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What Is Furnace in Stardew Valley

If you think about Stardew Valley, the first word that may come to mind is all about farming. But would you believe if someone told you that it is also about collecting gold bars?
In Stardew Valley, obtaining gold bars is comparably easier than it is in real life. All you have to do is have the required equipment in making it. This is called the furnace.
The furnace in Stardew Valley is one of the most useful craftable tools that there is in Stardew Valley. You can craft and palace it anywhere on your farm. Use it to smelt different ores and make bars. Having several of these on your farm will greatly increase the production of bars since one furnace can only accommodate one type of ore at a time.
As you continue reading this article, you will understand everything you need to know about the furnace and its uses.
Use of Furnace: Smelting

The main and only purpose of a furnace in Stardew Valley is for you to be able to obtain bars that can be pretty useful to the entire run of your game progress. The items that you can craft using a furnace are copper bar, refined quartz, iron bar, gold bar, iridium bar, and radioactive bar.
Smelting different types of ores require a different length of smelting time. The higher the quality of an item, the longer it takes to smelt.
But before going straight to the smelting process, you must first learn how to build a furnace on your farmhouse.
How to Craft Furnace in Stardew Valley

For you to be able to use a furnace, you must first build it. However, you would not be able to build a furnace if you still have not obtained the blueprint for making one. Clint, the local blacksmith, has the blueprint for them. But you can receive a furnace in Stardew Valley as a reward once you complete the Blacksmith’s Bundle in the Boiler Room.
To make Clint give you his extra blueprint for the furnace, you will need to obtain at least one copper ore first. Copper ore can easily be found anywhere so it will be a piece of cake for you to have it.
Once you successfully have at least one copper ore, Clint will appear in front of your farmhouse if you leave between 6:00 AM and 11:30 AM the next day you obtained it. As you leave the house, a cutscene will be triggered showing Clint while giving you an extra blueprint.
After you receive the blueprint from Clint, you now have to collect the needed materials in building it. For a single furnace, you will need 25 stones and 20 copper ores. After you collected the needed materials. Finally, you can now go to the crafting section in your inventory and build your first furnace. You can place it anywhere on your farm, may it be indoor or outdoor – the decision is all yours.
How to Use Furnace in Stardew Valley

The process of converting ore into a bar requires a specific number of units. The required number of ores varies depending on the type of bar you are about to make.
To make a copper bar, you need to have five copper ores. One refined quartz requires one quartz, but if you want to produce three refined quartz in one smelting, it will require one fire quartz. A single iron bar needs five iron ores, same with a gold bar that needs five gold ores. The same goes with iridium and radioactive bars, these two both need five of their respective ores. Lastly, if you want to make a wilted bouquet, you will be needing a bouquet and smelt it into the furnace.
After collecting enough ores needed for a specific type of bar you are about to make, you can start smelting the ore given that there is coal in the inventory. Simply take out all the needed number of ores and walk next to the furnace. Interact with it while holding all the ores. After that, the next thing you will have to do is just wait for the bar to be crafted.
These bars vary in their smelting time. A copper bar needs a total of 30 minutes to be done, while the refined quartz from both quartz and fire quartz requires an hour and a half. An iron bar, on the other hand, takes two hours to be smelted. A gold bar needs five hours, an iridium bar needs eight hours, and a radioactive bar needs ten hours of smelting.
Uses of Furnace Outputs

The process of smelting ores takes time, but it is well worth it. These bars, once formed, cost much so if you want to make a profit out of your bars. Only then, you are on the right track.
Remember that as the bar takes a longer time to be crafted, it means that it has a high gold value. A copper ar costs 60 gold, refined quartz costs 50 gold, an iron bar costs 120 gold, a gold bar costs 250 gold, an iridium bar costs 1,000 gold, and a radioactive bar costs 3,000 gold.