Merlin Trials in the North Ford Bog are the easiest ones in Hogwarts Legacy. This article provides the solutions and locations of all 4 Merlin Trials in the area and some extra tricks.
Merlin Trials in North Ford Bog:
There are 4 Merlin Trials in the North Ford Bog region. Two of them require destruction spells, while the other two are based on your problem solving skills. Here is how to solve each Merlin Trial in the area:
Puzzle 1: Giant Stone Ball
The first Merlin Trial in the North Ford Bog region is the trickiest one. To solve this puzzle, you must guide a giant stone ball to the large hole in the ground. You can use spells like Wingardium Leviosa, Depulso, and Accio to move the ball. However, the spell selection is crucial according to the terrain, or else the ball won’t move more than a few inches at a time. You can find this Merlin Trial by traveling southeast from the eastern North Ford Bog fast travel point as shown in the picture:

Initiate the puzzle with Mallowsweet Leaves, and head southwest will you reach the large hole among the grassy land. Use Revelio to locate the hole and the giant stone ball behind the pillar. Next, use Confringo or Incendio to destroy the small stone pillars blocking the path. Finally, use Accio to pull the ball or Depulso to push it toward the hole. Alternatively, you can also try hitting the ball with a destruction spell, but it will take several attempts to move. The challenge will be completed once the ball lands in the hole.

Puzzle 2: Destroy the Pillars
The next Puzzle in the North Ford Bog region requires destruction spells. To complete this challenge, you must destroy all 5 pillars using the Confringo spell. The easiest way to find this Merlin Trial is to travel north from the Small Bandit Camp in the northern North Ford Bog region, as shown in the picture:

Once you activate the Merlin stone with Mallowsweet Leaves, use the Revelio spell to reveal all stone pillars in the area. Some of these pillars are locked behind some vines; simply burn them with Confringo. Finally, aim at the pillars one by one and destroy them with the Confringo or Incendio spell to complete the challenge. It would be best to use Revelio again after the blue shade has disappeared from the pillars for better results.

Puzzle 3: Symbol Pillars
This Merlin Trial is the most challenging one so far. To complete the puzzle, you must flip the stone cubes till the shape on them matches the one on the pillar. Usually, it takes several attempts to get it right. You can find this Merlin Trial by traveling east from San Bakar’s Tower, as shown in the picture:

Initiate the puzzle by using the Mallowsweet Leaves on the Merlin stone. Next, use the Revelio spell to reveal the location of all three stone pillars near the stone. Alternatively, you can look around to find three interactable stone pillars in the area. Once you locate a pillar, examine it from all three sides to check the mismatched shapes. Finally, use the Flipendo spell to flip the stone cube. You can also change the direction of the flip by hitting different faces of the cube. Once you solve one pillar, repeat the process on the rest of them to complete the Merlin Trial in San Bakar’s Tower.

Puzzle 4: Platforming Challenge
The final Merlin Trial in the North Ford Bog region is quite a simple one. However, it requires practice at jumping and timing your jumps. To solve this challenge, you must jump through the parkour course without touching the ground. To find this Merlin Trial, start at the Pitt-Upon-Ford fast travel point, and go across the river as shown in the picture:

Initiate the puzzle with Mallowsweet Leaves and use Revelio to reveal all platforms. Next, head south towards the stairs from the Merlin stone. The challenge will begin once you jump on the first platform. After that, keep jumping to the next platform without touching the stairs to complete the challenge. If you fall from the platform at any point, you must restart the course and complete it in the right order. Once you reach the final platform, the monument animation will be triggered, completing the Merlin Trial challenge.

The Merlin Trials in the North Ford Bog are located close to each other. However, it would be best to complete the first few levels and unlock spells like Confringo and Depulso before attempting these challenges. The 4 Trials are quite simple if you know how to solve them. Still, some players get stuck with finding a part of the challenge. Therefore, this article provides a detailed guide on how to complete all Merlin Trials in the North Ford Bog region.