In World of Warcraft Shadowlands, to craft your classes Legendary item, you need to complete the quest “Final Pieces“. One of the items that you have collect are called missives. And, if you are like me, you probably have no clue where or how to get the missives for your legendary item.
To acquire a missive for your legendary in World of Warcraft Shadowlands, you need to either have the inscription profession (or a friend with such profession) or you can simply purchase the missives from the auction house for a pretty penny.
Keep in mind that as per mission requirements, you will need to get two different missives. For example, with my Ret Pally, I chose Haste and Mastery. I recommend that you check what your stat priority is for your specific class before choosing (as it does make a large difference). To do so check your stat priorities over at icy-veins.
There are four missives to choose from:
- Missive of Critical Strike
- Missive of Haste
- Missive of Versatility
- Missive of Mastery
Again, you’ll be attaching two of these stat bonuses to your legendary so choose wisely.
And before you ask, no, you cannot change your missives once you have crafted your legendary. So please do your research beforehand.
How to Craft Missives with Inscription

Crafting missives in Shadowlands is super easy. Just get inscription and collect the following items:
- Luminous Ink (6)
- Umbral Ink (4)
- Tranquil Ink
- Dark Parchment
Once you have those materials collected you can craft the missives yourself (and make a pretty penny if you sell them to other players!).
And that’s all there is to it. Getting missives in Shadowlands is pretty straightforward but not explained incredibly well in-game. Hopefully this helps you get your legendary!