Healing is a crucial element in all Elden Ring battles. Whether you are fighting against a weaker enemy or the toughest boss in the game, you will always rely on more than one way to restore your HP. The most common way to regain your health in Elden Ring is the Flask of Crimson Tears. However, the flask can be very expensive, especially if you only want to restore a small amount of your HP.
Moreover, the animation of consuming the Flask of Crimson Tears gives your opponents the opportunity to attack you. So, you might end up losing more HP than you restore. Fortunately, there are other ways to restore the health bar without sacrificing your time and money. So, how to use the Urgent Heal in Elden Ring incantation? This article explains everything from learning the spell to using one.
Table of Contents
What is the Urgent Heal?
Faith: 8
FP: 16
Memory Slots: 1
Heals: 1.15 x Faith Incantation Scaling
Urgent Heal in Elden Ring is an incantation that quickly restores a small amount of HP. It is the default incantation for the Confessor character class, but all other classes can buy it early on in the game. For most players, the Urgent Heal incantation is more feasible than consuming an entire Flask of Crimson Tears. Moreover, the minimum stat requirements of using this incantation are so low that everyone can benefit from this small dose of health.
How to get the Urgent Heal Incantation?
The Urgent Heal Incantation restores only a small amount of HP, but every drop of health can be a game changer in Elden Ring battles. So, most players set out to get this spell as soon as they can. The only problem is that some players learn about this useful spell after they have completed a large portion of the main game story. Fortunately, there are two ways to get the incantation regardless of how many hours you have spent in your gameplay. Here’s how to get the Urgent Heal incantation:
For Confessor Class

The easiest way to get the Urgent Heal incantation is by starting your game as a Confessor. The Urgent Heal incantation is present by default in the Confessor’s spell inventory. So, you can start regenerating your health right from the First Step Site of Grace. However, choosing the Confessor class means that you will be missing out on what the other classes have to offer. For instance, the Samurai class starts with a powerful Katana, meaning that you are ready to fight from the very first minute. Similarly, all other classes have something unique to offer, making it hard to choose the perfect one for your style. In this regard, you can start with any class other than the Confessor and still get to benefit from the Urgent Heal incantation by following the other method.
For all other Character Classes
As mentioned before, you can’t just choose the Confessor class because you like a spell. So, what if you want the Katana from the Samurai class and still want to heal yourself during a fight? In that case, the only way to get the Urgent Heal is to purchase it from brother Corhyn. However, his location changes depending on how far you have progressed in the main story line. Here’s how to get the Urgent Heal incantation in different phases of the story:
The first phase

Suppose you knew about the wonders of the Urgent Heal incantation before you started the game. In that case, you must progress through Limgrave till you unlock the Roundtable Hold Site of Grace. After defeating the first major boss in Elden Ring, you must rest at various Sites of Grace till Melina teleports you to the Roundtable Hold. Once you reach the place, rest there to save your progress. Next, you must find an NPC named Brother Corhyn. He is a prophet who sells different spells and incantations. You can purchase the Urgent Heal incantation from him for 1,000 Runes. He is an important NPC as not only is he the sole seller of the incantation, but he will also help you during the later phases of the game.
The Later Phases

Suppose you already spoke to Brother Corhyn, who told you about his journey plan. In that case, he will not be available at the Roundtable Hold. Say you learned about the powers of the Urgent Heal in Elden Ring incantation during this stage; you might think that all is lost. However, this isn’t really the case if you know where to look for him.
Brother Corhyn is found in the following locations depending on your story progress:
- Once he has told you about his travel plans, you can find him near the Altus Highway Junction Site of Grace. Start at the Site of Grace in Altus Plateau and head north till you reach the monument. Brother Corhyn will be standing next to the monument.
- He will move to the Royal Capital Lyndell after you have unlocked the region. You can always find him with Goldmask outside the colosseum in the capital. However, he will only stay there until you solve the predicament at Leyndell.
- After solving the predicament at Leyndell, Corhyn and Goldmask can be found near the bridge on the Mountaintop of the Giants. To reach this bridge, start at the Stargazers’ Ruins and head south on your Torren till you reach the bridge.
- Lastly, you can still purchase spells from Corhyn after you have completed his quest line. At this point, his permanent location will be Lyndell, the Ashen Capital. You can visit him at any time before defeating the Elden Beast to learn new spells and incantations.
How to use the Urgent Heal?

Urgent Heal is an incantation, so you can use it as any other. Simply acquire the spell either by choosing the Confessor class or purchasing it from Brother Corhyn. Next, rest at any Site of Grace to learn the new spell. You can allocate any of your handy memory slots to this incantation. Moreover, you will also need a Finger Sacred Seal to use the spell. You can always purchase them from the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold. After learning the spell, equip the Sacred Seal and press the attack button to cast the spell and quickly restore your HP without any incantation.
Using the Urgent Heal incantation is the most efficient way to restore a small portion of your HP. Firstly, it doesn’t consume your Flask of Crimson Tears, so you can save it for other crucial moments. Secondly, the flask consumption animation is long enough for the enemies to attack you. So, you can easily avoid any surprise attacks by getting a quick dose of HP rather than spending a whole flask for it.
How to upgrade the Urgent Heal incantation?
Urgent Heal in Elden Ring is an incantation, so you can upgrade it like others. The spell scales primarily with Faith. So, invest a few character points in upgrading the Faith attribute. The healing ratio will automatically rise by the formula of 1.15 x Faith Incantation Scaling HP. Alternatively, you can upgrade the Urgent Heal and all other spells by equipping the Dragon Communion Seal in your slot.
How to get the Urgent Heal for a Samurai build?
The Urgent Heal incantation is the default spell of the Confessor class in Elden Ring. However, it doesn’t mean that you can’t benefit from its healing powers if you choose any other class. In other words, you can easily purchase the Urgent Heal and many other spells from Brother Corhyn. The location of this Prophet NPC depends on how far you have progressed in the main story.
Why can’t I use magic in Elden Ring?
Different magic spells in Elden Ring have various requirements that you must fulfill to cast them. For instance, you must have the minimum stats like Faith and Intelligence to equip them. Similarly, all spells cost some FP or Focus Points for every use. Lastly, you must memorize the spell by resting at a Site of Grace and using a Finger Sacred Seal to cast them. The magic won’t work if you don’t meet any of the requirements. So, it would be best to keep an eye on various requirements before using a spell.
Healing plays an important role in all Elden Ring battles. You will always lose some HP, even when fighting some of the weakest enemies in the game. So, it is best to carry a few Flasks of Crimson Tears in your inventory all the time. Moreover, you can also restore your HP by resting at any Site of Grace. But what if you want a quick dose of healing during a fight? That’s where the Urgent Heal incantation comes into play. This article explains how to use the Urgent Heal in Elden Ring and how to get it at different points in the game.