Today I will show you how to unlock Acrid in Risk of Rain 2. This is a quick guide with plenty of visual aids to help you unlock Acrid as fast as possible.
If you are instead looking for a guide for Acrid, go here, it is a complete guide on how Acrid works and what kind of items you should be using with him.
Alternatively, if you want to unlock Acrid’s loadouts instead, go here. That will take you to my guide on unlocking every loadout in Risk of Rain 2. Ok, let’s get to the unlock guide!
The video above will give you a general idea of unlocking him if you prefer to watch/listen.
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Anyway, here is the short version of unlocking Acrid.
- Get to the Bazaar Between Worlds
- Jump down behind the blue portal
- Go through the hole in the wall and into the null portal
- Complete the nine null cell events
- You have Acrid!
BIG UPDATE: Because of many changes in how the null fields damage has changed, you might want to be prepared (and use a more mobile survivor), otherwise you might die!
Longer Version of Unlocking Acrid
Bonus: If you are trying to unlock Acrid during the first week of the Hidden Realms update, you can do everything on stage one if you do the prismatic trials.

Ok, so the best way to get to the Bazaar between Worlds is to use a newt altar. If it is the first week of the update, you can find the newt altar in the image above granted you are doing the prismatic trials. Because trials aren’t procedural, you can always find the newt altar in the same location.
Once you have done that, complete the boss as usual and then enter the blue portal.

After arriving at the Bazaar Between Worlds you need to jump off the edge behind the blue portal. There should be a hole in the wall towards the bottom, try to land in that and don’t worry about fall damage because it can’t kill you.
Progress through the hold and you will get to a null portal. Enter it.

You will arrive at a hidden realm called Void Fields and inside of a purple shield. This shield protects you from constant damage that you take when inside of the Void Fields. Leaving this shield will slowly kill you and is lethal.
Anyways, you need to activate the purple orb in the middle and survive a wave of enemies while it charges. These enemies will have randomized items that include things like Tougher Times, Personal Shield Generators, and basically any other item.
Fully charging one will kill all enemies and cause the shield to shrink into nothing. This is where you have to find and locate the next one. There will be nine total that you need to find and activate before you can leave, all spread out across the map in random locations.
Be quick about going to the next one, as you will take damage unless you are shielded. My one tip is to find the next one and wait until you fully heal before activating it, giving yourself a better chance of surviving the onslaught of enemies.
Completing each one will give you items that progressively get better. For example, the first item you get might be common, but the last one is guaranteed legendary.
Once all nine have been activated, you will unlock Acrid. If you want to continue your run, just leave through the portal. Don’t worry about dying because once all of the shields are complete, you will no longer take damage from being in the Void realm.
Have fun with the newest survivor in Risk of Rain 2!
(Updated for Survivors of the Void DLC)