Elden Ring is very generous in rewarding the players who spend a lot of time in exploration. The most obvious evidence of this mechanism is that all Legendary weapons, armors, and mythical magic spells are found by traveling deep into the Lands Between. Moreover, the side quests in Elden Ring often reward you with better equipment than the main ones.
For instance, the Pest Threads is a powerful incantation, suitable for all character classes. However, you can only acquire this skill by completing a side quest and speaking with an optional NPC. You can find numerous other examples of the great rewards that side quests bring in the game. For now, if you have seen your online buddies use this Incantation and are wondering how to get the Pest Threads in Elden Ring, this article will serve you well.
Table of Contents
What Is the Pest Threads Incantation?

The Pest Threads is probably one of the most powerful incantations in Elden Ring. It is a spell that shoots hideous Pest Threads toward your enemies, dealing fire damage on contact. Moreover, the threads also slow down the movement of your enemies, giving you time to breathe and regenerate your HP or FP. Furthermore, it only costs 19 FP to use this Incantation, and you only need 11 Faith to equip it. So, it is a useful incantation for Strength, Dexterity, and Faith-based character builds.
However, Elden Ring doesn’t give such a strong incantation to everyone. Instead, you must divert from the main storyline and take a few hours to complete a side quest and explore the lore. It may seem like a lot, but I guarantee that you will not regret this decision.
How to get the Pest Threads?
The only way to get the Pest Threads Incantation is by purchasing it from Gowry at his Shack inside Caelid. However, the item isn’t available for purchase unless you complete Millicent’s quest line by curing her of Scarlet Rot. The only way to cure her ailment is by collecting a few important items for her before speaking with Gowry at the Shack.
The Unalloyed Gold Needle

The Unalloyed Gold Needle is the first item that you need to collect for Millicent’s quest line. You need this needle to inject the potion that cures her illness. However, you can only get this item by defeating Commander O’Neil. He is a challenging boss that you can fight in the middle of the Aeonian Swamp. Once you defeat this humanoid boss, you will receive his signature weapon and the Unalloyed Gold Needle from his corpse.
The Golden Needle is exactly the item you need, but it needs to be prepared before giving it to Millicent. After getting the Golden Needle, take it to the Lonely Sage and discuss the matter with him. After exhausting the dialogue, he will prepare the Golden Needle for you. Next, visit Gowry and exhaust her dialogue before visiting the Church of the Plague. Here, you will see Millicent weakly standing against a wall in the corner. Interact with her to ask about her problem and give her the Unalloyed Gold Needle at the end.
It will take some time for the Golden Needle treatment to work. So, you should visit the nearest Site of Grace and rest there before paying her a visit again. When the recovery duration is complete, you will find Millicent in a perfectly well condition; that’s your clue. Speak with her again to receive the Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom as your reward. This is a useful Talisman that greatly boosts your Dexterity.
The Valkyrie’s Prothesis

This marks the end of Millicent’s quest, but you are still far from buying the Pest Threads Incantation. After receiving the quest reward from Millicent, head to Gowry’s Shack in Caelid, where you will find Millicent and Gowry. However, don’t speak with her yet; instead, head to the nearest Site of Grace and return to refresh the world. This time, Gowry will be sitting in her chair, and Millicent will not be present. Exhaust his dialogue about how she has been searching for her arm and how she tried everything to cure Millicent. After finishing the dialogue, she will show you her shop items. The problem is that the Pest Threads Incantation will not appear until you help Gowry with her arm.
So, head to the Altus Plateau and travel toward the Shaded Castle on your Torrent. Alternatively, if you have already discovered the area, you can directly fast travel to the Shaded Castle Site of Grace. Make your way to the top floor of the Castle, where you will find a Knight guarding a mysterious chest. The Valkyrie’s Prothesis is inside the chest, so you must defeat the Knight to reach it. Search the chest after dealing with the Knight to receive the Valkyrie’s Prothesis.
Finally, head to the Erdtree-Gazing Hill Site of Grace or use the fast travel option if you have already discovered it. Go north from the Grace till you spot Gowry looking out towards a hill. Speak with Gowry again and give her the new arm (the Valkyrie’s Prothesis) to open new items in the shop. After receiving her thanks, open her shop and look for the Pest Threads Incantation in the merchandise. However, you can only purchase it if you have 7,500 Runes in your pouch, so you better start saving.
Why isn’t the Pest Thread Incantation showing up in Gowry’s shop?
Gowry’s shop is available after you complete Millicent’s quest line by curing her Scarlet Rot illness. However, the shop doesn’t offer the Pest Threads Incantation unless you help Gowry with her arm problem. You can give her the Valkyrie’s Prothesis near the Erdtree-Gazing Hill Site of Grace to solve her problem. After completing this quest, the Pest Threads will now be available to purchase in her shop for 7,500 Runes.
Who is the best merchant for spells and incantations?
Gowry from Millicent’s quest line is one of the most resourceful merchants for magical spells and incantations in Elden Ring. You can fully unlock all the wares from her shop by completing Millicent’s quest line and giving the Valkyrie’s Prothesis to Gowry. Once fully unlocked, you can purchase the Night Maiden’s Mist, Glintstone Stars, Pest Threads, and Night Shard from the shop.
What is the Pest Thread Incantation?
The Pest Threads is probably one of the most powerful incantations in Elden Ring. It is a spell that shoots hideous Pest Threads toward your enemies, dealing fire damage on contact. Moreover, the threads also slow down the movement of your enemies, giving you time to breathe and regenerate your HP or FP. Furthermore, it only costs 19 FP to use this Incantation, and you only need 11 Faith to equip it. So, it is a useful incantation for Strength, Dexterity, and Faith-based character builds.
How to cure Millicent’s Scarlet Rot?
Millicent can be found standing weakly against a wall in the Church of the Plague. The only way to cure her illness is by giving her the Unalloyed Gold Needle. You can get the Golden Needle by defeating Commander O’Neil, a challenging boss that you can fight in the middle of the Aeonian Swamp. After acquiring the Golden Needle, take it to the Lonely Mage to prepare it before giving the Unalloyed Gold Needle to Millicent at the Church.
Who is weak against the Pest Threads in Elden Ring?
The Pest Threads is a powerful incantation that deals physical and slight magical damage to all enemies. It slowly drains the HP of all enemies and slows them down for a while. Moreover, it is potentially useful against a few major bosses like the Elden Beast and the Dragonlord Placidusax. The main reason is that the Incantation treats all body parts (wings, legs, horns, etc.) separately. So, the bigger your enemy, the higher damage the Pest Threads Incantation will inflict.
Elden Ring is a rewarding game, especially for players who like to explore side quests. Almost all Legendary weapons, armaments, and spells in the game can only be acquired by exploring deep into the lore. For example, the Pest Threads is one of the most powerful incantations in the game. However, you can only acquire it by helping two optional NPCs with their health problems.
After completing the quest line, you can purchase the Incantation for 7,500 Runes from Gowry. Still, confused about how to get the Pest Threads in Elden Ring? This article covers all the important steps for your journey to uncover the secrets of the Lands Between.