Farming items in V rising can be a huge chore, especially if you don’t know where to look for them. One of the most important and difficult items to the farm is Ghost Shrooms in V Rising. Ghost Shrooms are magical mushrooms that provide a buff to your stamina when you consume them. You can find Ghost Shrooms all over the Cursed Forest, an area in the Northern part of the map. However, you will find most of them in the Nest of the Curse Weaver. Where you’ll first have to beat Matka, the Curse Weaver. We’ll be covering more of how to get Ghost Shrooms below.
Location 1: Nest of the Curse Weaver

The Nest of the Curse Weaver is located in the northwestern region of the Cursed Forest. Here, pay special attention to the peripheries of pathways for that is where the Ghost Shrooms in V Rising are mostly found. They can be easily recognized by the blue hue that they emanate. Once identified, go near them and use your sword to farm. As simple as that!
But wait, here you will also most likely meet Matka, the Curse Weaver. A formidable enemy who rules the Nest of the Curse Weaver. She will make your life quite difficult which is why I recommend that you defeat her before starting on your mission to farm Ghost Shrooms.
How to Beat Matka?

Matka is one of the highest-level bosses in the game. She is level 72, so you will have to make sure that you have the best gear and are leveled up enough to survive the battle. Before engaging her, try to just study her move set and dodge her attacks so that she doesn’t catch you by surprise.
Matka has two main attacks: she can throw orbs that are like guided missiles, following you around for a while until stopping. She also has an AoE attack that summons a red circle to follow you around, dealing constant damage. The best way to beat her is to simply circle around her and get in attacks whenever you get the chance to do so.
Boss Fight Rewards
Defeating Matka gives you the UnstableMosquito ability. Which allows you to summon a mosquito that chases the enemy and explodes after 1 second. The attack deals huge magical damage and afflicts your enemy with Amplify, dealing 25% damage for 5 seconds.
Location 2: The Ancient Village

However, if you are just starting out in V Rising and are therefore, at a low level. And you cannot fight Matka just yet, you might want to roam around the Ancient Villages to hunt for Ghost Shrooms. The Ancient Villages are located to the West and East ends of the Cursed Forest and contain lots of loot including Ghost Shrooms. These two villages are also home to lots of witches who are likely to drop Ghost Shrooms once defeated.
Thoroughly farm the two Ancient Villages and kill its resident witches to obtain tons of Ghost Shrooms in V Rising without the hassle of dealing with Matka. Additionally, other items that you can also farm at the Ancient Villages are valuable Iron Ore and Grave Dust.
Well, I hope this guide helps you get lots of Ghost Shrooms while also helping you deal with Matka.
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