In Risk of Rain 2’s Survivors of the Void DLC, there are two brand new survivors. The first, Railgunner, is unlocked with no achievement required. But, to unlock the second survivor, Void Fiend, you have to do one of two things.
So how do you unlock the Void Fiend?
To unlock the Void Fiend you either have to survive wave 50 in the Simulacrum OR beat the new end-game boss (escape the planetarium).
Let’s get more in-depth on how you can do both of these things and unlock the Void Fiend quickly.
Table of Contents
Unlock the Void Fiend by Beating the Boss
This is likely going to be the hardest one to do. Mainly because the end-game boss requires you to fight through various phases, and most of these phases can only work with good mobility. So, if you’re traditionally an Engineer player, this might be a difficult phase for you.
Above is a video containing the whole boss fight.

The first phase of the boss is going to be fighting it. There are several attacks it uses in this fight, including a giant death laser that does an insane amount of damage. Avoid this at all costs.
Although most attacks are dangerous, you can hide behind one of the many obstacles on this map to avoid 90% of the Voidlings attacks. The fight itself isn’t that hard once you understand the attack patterns.
In the second phase, the Voidling opens a portal you have to chase it through. At this point, you start taking constant damage. The only way to stop taking damage is to take the portal and get through the minor platforming phase.

While it is somewhat annoying if you get surprised by it, remain calm and reach the end. Failing to do so will result in you dying from the tick damage.
Once you’ve done that, you have to do it two more times. On the final try, you will have successfully defeated the Voidling. You can now leave the area and end the game.
How to Reach the Final Boss
You might know how to beat the final boss, but the question is, how do you reach them?
Well, to put it simply, you need to find a void portal.
Here are the known ways to find a Void Portal:
- Randomly spawning at a teleporter – same chance as a blue portal (?)
- Using Newt’s Portals in Bazaar Between Worlds
- Going through the Null Fields below the Bazaar Between Worlds
- Giving the Frog at the end of Mithrix 12 lunar coins

Those are the known ways of getting a void portal and reaching the final boss to unlock the Void Fiend.
Unlocking Void Fiend by Using Simulacrum
The Simulacrum is a brand new game mode in Risk of Rain 2 and is one of the two ways you can actually unlock the Void Fiend. To unlock him this way, you need to survive wave 50. Not an easy task.

If you’ve ever played Risk of Rain 2 and have done the void fields, this game mode is very similar. You have to survive in a small AOE (leaving it causes tick damage), and you get new items every wave. Every 10th wave is an uncommon item and every 20th is a legendary item.
As the waves progress, the game gets far harder. Enemies start becoming mainly elites or boss types and quickly fill up the small space you have to work with. Reaching 50 is nothing short of a challenge.
But, it isn’t like it’s impossible. Here are some tips on beating the Simulacrum:
- Engineer is good – most efficient use of items
- Leaving the AOE to pick up items is worth it, as long as you can make it back in time!
- Guillotine will be needed for the later rounds, as they are almost entirely elite enemies
- Medkit is super strong. Leaving the AOE and letting it damage you is a good strat to stay full HP with Medkit
- AOE items are super good in this
- Don’t leave the AOE to go fight enemies! The AOE hurts them too, so if they are stuck outside they will die
Well, that’s about it. Hopefully, this helps you unlock the Void Fiend for your next run.