The large number of talismans created by From Software allows you to get important bonuses. Among them is the Claw talisman, which gives a bonus to the jumping attack. But the limited number of slots to equip them is a problem. In this list, we will not only tell you where to find this powerful talisman but also the pouches to combine it with other equally powerful talismans.
When you start your adventure in Elden Ring, your character can only equip one talisman. As there are dozens and dozens of them scattered around the map of the Midlands, including some really powerful talismans, such as the legendary ones, you will surely feel an urgent need to find a way to be able to use more.
This is where the valuable talisman pouches come into play.
Table of Contents
How Do You Get 5 Talisman Slots in Elden Ring
You might be wondering how to unlock all 5 talisman slots in Elden Ring. The good news is that they’re pretty straightforward and can’t be missed. It may surprise you, but there are only 3 total pouches in play, which may seem like a pretty low amount. In total, this allows you to equip 4 talismans. It is possible that From Software will add more with DLC in the future, but nothing is guaranteed. Beware, the list below contains some spoilers and tips for the game’s bosses.
Here is the full list of where to find all 5 talisman slots in Elden Ring:
1st Talisman Pouch: Margit
As you probably already know, the first pouch is held in the game by the first boss in the story, Margit, who guards the entrance to Castle Storm Veil, north of Necrolimbo. Leaving the tutorial, just follow the path to the north, following the light of grace points.

2nd Talisman Pouch: Enia, the two-fingered maiden
Things get more complicated for the second pouch, as you need to have obtained 2 Major Runes. The most logical and easiest boss order in this area is to finish Godrick and then Rennala, but using summoning and festival well makes getting Radahn’s pretty easy, at least when you know what to do. By traveling far enough or killing Margit, you’ll gain access to the Round Table.
Getting your first Major Rune will open up access to the Two Fingers and Enia, the special vendor. Upon finding a second Major Rune, you will only need to talk to Enia to obtain the precious pouch. Note in passing that you don’t need to have restored the Major Runes in a divine tower to unlock the purse, but it would be a good idea to do so anyway.

3rd Talisman pouch: Godfrey, first lord of Elden
For the third and last pouch (for now), you have to go to Lyndell, the royal capital, east of the Altus Plateau. It is almost impossible to access the area without obtaining 2 Major Runes. And that’s a good thing since that’s what you had to do to get the previous pouch.
Reach the Altus Plateau through the Dectus Lift, or the Makar Core Dragon Dungeon, or even through the Captive Maidens, then head northeast to enter the capital, after facing the Sentinel Dragon in the tree. An even more complex alternative is to take the teleporter to the north of the Deep.

Once in the capital, you have to reach the wing of the giant dragon, climb the ruined walls, then the roots of the world tree to reach a high shrine where a boss awaits you: a Ghost. Memory of Godfrey, first lord of Elden. By killing him, you will get the pouch.
Finally, note that the talisman pouches are kept in New Game + mode. You do not need to collect them again. With all the pouches found, it’s now time to find the Claw Talisman.
Claw Talisman

Jump attacks are much easier to use in Elden Ring than in previous games, as there is a dedicated button for this action and there is no need to run to activate it anymore. By combining this with a heavy attack, your target will take massive damage and be smashed to the ground.
Against bosses and special enemies, it also allows you to break their stance faster to inflict a critical hit. Accumulating damage bonuses on this type of attack allows you to kill many targets in one hit. Getting your hands on the Talisman of Claw is therefore a priority for many builds.
Where is the Claw Talisman in Elden Ring

In order to obtain this precious talisman, the first step is to defeat Margit at the entrance of the Storm Veil Castle.
The following is a bit tricky given the complex structure of the castle. Start at the Fallen Grace of the Tower and then walk across the rooftops. Climb to the high edge through the overturned column. Walk along the wall, keeping to the edge, until you reach a staircase leading to an open section with armed soldiers positioned for an ambush.
After killing them, make use of the ladder to climb to the top of the castle’s large watchtower. It’s one of the highest points in the dungeon, so it’s fairly easy to spot. You will reach its roof, there are eagles there and a corpse with the talisman.
Effect of the Claw Talisman
When equipped, this talisman increases the damage of melee jump attacks by 15%. This effect stacks with the armor that also applies this enhancement, which increases jump damage by 10%. As its effect is multiplicative, it grants a damage bonus of about 26% on jumping attacks, which is quite impressive if you make use of a colossal weapon in each hand.
Now you know how to get the Claw Talisman Elden Ring. With these pouches to carry it, are you already killing bosses with powerful jump attacks? Tell us in the comments how it went!