Even though Stardew Valley is a real-life farming simulation game, this game does not just dwell solely on farming inside your town. You can say that this is a very complex game with a dynamic nature.
One of the most exciting features that you will encounter in playing Stardew Valley is the thrill of collecting and gathering different items to craft another item. Consequently, it sometimes confuses the players especially if an item requires a specific tool in preparing it.
As you progress with the game, you will definitely be needing to craft wine in Stardew Valley, and through this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about crafting wine in Stardew Valley.
Table of Contents

Wine is one of the artisan goods that you can craft in-game. Aside from the satisfaction that you can get after successfully crafting artisan goods, it also has several uses. Even though it looks like something that is not necessary to have, it is still safe to say that you will be needing this, and will also come in handy after some time.
Because of this fact, players want to know how to craft wine. But to tell you, besides crafting it yourself, there are also different ways to obtain this.
One way to acquire wine is by purchasing it from the Traveling Cart. This stops by at the south of The Farm located in Cindersap Forest on Fridays and Sundays until 8:00 PM. Another one is through the Statue of Endless Fortune. This will produce a regular quality wine on Harvey’s birthday. Lastly, you can receive it as a gift at the Feast of the Winter Star, or on New Year’s Day from either Leah or Elliott.
Now, before you can proceed in crafting your first wine, there are still a few things to know – a specific farming level requirement and a keg.
Farming Skills Level Requirement

Even though Stardew Valley is just a game, you still have to make an effort in upgrading your skills. The reason behind this is the rewards that you can obtain as you level up your skill.
Before you can start crafting wine in Stardew Valley, you must first craft a keg. However, you can only learn to craft a keg once you reach level 8 of your farming skills. You might think that it’s still a long way to go before you reach this level, but it actually only takes a while as soon as you start consistently plating and growing crops.
How to Craft a Keg

The keg is the most important tool that you must have if you are into producing artisan goods. This can be obtained by crafting after you reach your farming skill level 8.
In this section, we will tell you how simple it is to craft a keg.
After obtaining the crafting recipe, you will just have to collect the needed materials to craft it.
A keg requires 30 wood, 1 copper bar, 1 iron bar, and 1 oak resin.
Steps in Making Wine

Now that you have already known the requirements for you to craft wine, let us now move on to the crafting process itself.
To start making wine, simply walk and stand next to your chosen keg. Choose any fruit that you want and place it inside the keg. After that, you must wait for seven Stardew Valley days before it is ready to be collected.
As mentioned, any fruit can be used to make wine. However, a different fruit will also result in a different type of wine.
Aging of Wines

Your wine journey does not just stop there. After you craft wine, there are still so many things you can do with it. One of the best things you would consider doing with your wine is to age it.
Aging wine is a good stunt if you plan on making a hefty amount of money through wine-making as it improves the quality of the wine. To be able to age wine, you must first upgrade your farmhouse to its maximum level. In doing so, you will unlock the cellar with 33 casks ready inside. Even so, you can still craft new casks if you would want to.
In crafting a single cask, you will just be needing 20 pieces of wood and hardwood.
In aging a specific wine, access your inventory and pick one wine. Make sure you are holding it and stand next to an empty cask, and transfer it there. After that, the wine is better off left there until it is ready.
An aged wine can range from silver, gold, or iridium. The longer the aging process, the better quality it has. If you plan on aging the wine up to the iridium quality, you must wait for 2 seasons in-game.
Meanwhile, removing wine from casks depends on your desire. There will be a marker on the cask to determine that it has already been raised one quality. If you are okay with silver or gold quality wine, then it is also good to go. To remove it, just hit the cask with any tool. By hitting it, you will get the aged wine while also not breaking the cask.
Effects of Wines

As mentioned from the beginning, crafting wine on your farm has a lot of uses. And in this section, we will be enumerating the uses and effects of wine in Stardew Valley.
Regeneration Effects
Just like any other food and beverage in-game, wine can also be consumed by the player and also has a regeneration effect.
Consuming regular wine gives you 50 energy and 22 health. A silver wine grants you 70 energy and 31 health. While a gold wine replenishes 90 energy and 40 health. Lastly, an iridium wine restores 130 energy and 58 health.
Buffs are also a thing in Stardew Valley. This feature temporarily affects the stats of the player – either for the good or for the better.
In terms of the wine, consuming it makes the player tipsy and experience a -1 speed. This buff lasts for 30 seconds.
When you want to sell your wine without aging it, the cost will be three times the value of the fruit used in making it. While if you chose the artisan profession, it will boost the base price of the wine by 1.4.
Moreover, the value will also age like a fine wine if you raised the quality of the wine by resting it in a cask. A silver wine will cost thrice the base price times 1.25. For a gold wine, thrice the base times 1.5. Lastly for the iridium wine, thrice the base times 2.
Lastly, wine is a well-liked gift by most villagers. Harvey and Leah love this gift so you might want to consider giving this to them, especially on their birthdays.
As I have mentioned, this is a well-liked gift by many people in Stardew Valley. These villagers are Abigail, Alex, Caroline, Clint, Demetrius, the Dwarf, Elliott, Emily, Evelyn, George, Gus, Haley, Jodi, Kent, Krobus, Lewis, Linus, Marie, Maru, Pam, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Sandy, Shane, Willy, and the Wizard.
Even though a lot of people like this, there are still some villagers who hate receiving wine in Stardew Valley. These are Jas, Leo, Penny, Sebastian, and Vincent.