Open world games are all about giving as much freedom to the players as possible in a controlled environment. Sometimes, they include optional characters to talk to, irrelevant stories to explore, unknown locations to find, and optional quests to follow. However, FromSoftware Inc likes to take things a few steps ahead in their games. They include optional bosses and optional quest lines, and almost all Legendary weapons are hidden in mysterious locations.
On top of that, the game doesn’t exactly tell you what to do or how to complete the quests. So, players are often clueless about what to do next, especially when they find a mysterious key that goes somewhere. For example, imagine playing an optional quest, and the NPC gives you the Sewer-Gaol Key without explaining what to do with it. If you are also stuck with such a problem and are wondering how to reach the sewer gaol in Elden Ring? This article will answer all your questions!
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How to get the Sewer Gaol Key in Elden Ring

The Sewer Gaol in Elden Ring is one of the most important locations for completing the Dung Eater quest line in Elden Ring. However, the location is only accessible after you get hold of the Sewer Gaol Key. So, if you plan on completing the Dung Eater quest line, this article can help save you time.
The Dung Eater is an NPC in Elden Ring that only appears after you reach Lyndell, the Royal Capital, or the Volcano Manor region. He first appears as a red spirit or, rather, a standoffish one who doesn’t really offer you anything. When you interact with him for the first time, all he does is welcome you with threatening dialogues.
Seedbed Curse
Later on, the Red Spirit Dung Eater is found at the Roundtable Hold, where he sits cross-legged in a corner. However, even then, speaking with him will not yield any results unless you possess something that he needs. This special item is nothing else but the Seedbed Curse. There are multiple locations to acquire this item, but the easiest one is right where you first meet the Dung Eater, i.e., the Royal Capital. Once you enter the capital from the main gates, after defeating the Tree Sentinel boss, you must progress enough to unlock the East Capital Rampart.
Start in Rampart and head out the main doorway on the left to reach the walls. Continue along the walls till you reach the fire-breathing enemy. After dealing with it, jump from the right and through the door to reach the small elevator. This elevator will take you down to a large building with a golden dome. Use the ladder on your right and go to the top of the structure to reach a secret room with a corpse. Search the corpse to get your Seedbed Curse.
With the Seedbed Curse in your possession, fast travel to the Roundtable Hold and look for the red spirit. Speaking with the Dung Eater this time will open up a whole new dialogue. Exhaust his conversation to receive the Sewer Gaol Key at the end. This point marks the beginning of your quest to reach the secret Sewer Gaol in the Lands Between.
How To Reach the Sewer Gaol in Elden Ring

The Sewer Gaol Key is an important item to free the Dung Eater and complete his quest line. The red spirit you meet at the Roundtable Hold is only his projection, and his real body is locked inside a secret room. So, it is your duty to use the Sewer Gaol Key to free the Dung Eater from his prison. Unfortunately, the Sewer Gaol prison is hidden from plain sight in the underground section of Lyndell, the Royal Capital. The good news is that you can easily reach this location if you know exactly where to look for it; that’s where this guide will come in handy.
To reach the Sewer Gaol in Elden Ring location, start in Lyndell, the Royal Capital, and head to the very center of the city. Here, you will find the Avenue Balcony Site of Grace; rest there to save your progress, as there are no checkpoints beyond this location. After resting, head down the staircase that you can spot right in front of the Avenue Balcony Site of Grace. Once you reach the bottom, head straight from the doorway and immediately turn left towards the railing.
Jump above the railings on the left to reach the ground floor. From here, continue northeast till you find a large hole in your path. Take a leap of faith in the hole to reach the underground section of Lyndell, the Royal Capital. This area marks the start of the prison area, but you are still a little far from the Dung Eater. After reaching the underground section, follow the path in the northwest, through the first door and past the large rabbit-like rats.
Moreover, you will also encounter some plants that spill poison on you. You can easily avoid these hurdles by quickly navigating through the sewer tunnel without stopping. You will find a ladder at the end of your path, climb it and take the first door on your right to reach the Sewer Gaol. Alternatively, you can look for a barred door with a few broken bars to find your way. Use the Sewer Gaol Key on this door to free the Dung Eater from his miserable captivity.
What is the red spirit in the Roundtable Hold?
The red spirit that you find near the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold is actually a projection of the Dung Eater. His physical body is locked away behind a secret Sewer Gaol in Elden Ring in the underground section of Lyndell, the Royal Capital. He asks for your help by giving you the key to the barred door to free him from captivity.
What to do with the Sewer Gaol Key?
The Sewer Gaol Key is given to you by the Dung Eater in exchange for the Seedbed Curse. You will first spot him when you enter the Royal Capital, but he will only give you the key at the Roundtable Hold. Once you get the key, you must make your way to the Royal Capital sewers. Follow the path in the sewer tunnel to reach the Sewer Gaol, where you must use the key to free the Dung Eater from captivity.
Why is the Dung Eater so important in Elden Ring?
The Dung Eater quest line is important if you want to acquire his armor and the Mending Rune of the Fell Curse. You can start his quest line by freeing him from the Sewer Gaol prison. After that, you must feed him five curses to complete the quest line and receive the Mending Rune of the Fell Curse as a reward. Moreover, you can kill him after finishing the quests to acquire the Dung Eater armor set.
How to reach the Lyndell Sewers?
The entrance to the Lyndell, the Royal Capital sewers is from the Avenue Balcony Site of Grace. Start at the Site of Grace and head down the stairs to reach the lower city region. From here, jump through the railing on the right and through the large hole in your way to reach the underground sewers. From here, you must continue northwest and climb up the ladder at the end of the tunnel to reach the Sewer Gaol prison.
What to do with the Mending Rune of the Fell Curse?
The Mending Rune of the Fell Curse is a great Rune in Elden Ring. Unlike other great Runes, you can’t really equip it to feel its effect. However, you must keep it in your inventory till you defeat the Elden Beast at the end of the game. You can then use the Mending Rune of the Fell Curse great Rune to unlock the Blessing of Despair Ending and become the Elden Lord at the end of the game.
Elden Ring often surprises you by giving you unknown items from an optional NPC. However, these items are rather important if you really want all the good stuff in the game. For instance, the Sewer Gaol Key is given to you by the Dung Eater at the Roundtable Hold in exchange for the Seedbed Curse. You must use the key to free his physical body from prison to start his quest line.
Dung Eater is an important character if you want to get the Mending Rune of the Fell Curse. Moreover, you can also get the Dung Eater armor set by killing him after completing his quest line. So, how to reach the Sewer Gaol in Elden Ring? This article provides all the details on that topic and much more!