Octavian the Militia Captain Location in V Rising - Nerd Lodge
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Octavian the Militia Captain Location in V Rising

Vampires will probably face V Rising’s Octavian the Militia Captain, a level 56 V Blood, sometime in the middle of the game. In V Rising, users must battle bosses in order to learn new crafting blueprints and get new talents. Players receive several really helpful blueprints after defeating Octavian, which makes him a prime target. These blueprints are necessary to advance to higher levels and to get the real weapons that will make a difference. Here is all the information you will need to find Octavians’ location and take down V Rising’s Militia Captain Octavian.

Octavian the Militia Captain Location

Octavian the Militia Captain Location

Vardoran’s Dunley Farmlands area is where you may find Octavian. Specifically, Octavian the Militia Captain is located in the Bastion of Dunley, which is a location in the region’s north. Although he may be spotted here at any time, your best option is to come here at night as there isn’t much shade from the sun. Before pursuing Octavian, it would be prudent to deal with the several minor foes in the region.

The easiest way to find this V Blood is to utilize the tracking feature on the Blood Altar if wandering the halls of the creepy Bastion of Dunley isn’t enough for you. After finishing the Hunt quest, players can access this function. The level 58 boss Octavian the Militia Captain may be found on the Blood Altar’s list after interacting with it. By pressing the Track button, as seen below, you may begin following him and also view him on your map. The blood trail will be really useful once you get to the Bastion of Dunley and look around for him.

Octavian the Militia Captain Terror Rewards

Octavian the Militia Captain Terror Rewards

Killing and looting Octavian the Militia Captain will get you:

  • Mirror Strike – Dash ahead and bounce amongst the foes in the area, dealing 600 percent magic damage over three seconds to all of the targets in the region. Targets hit Weaken for 5s by 30%. After that, dash in the direction you want to go. To terminate its effect sooner, recast
  • Anvil – Crafting Structure for weapons and armor
  • Silver Ingot, Dawnthorn Regalia, Dark Silver Weapons – Anvil Recipes

V Rising’s Mirror Strike is an Ultimate Ability that causes the caster to run ahead and bounce amongst adjacent adversaries while causing a tonne of magic damage and weakening to these targets. The player can dash in the selected direction when the ability ends or the user recasts.

The Anvil, unlocked from consuming Octavian the Militia Captain, is a structure required for forging high-end weapons and armor. The Dawnthorn Regalia and Dark Silver Weapons are examples of such potent gear, and they are made using Dark Silver Ingots. As a result, just as with Quincey the Bandit King, killing Octavian will enable vampires to advance their crafting capabilities and Gear Score.

Tips for Beating Octavian the Militia Captain

The best method to win any war is to identify your opponent’s attack strategy before preparing your way around it. Similar to this, you must first know Octavian the Militia Captain’s capabilities in order to destroy him:

Leaping Throw

His prey is briefly stunned as he rears up and rushes at them, throwing them into the air behind him

Spinning Blade

Executes a slash that releases spinning swords in four cone-shapes

Ground Slam

Performs an overhead slam, bringing a blade spinning vertically in one direction

Octavian is a warrior—a strong one at that—as his Captain rank would imply. He uses a big sword in battle, but he also makes use of a number of ranged strikes. He is a level 58 boss battle, as previously mentioned, thus it is recommended that you be at least near to that level to take him on.

Octavian’s assaults are lethal yet rather simple to predict. Keep your distance from him because he moves slowly and won’t be able to encircle you too much. His primary strikes have both audible and visual signs, so as the battle progresses, you should rapidly get familiar with them. His overhead swing, a horizontal swing, and his exclamations are warning signs to watch out for.

His overhead swing prepares you for a Ground Slam projectile attack that, if it strikes you, will throw you into the air and temporarily render you unconscious. Multiple projectiles are launched in an arc in front of Octavian once the ground is hit.

He can also call an ally archer that should be eliminated as quickly as possible.

Another problem might be when he gets angry and does an elaborate spinning assault as he pursues you around the arena and fires projectiles in all directions. After this assault, he will be worn down, allowing you time to deal damage.

Vampires of Vardoran are advised to employ ranged Spells, particularly Sanguine Coil and Chaos Volley, to defeat the Militia Captain in V Rising. While Sanguine Coil may be utilized to heal the caster while doing damage from a distance, Chaos Volley will be the consistent output source of DPS in V Rising. For this boss battle, players can equip Veil of Frost as a dodge option, or they can equip Veil of Blood if they need more healing. Vampires are encouraged to ingest Scholar Blood Type before fighting Octavian in order to further increase Spell Power.


Even though Octavian moves slowly in general, his dash strikes may close the gaps almost immediately. You should be able to generally maintain a safe distance. Try to strike Octavian with ranged assaults. Players can quickly spot the opportunity to assault him by keeping an eye on what he does. They can move in and retaliate in between his blows. To avoid being caught up in all of his strikes, it’s important to maintain a distance.

If you want more V Rising content, also check out how to get through other hard-to-beat V Bloods, like Christina the Sun Priestess.