There are 14 weapons available against the Orcs in Orcs Must Die 3. More often than not, we are thinking about or planning a Trap-themed ultimate dungeon of lunacy. But you can’t ignore the weapons because you need them to kill adversaries and rack up combos.
Some are worthless junk, while others are incredibly sturdy enough to resist an attack by over half the Orcs. Here we will discuss the Orcs Must Die 3 Best Weapon that you can use to your advantage:
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Top 12 Best Weapons of Orcs Must Die 3
Since you’ll only have a select few weapons and need to use them against several foes, careful deliberation about what you carry is warranted.
This list contains the game’s top-tier weaponry against Orcs. There are many, and you should always have at least one with you during battle. So, I’ve ranked the best Orcs Must Die 3 Best Weapon for you below:
1. Arcane Staff

Acquisition: You can buy this with 5 Skulls.
The Arcane Staff is, without a doubt, the finest weapon in Orcs Must Die! 3, dealing both great single-target damage and the power to wipe out whole waves of opponents.
The secondary ability of the Arcane Staff, “Magicked,” involves dropping an orb on the ground, which then releases 20 bolts of the magic type that hunt targets, dealing 20 damage per hit.
When players have enough Mana, they can drop multiple orbs at once, wiping out waves of attackers before they even reach The Rift. As a bonus, its primary strike only has a 0.6-second cooldown, allowing players to quickly deal a lot of damage.
2. Blunderbuss

Acquisition: Already Unlocked
The Blunderbuss is Kelsey’s default weapon and arguably the greatest in the game. This gun may have a poor rate of fire, but its massive damage output and lack of resource requirements more than makeup for it.
With this shotgun/grenade launcher hybrid, body shots from the point-blank range will smear anything less than a Heavy Orc. Aim for the head to deal extra damage and knock out even the most sturdy foes, as every single pellet will count as a headshot.
The secondary fire of this weapon, typically a grenade dealing decent area-of-effect damage, makes it genuinely broken, in addition to its consistent and massive damage. However, it also can freeze a small region with a special upgrade.
This helps keep big guys in position as you easily dome them. If you don’t need to carry any other weapons, you can stock up on traps and other goodies because the Blunderbuss can handle any situation.
3. Wind Belt

Acquisition: You can buy this with 5 Skulls.
Players who desire to channel their inner Storm from X-Men can do so by equipping the Wind Belt, which grants them directional control over the game’s wind. The primary benefit of this weapon (and the reason it’s ranked so highly) is that it allows players to force their opponents to retreat or walk into ambushes.
Robot Entertainment didn’t stop there; they also gave this unusual weapon a potent secondary function that lets players pick up and toss light or heavy adversaries. Players should employ Heroes with large Mana Pools and Trinkets to boost Mana Regeneration because the Wind Belt quickly consumes Mana.
4. Crossbow

Acquisition: You can unlock this after completing the Order Temple.
Crossbows are one of the original weapons in the Orcs Must Die! series, and they continue to be a top-tier ranged weapon due to their high headshot multiplier and secondary function, which stuns foes. However, once you’ve upgraded the Crossbow to its maximum potential, you’ll see it shine.
Every headshot triggers a minor area-of-effect explosion (13 damage), and foes in a daze take extra damage (up to 15%). The inability to switch to first-person view makes it tough to land a headshot with the Crossbow, making it more difficult for console players to utilize than PC gamers.
5. Scepter of Domination

Acquisition: You can unlock this after completing the Order Temple.
The Scepter of Domination is an excellent weapon for players that like using magic in Orcs Must Die! 3 due to its 60-base damage (once maxed). However, players can charge an attack to create a small AOE explosion causing 20 damage, just as other Staffs in games like Elden Ring.
As impressive as its base damage is, its secondary ability—charming foes for six seconds and convincing them to fight for the player’s side—is what puts it in this category. As they have the largest Mana pools, Cygnus and Egan are the best heroes to use this weapon alongside.
6. Magic Longbow

Acquisition: Already Unlocked
It’s no surprise that ranged weapons are so prevalent in Orcs Must Die! 3, as they allow players to damage orcs while remaining safely out of harm’s way, especially if they set up a good number of Barricade and Deep Freeze traps. The Magic Longbow’s secondary ability, Knockdown, makes it the best-ranged weapon for clearing out large groupings of foes.
One shot from this long-range weapon will kill two foes since it will go through one of them and into the next. However, the main factor keeping this weapon from a higher position in this Orcs Must Die!
One disadvantage of the third-best weapons in the list is that it takes 1.42 seconds to fire an arrow, which is a significant amount of time when up against many foes.
7. Dwarven Warhammer

Acquisition: You can buy this with 5 Skulls.
Among the best physical heavy weapons in Orcs Must Die! 3, the Dwarven Warhammer boasts a base attack of 60 and is sure to please fantasy lovers.
However, its secondary feature enables the user to spin about in a whirlwind, delivering 12 damage per second for a short time, more than makes up for the weapon’s poor swing speed.
The only drawback of this weapon is that it requires 20 Mana to activate its secondary ability, making it impractical for low-Mana heroes like Vorwick to employ. The Dwarven Hammer may be maxed out to reduce the required Mana cost to 14.
8. Ice Amulet

Acquisition: You can unlock this at the beginning of the 14th Rift Fortress.
The Ice Amulet is helpful in many load-outs as a secondary or tertiary weapon, but it shouldn’t be relied on to deal the bulk of your damage (other than traps, of course).
The weapon shoots a bolt (or multiple bolts in a cone formation if improved) that freezes foes on impact, stopping them in their tracks while also doing damage and rendering them brittle. A secondary fire from it will freeze any enemies in their tracks.
You’ll need to use other weapons to finish off adversaries who have been frozen because this one uses a lot of Mana. However, if your foe is not immune to the elements, this is a surefire technique to keep them stationary while you finish them off.
9. Chain Lightning Staff

Acquisition: You can unlock this after completing the Order Temple.
The Chain Lightning Staff is an impressive-looking weapon with serious potential, but mastering it takes some practice. These lightning spheres may fire slowly and travel slowly, but a direct hit to the head would kill all but the most sturdy foes.
The secondary fire is much more potent, consisting of a three-stage charge-up that launches a bolt of lightning that chains between opponents, instantaneously vaporizing any foe up to the level of a Medium Orc.
Both of these one-of-a-kind upgrades are functional and modify the secondary shot. Maximizing the reach of your chain lightning will allow you to destroy more weaklings. However, the stun effect is the way to go if you’re hoping for one-two more formidable foe.
10. Stone Staff

Acquisition: You can get this with the Family Ties DLC.
Rocks are shot from this weapon at a respectable clip and accuracy (unless at extremely far ranges), causing respectable damage. It’s enough for dealing with most foes, while Ogres and similar creatures will require many headshots to finish out.
Its secondary fire has a high chance of petrifying nearby adversaries, rendering them immobile and open to direct physical attack.
While the Chain Lightning Staff and the Stone Staff have very distinct themes, they both serve similar functions; the latter sacrifices explosive strength and area-of-effect killing capability in exchange for dependability and a broader stun radius. This is good news for the Stone Staff.
11. Flame Bracers

Acquisition: You can unlock this at the beginning of the 12th Rift Fortress.
Like the Ice Bracers, the Flame Bracers are a formidable backup weapon. Most of the earlier maps are easy if you trade in any form of CC for raw damage. You should refrain from utilizing the primary fire, fireballs that hurt and burn severely.
It would be best if you used the secondary fire to kill everything up to the Heavy Orc level and deal heavy damage to the rest.
Unfortunately, this weapon’s effectiveness plummets around the middle of the primary campaign due to the prevalence of Fire Fiends, which are immune to fire damage and become frequent after their initial debut.
12. Hand Gatling

Acquisition: You can get this with the Family Ties DLC.
The game’s quickest firing weapon, its high rate of fire coming at the expense of its effective range. Its secondary fire consists of releasing a swarm of exploding caltrops, which can cause a lot of damage in a compact area or a somewhat larger one if you choose the appropriate upgrade.
A weapon becomes more precise when fully upgraded, allowing for a more fantastic range. Low damage per shot, but the sheer volume of lead you hurl downrange means adversaries are melted down in seconds, or even less time if you receive the special upgrade that adds acid damage.
Here we come to the end of our article. Here is a brief summary of what we discussed:
- There are a total of 14 weapons available for use against the Orcs in Orcs Must Die 3. Some are worthless junk, while others are incredibly sturdy enough to resist an attack by over half the Orcs.
- This list contains the game’s top-tier weaponry against Orcs. There are many, and you should always have at least one with you during battle.
- The Arcane Staff is, without a doubt, the finest weapon in Orcs Must Die! 3, dealing both great single-target damage and the power to wipe out whole waves of opponents. You can get it for as little as 5 skulls.
That’s it from my side on the article “Orcs Must Die 3 Best Weapon.” For more informative articles, stay tuned.