North Hogwarts Merlin Trials Solutions - Hogwarts Legacy - Nerd Lodge
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North Hogwarts Merlin Trials Solutions – Hogwarts Legacy

The Merlin Trials in North Hogwarts are pretty hard to find, let alone solve them. Therefore, this article provides a detailed guide about locating and solving all North Hogwarts Merlin Trial puzzles.

Merlin Trials in North Hogwarts

North Hogwarts Region is located on the Northern border near the Forbidden Forest. This region contains several collectibles, including Collection Chests and Field Guide Pages. Furthermore, you can also undertake 5 Merlin Trials in the North Hogwarts Region. This article will guide you to find and solve all these Merlin puzzles with minimum effort.

Puzzle 1: Destroy Small Stones

The first Merlin Trial is quite an easy one. All you have to do is to find and destroy nine small stone orbs near the Merlin stone to complete the challenge. To find this puzzle, fast travel to the Forbidden Forest and travel west as shown in the picture:

Puzzle 1: Destroy Small Stones

After initiating the puzzle using the Mallowsweet Leaves, use the Revelio spell to reveal the first set of stone orbs. You can either destroy them with Confringo or any basic spell while aiming at the orbs. After destroying the first set, continue running past the pillars to find the second set of orbs. Finally, the last set of small stone orbs is located behind the second set. Alternatively, you can again cast the Revelio spell to find the rest of the orbs.

destroy nine small stone orbs

Puzzle 2: Moonlight Challenge

The next Merlin Trial is a slightly challenging one. To complete this Trial, you must lead three clusters of Lacewing Flies to the Moonlight pillars to activate them. After activating all pillars, a monument will appear on the Merlin stone. You can find this Merlin Trial by traveling northwest from the Forbidden Forest (near a Field Guide Page) as shown in the picture:

Puzzle 2: Moonlight Challenge

After initiating the puzzle, turn left to find the first Moonlight pillar. The first cluster of Lacewing Flies is located right behind the pillar. Next, you must go near the cluster of flies and cast the Lumos spell to attract the flies. Finally, head to the Moonlight pillar with the flies to activate it. The second cluster of flies is located near the camp in the south of the Merlin stone. Lastly, the third cluster of flies can be found at the foot of the hill in the west of the Merlin stone.

lead three clusters of Lacewing Flies to the Moonlight pillars

Puzzle 3: Light the Braziers

The third Merlin Trial in the North Hogwarts region is a time based challenge. To solve this puzzle, you must find and ignite all three braziers in the area and keep them lighted simultaneously. The only challenge is that the brazier will start to descend into the pond after you ignite it. So, the best way to solve this puzzle is to locate all three torches and start igniting them in the descending order, i.e., the tallest one first. You can find this Merlin Trial by traveling east from Korrow’s Ruins Floo Flame as shown in the picture:

Puzzle 3: Light the Braziers

After initiating the puzzle with Mallowsweet Leaves, the first brazier will be right in front of you, on the other side of the bridge. The second brazier is behind the large rock atop a high cliff. The third torch is located across the river, inside a structure. The best way to complete this Trial is to start with igniting the one on the cliff using Confringo. Next, move to the center of the bridge and look to your right to find the brazier inside the structure. Finally, turn left while still standing on the bridge to ignite the final brazier.

ignite all three braziers merlin trial

Puzzle 4: Repair the Statues

The next Merlin Trial in the region uses a combination of the Reparo and Revelio spells. To solve this puzzle, you must find and repair all 4 broken statues near the Merlin stone. However, there are enemies nearby, so it would be best to deal with them before starting the Trial. You can reach this Merlin Trial by traveling east from Korrow’s Ruins Floo Flame, as shown in the picture:

Puzzle 4: Repair the Statues location

After dealing with all the enemies near the Merlin stone, use Mallowsweet Leaves to start the challenge. Next, use the Revelio spell to reveal the location of all broken statues near the stone. Once you find a stone, use the Reparo spell while aiming at the statue to repair it. The first broken statue is located directly to the south of the Merlin stone. The second and third statues are placed inside the wooden structures behind the Merlin stone. Finally, the last broken statue is located on the other side of the stream.

 repair all 4 broken statues

Puzzle 5: Symbol Pillars

The final Merlin Trial in the North Hogwarts region is the most time consuming. To solve this puzzle, you must find three pillars with movable stone cubes on top of them. The cube and the pillars have three faces with unique shapes on them. The goal is to flip the cube using the Flipendo spell such that the shape on the cube matches the one on the pillar on all three faces. You can find this Merlin Trial by traveling south-west from Jackdaw’s Tomb Floo Flame as shown in the picture:

Puzzle 5: Symbol Pillars

Initiate the Merlin Trial by using the Mallowsweet Leaves on the Merlin stone. Next, cast the Revelio spell to reveal all three stone pillars in the area. Once you find a pillar, keep casting the Flipendo spell till the shape on the cube matches the pillar. Sometimes, the shape will match on one face but not on the others. In that case, you must move to the mismatched face and repeat the process till all three faces match. Repeat the process for the rest of the pillars to complete the Merlin Trial. The first stone pillar is right next to the Merlin stone. The second pillar is on the small island behind the cliff; use your Broom to reach it. Finally, the last stone pillar is behind the island, across the river.

flip the cube using the Flipendo


Merlin Trials are extremely important for exploring an area, earning the Merlin’s Beard! Trophy, and expanding your inventory capacity. The 5 Merlin Trials in the North Hogwarts region can be pretty challenging if you don’t know how to find and solve them. The biggest reason is that they are evenly spread across the region, and without a proper guide, you can wander for hours without finding them. Secondly, solving them isn’t always a piece of cake, even if you find them. Therefore, this article provides a detailed guide to solving all Merlin Trials in North Hogwarts.