Sailing is one of the most intriguing features of Lost Ark. When you set sail from Arkesia, you’ll find a slew of islands strewn around the globe.
Some islands are large enough to be considered continents in their own right, while others are more like mini-islands with a wealth of activities. Countless Lost Ark islands await exploration. There are islands rich in treasure and islands full of cute panda bears.
Starting your Lost Ark island adventures, though, can be a bit intimidating due to the game’s nearly one hundred islands. Which ones should I start with? And what do you do when you’ve arrived? You’ll find all the information you need about Lost Ark Islands here in this Lost Ark Island Guide.
What are Lost Ark Islands?

Lost Ark’s islands are often found at the end of the game’s first chapter. These islands are where you’ll find a couple of the Lost Ark World Bosses that only appear during certain events.
On the other hand, calendar events allow players to visit islands that are only accessible during specific times of the year. Some examples of these islands are:
- Forpe
- Snowpang Island
- Phantomwing Island
Certain islands in the game are best avoided because they don’t provide players with events, daily quests, or anything that we may harvest. Some islands, on the other hand, do. Later, we’ll talk about this more.
However, the islands with event times are the most delicious. Gear sharpening equipment is commonly purchased from these islands. Chaos, Abyss, and World Bosses are the usual sources, but these island events boost players in need of additional resources and time to obtain their honing equipment.
Players can gain extra resources for upgrading their end-game gear by using these gear honing items, which assist them to progress through the various levels of content. You’ll want to keep an eye on the calendar to see when these islands come to life, so be sure to check it often.
Make sure you know that different islands rotate at other times of the day. As a result, we may classify Lost Ark islands into four broad categories:
- PvE Permanent Islands: The most common variety; you can go anytime you want.
- Time-Limited Islands: These islands are only accessible at certain times of the day. An itinerary is displayed when you mouse over the Island’s name.
- PvP Islands: There is always PvP warfare on these islands, whether they are continuously available or just available for a limited time. The crossed swords icon on the map will help you identify them.
Adventure Islands: There are only a few times a day when special co-op events.
How Do Lost Ark Islands Work?

Tier 1 of Lost Ark’s content includes the islands. Once you reach level 50, you’ll have to spend a lot of time on the water to maximize your gear.
There are numerous islands in the games, each with its activities and rewards. For some, access is limited at specific times or during particular events. In most cases, all you need to go to an island is a ship, which you can get by following the main storyline.
You must first complete the sailing storyline and upgrade your ship if you want to go further west than Rohendel. You’ll be given a task to get there once you’ve finished upgrading your equipment.
There are more than 70 islands, each of which hosts a variety of events. Because of this, enumerating them all would result in a gigantic wall of text.
You should visit as many islands as possible, but the essential thing is to keep an eye out for island-specific events — they are the most rewarding!
What are the Different Types of Islands in Lost Ark?

In Lost Ark, not all islands are created equal. However, while some have temporal limits, others are always open for exploration.
There are lengthy quests to complete in some cases, while in others, the focus is on playing different minigames. To sum it up, you should be aware of three distinct types of islands in Lost Ark.
1. Adventure Islands
It’s going to be possible to visit three islands at different times of the day. Checking Procyon’s Compass will reveal which islands are accessible on that particular day. However, you can only visit one of these islands every day, so choose your selection carefully.
When you have the time, you should visit these islands since they include a variety of goodies, including card packs, runes, various currencies, and Island Tokens.
2. Limited Time Islands
Limited Time Islands, like Adventure Islands, are only available for a limited period. In contrast to Adventure Islands, they appear frequently and can be visited more than once a day. However, it’s not always easy to locate these islands.
A whirlpool appears 10 minutes before the Island’s scheduled arrival time to indicate where the spawn points are located, so you and your fellow players will need to spread out and look for the sites.
If you use the overworld map’s search box in the upper right corner to enter the Island’s name, all of the Island’s probable spawn places will be displayed.
There is a lot of competition in these islands, but the rewards can be worth it. Participating in island events may earn you an Island Token, so be sure to keep an eye out for them and come back regularly.
3. Static Islands
With these islands, players don’t have to worry about running out of time like they do with Adventure Islands or Limited Time Islands. You may earn rewards and collectibles by completing missions on many islands.
Lost Ark Island Rewards: Pirate Coins and Upgrade Material

You’ll want to explore Lost Ark’s islands if you’re starting in the end-game because of all the goodies you’ll get.
You’ll need a lot of Tier 1 resources to level up your end-game gear, so look for islands like Panda Isle and Serenity Isle that award a lot of Tier 1 materials. You can even find tier 2 gear upgrade materials on some harder-to-reach islands.
It’s the cherry on top that you can earn many pirate coins, which we can use on music, memorabilia, and equipment upgrades for your ships.
What are Lost Ark Island Activities?

So, you’ve arrived on your first Island. What’s next? Even though each Lost Ark island is unique, the following activities are usually permitted:
- Complete All Missions: The tasks are marked with an exclamation point on the map in some instances. However, this is not always the case.
- Visit NPCs and Merchants: Merchants and NPCs can be found on several islands. Please keep your eyes open for the latter, as they have their own set of advantages.
- Collection of Mokoko Seeds: You’ll also locate them in the Lost Ark islands. Because the maps are so small, each Island typically has two to five Seeds.
- Participate in PvP Comabts Frequently: PvP is possible on some islands, as previously indicated.
- Collect the Souls/Tokens on Islands: This is what you get for “completing” an island. Increasing Rapport with a local NPC, completing a quest line, or taking on a PvP challenge are all ways to do this.
Starter Route for the Best Lost Ark Islands

For those who want to see all of the Lost Ark islands at some point, we recommend focusing on the most specific and most enjoyable locations to begin with. Several islands in this Lost Ark Island Guide list are either simple to complete, rewarding, or part of broader questlines.
1. The Lonely Island
Make sure to visit Opher on The Lonely Island. You’ll be able to trade in your Island Souls for turtle skins and other items of interest. Talking to Opher will also get you a free Island Soul.
Total Rewards:
- Roster XP: 480
- Epic Rappot Chest: 1
- Mokoko Seeds: 2
- Gold: 2070
- Silver: 9,800
2. Golden Wave Islands
Loot chests litter the Island. Come here if you want many items (Card Packs, Pirate Coins, Green Engravings, etc.) for not much of a hassle.
Total Reward:
- Silver: 42000
- Pirate Coins: 7000
- Sea Coin Chest: 7
- Random Card Pack: 4
- Green Battle Engravings Pouches: 8
- Green Class Engravings Chest: 4
3. Panda Island
If you’re a fan of pandas, steer clear of this Island. Aside from that, a purple questline and short yellow reward you with silver, weapon, and armor crystals, harmony shards, and harmony leap stones in abundance.
Total Rewards:
- Silver: 14000
- Weapon Crystals: 220
- Armor Crystals: 600
- Harmony Shards: 12000
4. Turtle Island
In addition to receiving the Island Soul and valuable Jewel Coral, completing the whole questline also allows you to ride a turtle. We can customize even the color.
The Island of serenity You’ll have a large pile of Weapon and Armor Crystals in no time. In addition, completing the Stone of Power quest, which necessitates a rerun of the Tortoyk’s Heart and Morai Ruins dungeons, will net you a Skill Potion.
Total Rewards:
- Silver: 30000
- Sea Coin Chest: 7
- Green Battle Engraving Pouches: 18
- Epic Rapport Boxes: 3
5. Dreamgull Island, Lullaby Island, Glacier Island, and Peyto
Visit Peyto and complete the island missions, even though you’re on a boat. The Treasure Hunter Igran’s “Song of Resonance” (which you’ll need for the other islands) and the yellow mission that grants an emote should not be overlooked.
After that, head to Glacier Island to carry on the story. Go back to Lullaby Island and repeat the missions to earn Forest’s Minuet tune from the first time around. Complete Dreamgull Island using the latter. However, you’ll get four Islands Souls and a tonne of upgrade resources in the process.
Total Rewards:
- Weapon Crystals: 500
- Armor Crystals: 930
- Harmony Shards: 5500
Tier 2 Islands: Route for the Best Lost Ark Islands

As a newcomer to Lost Ark Tier 2 Islands, you may find it a little difficult to understand what’s going on. The information you’re looking for isn’t out of the ordinary, and we entirely understand how you’re feeling.
1. Skywind Island
Once you get on this Island, you must use the interactive map to find yellow and purple quests. To find the secret rocking horse quests, you must use the map.
2. Eyes of Hypnos
Twilight Island, the fifth Island in the series, is no exception. You may only access the eyes of Hypnos after finishing the purple quest in Gravis, as with other islands on this route. You must complete Eyes of Hypnos’ challenges before you can go on to Twilight Island.
3. Distorted Island
On the Distorted Island of the Lost Ark, you must find a way in through secret passageways you’ve discovered along the way. Look for an NPC once you’ve reached the Island’s twisted halls.
After talking with this NPC, you’ll be offered purple objectives to do. To proceed, you must complete all of these tasks. The Cube challenge follows it.
4. Isle of Mist
Once you’ve reached the Isle of Mist, you can make use of the map’s interactive features. You can only obtain an island token by completing secret tasks. It will help you find these tasks.
5. Ice Labyrinth Island
You must complete all of the yellow quests here before you may proceed. Once you’ve completed it, you’ll be able to access and achieve the last purple mission.
Lost Ark Adventure Islands: What are They?

Daily end-game activities include exploring Adventure Islands. Procyon’s Compass has an “appearance notification details” button to help you locate one.
You’ll be able to see when and where the next round of Adventure Islands will pop up. Item level recommendations and expected rewards are also shown.
Sail to Adventure Island and wait in line to get on board. Until you see the Island, you’ll know you’re in the right place by visiting a maelstrom of other boats clustered together in the vicinity. Right-click to enter Adventure Island when it appears.
As soon as the co-op quest begins, the game starts. Keep an eye on the goal, and don’t be afraid to ask for assistance in-game if you get stuck.
Island Tokens in Lost Ark

Mokoko Seeds, for example, can be found on all of Lost Ark’s islands. On the other hand, Lost Ark Island Tokens are unique collectibles found only on the Islands. Opher urges you to go to the Island and collect Island Tokens, so you’re eager to get there as soon as possible.
Each Island has an Island Token linked with it, which you may redeem at Opher the Lonely Island in the game’s later stages. You can obtain the Opher Island Token by fully utilizing this feature by collecting Island Tokens.
To speak to the statue in Opher, you will need to acquire tokens from the Lost Ark Island. The statue is known as the Statue of Gienah, after Arkesia’s sea god. Complete this content, and you’ll receive a variety of luxury things.
Similarly, each Island has a unique quirk that you must overcome to obtain the Island token. Without going into specifics, consider the following as a guideline:
- Some Island, for example, requires that you participate in some events to access, e.g., Forpe Island.
- On the other hand, Asterope’s Island and Outlaw Isle need you to acquire it from a box or sack.
- Defeat the Island’s linked boss
- Before you can get it, you have to complete a set number of daily tasks on the Island.
- Unlock Rapport Levels with NPC of Island, such as Blackfang.
- Complete a mission, such as the one on Azure Island.
- You’ll get them from the dungeon of the Island. Check the Asura Island.
Lost Ark: What is “Many Islands One Legend” Quest?

You’ll find a worthwhile mission on each of these islands as you go through the game. The Many Islands One Legend Lost Ark quest is a more profitable Lost Ark island quest.
It’s because this is a treasure-hunting mission, and the prizes are a little out of this world. You can find three destruction fragments, six guardian stone fragments, three Harmony shards, four Splendid chests, and some Gold in the ‘Many Islands One Legend’ quests.
It is enticing since the prizes will provide you with a significant rise in the amount of gear honing that you will be required to accomplish.