In the early part of Jedi Survivor, you land on the planet Koboh and have to deal with the many different tar pit puzzles all around the planet. This guide will show you all the solutions to the Koboh tar pits as quickly as possible.
Note: we won’t be talking about the pit droid puzzle in this guide, mainly because this can’t be done yet. You have to progress further in the game to complete that mission.
Koboh Tar Pit Solution

After traversing part of the planet, you will soon come across a scripted event that has you fall into a pit of tar. Sinking quickly, you will need to climb on the platform to avoid dying from staying in the tar for too long.
Once on the platform, you will notice two roller mines. These are helpful objects you will find throughout Jedi Survivor that will be the solution to most of these puzzles. The solution to this particular Koboh tar pit puzzle is that you need to force-pull the roller mine (hold the button) and then force-push it at the dam.
After this is done, the area will fill with tar, and you will be able to progress through the mission.
If, for some reason, that doesn’t work, just spam force-push. I’ve heard there are a few bugs that don’t let you force push, so this solution should work as well (I tried it).
Second Tar Pit Puzzle

Next, you will have to deal with a second tar dam. This has a similar solution where you are required to use a roller mine to destroy the dam and fill up the surrounding area.
However, you don’t have access to the required roller mines yet. First, you have to go around and open that area up.
To do so, use the grapple location and climb up the side of the dam. Once up, you’ll have to fight two enemies. Simply force push them into the tar to beat them instantly.
Next, keep walking the path to find several enemies dealing with roller mines. Wait for the roller mines to destroy the first droid, and then drop in to instantly defeat another. You’ll want to force-push the remaining roller mines away before they explode.
There will be a few paths ahead. If you end up going down the route that sends you toward Vashtan Wolfe, ignore it. This is another section you can’t complete until you have upgrades.

You’ll eventually reach a terminal that BD-1 can interact with and spawn roller mines. Use these roller mines to open up the area to the main dam outside.
Now, you’ll need to use another roller droid to blow up the ramp.

Finally, bait another roller droid into following you until you get close enough to the main dam. Then force-pull and force-push the droid into the dam. You don’t want to grab it immediately, as it will start to explode. Instead, run towards the dam first and then force-pull it towards you.
You are now finally able to reach the next area.
Optional Side Area Koboh Force Essence

There is another optional side area you can go to on Koboh that rewards you with Force Essence.
Similar to before, you need to walk a roller mine over to this area. Once you reach the wall run section, simply run over the wall and grab the roller mine with force-pull, then use force-push to destroy the tar wall.

You’ll end up fighting a Gorocco as soon as you go through the wall so be prepared.

After going up the rope and fighting a few different enemies, nothing too difficult, you will see the Force Essence on the ground.

Behind it will be a lift that will provide you with a shortcut, allowing you to come back later at any time.
And those are all the tar pit puzzles on the planet Koboh in Jedi Survivor! Make sure to come back for more guides.