost all the enemies here will have some sort of Holy attack in their arsenal.
A personal tip that I can provide is to only engage with Priests, Knights and Paladins who are above Level 68. Any enemy below Level 70 is highly unlikely to drop Hearts when defeated.
Additionally, Priests, Knights and Paladins respawn every 24 hours. This means that if you keep heading to the Silverlight Hills after 24 hours, you will find these enemies that you defeated previously, again roaming the area. By beating them every 24 hours, you can continuously farm Exquisite Hearts.
Cursed Forest

Here, you can head on towards Lurker Dwelling and Witch Hut to find your fix of Exquisite Hearts. At Lurker Dwelling, you will come across Night Lurkers and Cursed Bears amongst other Cursed Creatures. Defeating them will be no mean feat, therefore only head towards this location when you are sufficiently levelled up and prepared.
After clearing Lurker Dwelling, Witch Hut can offer you Hearts once you defeat the magical witches that roam this area. I recommend that you stock up on ranged attacks before entering Witch Hut.
Dunley Farmland

At the Dunley Farmlands, head straight towards Gloomgrave Village where you will find Werewolves expecting your arrival. Werewolves can be tricky enemies because of their speed so be sure to stock up on several different attacking options when heading here. You will find loads of Werewolves at the Gloomgrave Village, and if you survive, you can expect to come back with a good number of Hearts.
One thing that I’d like to add is that Werewolves only spawn at night in V Rising, therefore, only head to Gloomgrave Village at night.
With this guide, I hope that you can quickly farm as many Hearts as required. You will have some work cut out for you, but if you stay consistent, and respect the grind, there is no way that you don’t obtain enough Exquisite Hearts to craft Primal Blood Essence and further use this to craft other valuable endgame items such as the Legendary Blood Key.