You need to collect an endless list of items in Ark to keep going farther and making progress. Sometimes things get easier to find and you collect them way more simpler. Although, you might experience a halt in your journey if the required item couldn’t be found.
Silica Pearls in Ark are one of the important items in Ark to get your hands on. These are really easy to obtain but can only be found in specific spots. There is no need to harvest them, you can either pick them up with your hands or even faster with a creature.
Why is it an important item? Well, you need it when you are crafting saddles for some of the popular creatures such as a Brontosaurus. Also, the Silica Pearls are required when you are crafting the Riot Armor Set.
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Ways to Get Silica Pearls in Ark
It’s not that hard to get Silica Pearls. It’s rather a simple job to get done. We don’t need any tools or something exceptional in order to harvest them. What you really need to do is find the right spot and pick them up.
So, on the Island map, you can find them around the Snow Biome. The exact spot can be found in the ocean around the Snow Biome on the Island map. The best way to find them is to visit these spots at night. Silica Pearls tend to shine during the nighttime. So, it will be quite easy to spot them.
Silica Pearls are usually found in the clams. Each one of these clams can get you around 4 to 5 Silica Pearls. And if you are planning to gather a huge amount then you should visit the Underwater Caves in the Snow Biome. But, be sure to keep yourself safe from the cold.
The water is freezing cold and you will need a proper armor suit. You can try a Fur Armor suit, it dries quickly to protect you from cold.
1. Using Creatures to Collect Silica Pearls

Using creatures in harvesting any item in Ark is the fastest and most efficient way. You can always upgrade their stats to increase their yielding ability. The same goes with the Silica Pearls, but you cant increase the yielding power here. This is because you are not harvesting them, instead just collecting them.
So, which creatures you can have for this job? Well, we have only a few that can help us with it. Let’s have a look at them.
The first one is Anglerfish. We know that Silica Pearls can be picked up from the oceans. So, we need to have creatures that can go underwater. Here we have one of the best creatures that can collect Silica Pearls at the fastest speed right from the ocean. This creature will make it a lot easier for you to collect more clams in less time.
The second one we have is Otter. You might already know this creature. This is another great creature to collect Silica Pearls. Even this can also collect Black Pearls for you. But if we talk about efficiency then it has better efficiency in collecting Silica Pearls. This is definitely a good time to have by your side.
2. Hunting Creatures to Obtain Silica Pearls

Interestingly, we can get Silica Pearls in Ark by hunting some creatures as well. That’s another great option for you guys to get a good amount of it. This can be done pretty easily. You just need to kill these creatures and harvest their corpses.
To harvest the corpse, you can either use a tool or creatures such as Direwolf and Sabertooth can do that for you. Here are the three creatures that drop Silica Pearls.
- Trilobite
- Eurypterid
- Leech
Once you find any of these creatures, use any weapon of your choice to kill them. Then simply with help of a tool or a creature, harvest their corpse to yield Silica Pearls.
3. Giant Beaver Dam

This is another simple yet efficient method to gather Silica Pearls. You might have heard about or have seen the Giant Beaver Dams in the rivers. These dams are great spots of loot. The dams built by Giant Beavers contain a few different items.
We can loot Silica Pearls and a few other items as well including Cementing Paste, Rare Flower, Rare Mushroom, and Wood. These dams can be found near rivers. The Beavers around the dam will become aggressive as soon as you try to loot. It’s better to kill them all first.
Uses of Silica Pearls

Silica Pearls have some important uses in Ark. Mainly this is required when you are crafting saddles for most of the creatures. Also, the Silica Pearls are needed to craft the Riot Armor Set.
Here are some of the recipes that use Silica Pearls.
- Bronto Platform Saddle can be crafted using 550x Hide, 325x Fiber, 90x Metal Ingot, 125x Silica Pearls, and 45x Cementing Paste.
- Electronics can be crafted using 3x Silica Pearls, and 1x Metal Ingot.
- Quetz Platform Saddle can be crafted using 620x Hide, 400x Fiber, 180x Metal Ingot, 220x Silica Pearls, and 120x Cementing Paste.
- Riot Chestpiece can be crafted using 70x Polymer, 40x Silica Pearls, 10x Hide, and 4x Fiber.
- Riot Shield can be crafted using 120x Polymer, 200x Crystal, 120x Silica Pearls, and 40x Metal Ingot.
These are some of the major uses of Silica Pearls in Ark.
What is the Fastest Way to Get Silica Pearls in Ark?
The fastest way to collect Silica Pearls is collecting them from the ocean with the help of a dino. And don’t forget to do this during nighttime. This will make it easier for you to spot the Pearls. And a creature will do the gathering of Clams a lot faster.
Looting from the Giant Beaver Dams is also a great option. But it can get you in trouble sometimes because of the beavers protecting the dams. As soon as you loot the dam, all the beavers will become aggressive and attack.
So, here we wrap our guide for how to get Silica Pearls in Ark. This has covered all the possible ways to get Silica Pearls. The best way to obtain them is gathering the clams from an ocean using an efficient creature such as an Anglerfish.
Hopefully, you have enjoyed the guide and got your answers as well.