Captain is the latest survivor in Risk of Rain 2 and has finally been released with the new 1.0 update for Risk of Rain 2. This update marks the official release and has given us a boss fight that ends the entire game. Unsurprisingly, to unlock Captain, you have to beat said boss. This Captain unlock guide for Risk of Rain 2 will be showing you exactly how to do this.
Keep in mind, this is somewhat spoiler territory, because we will be talking about the final boss. I won’t be showing the cutscene or anything but I will be talking about the boss and the several phases it has. Continue at your own risk.
Also, if you want to know how to play Captain, check out my ror2 Captain guide.
Table of Contents
Getting to the Final Boss
So, to unlock Captain, you have to beat the final boss. Getting there is a challenge in itself. To reach the final boss, you have to make it to the moon, aka stage 6, after using the primordial teleporter in stage 5.
The primordial teleporter is nothing special. In fact, it is the same teleporter as the regular one, except for one thing. This teleporter allows you to change what the next stage is going to be. So, if you didn’t want to fight the boss you could choose to loop instead, thereby allowing players to continue the game without the need to end it.

To change which stage you go to (either the boss stage or just looping back to the first map), you need to interact with the outside of the teleporter which will then “shift” the alignment of the teleporter. A message will appear in chat saying either “aligned with the moon” or “aligned with the planet”. Being aligned with the moon means that you go to the moon, likewise, being aligned with the planet means you’ll continue on to the next loop.

Just complete the teleporter as usual and you’ll be sent to the moon.
Getting to Mithrix

Now that you have reached the moon, you will have to run all the way to Mithrix’s arena. To do this, you might have to fight some enemies along the way, however, they are optional and you can skip them if you so choose. Regardless, follow the path and make sure you don’t get stuck on the island as currently it is bugged and can permanently leave you stranded (you would have to restart the run).

It will be important that you know how to properly traverse the area later on, as you will be returning to the spawn area.
Beating Mithrix

Mithrix is the final boss of Risk of Rain 2 and beating him is how you unlock the Captain. This is a several stage fight that changes as the fight progresses. Let’s go through each stage so you know what to expect.
Phase 1:

Mithrix has very simple attacks in this stage, consisting of a visions of heresy clone, and his big ol’ hammer that WILL hurt if you get hit by it. He will be constantly teleporting around, making it extremely hard to dodge his hits, so it is recommended that you have lots of mobility and hopefully a hopoo feather or two.
His more advanced attack is jumping into the air of the center of the stage and slamming down, causing a 360 shock-wave around the stage. The wave ends when it reaches the thin line made of rocks between the platform where he is first seen and the outer platform with a small slope. It is possible to dodge this attack, as there are spots where the spikes do not reach.
Phase 2:

Phase 2 is a wave of several Lunar Chimera Golems and Lunar Chimera Wisps which must be defeated before Mithrix will spawn again. The golems are tanky, but pose very little threat, however the Wisps, have an attack that can CURVE IN THE AIR and one-shot you. I’ve ran into this several times.
Kill the Wisps quickly, and be on the lookout for the heat seeking ball of death they send at you.
Phase 3:
Mithrix comes back and sometimes has some random Golems spawn to help him, however, other than his attacks become stronger, not much happens. That being said, there is one specific attack that starts to come out in this phase, and that is what I call the revolving door attack.

This attack does massive damage and happens repeatedly for a couple of seconds. It is incredibly hard to dodge, even with a bunch of move speed, because of the randomness involved. I reccommend standing on the safe spot (the sloped platforms) while this attack happens, as it seems to protect you 100% for the duration of the attack.
Other than that, it’s all business as usual. DPS him down.
Phase 4:

Phase 4 is the hardest phase out of all of them. In this phase, Mithrix takes all of your items, leaving you with none, and uses them himself. You are forced to injure him over and over to get some of your items back, however, you won’t get them all back until you kill him.
This is essentially a DPS check, where if you don’t kill him within the few seconds before he takes all of your items, you will probably die. In theory, the fight is very easy, as he doesn’t move very quickly and only shoots periodically, however, there are tons of little orbs on the ground that kill you quickly, and you are trying to dodge and do DPS with literally zero items, making it the hardest of the four stages.
Here is my go-to strat on beating Mithrix extremely fast.
How to Beat Mithrix FAST

By far the easiest way to beat Mithrix and unlock the Captain in Risk of Rain 2, is to Preon him right in the face. Using a Preon Accumulator while he is in the process of taking your items is the best way to kill him, as, even if it doesn’t KO him, it will get him extremely close, so you have a chance to finish him off.
If you have multiple players in the game, make sure they all get Preon’s and fire it at the same time. This will almost guarantee Mithrix bites the dust. Be prepared for the next and final phase of the game.
Final Phase

Yes, you read that right, even after beating Mithrix, you have one more phase to go. After killing Mithrix, you have to escape the moon before it detonates, or else you will die and you won’t unlock the Captain. Remember when I said learn how to traverse the map? Hopefully, you did.

You have four minutes to get to the escape ship or else you die.
Once you actually reach the ship, you get the achievement and finally unlock Captain for future play-throughs in Risk of Rain 2.
Tips for Beating the Boss
If you are still having trouble beating Mithrix here are some tips:
- Bring Huntress or Engineer if solo. Huntress has insane DPS, Engineer turrets don’t lose items during last phase
- Artificer is good if you have a group of people because her freeze can execute Mithrix
- Stand on the sloped platforms often, Mithrix has trouble getting up there sometimes and most attacks don’t reach
- Hopoo feathers are good for the early phases as you can stay above Mithrix
And that’s it. That is how you unlock Captain in Risk of Rain 2. Hopefully, this helps all of you trying to get him in your latest play-throughs.
Thanks for reading!