If you are a beginner at this game, things are not exactly easy. You need to figure out how to navigate the game while utilizing your strengths as an individual character. In Path of Exile, there are builds that you can perform on your character in order to increase their capacity and improve your playing performance. These builds are for the most current version of the game and you want to be ready to play your best with Path of Exile beginner builds. Here are seven of the best Path of Exile builds for beginners.
Table of Contents
#7: Essence Drain

The Essence Drain (ED) build is by far one of the most useful in the game. How does it work? We will explain it in plain detail. You can use it on a single target or you can use it to clear entire mobs. You can use this tool to clear mobs on multiple screens in a row. This build is also completely free of charge.
The build also works fairly quickly, taking only 0.7 seconds to enact in POE. From the time you press the button to the time your essence drain comes into contact with the enemy or boss, less than an entire second will have passed. This build takes the form of a projectile that you can shoot at any aimed target.
In order to buy the build, you need to get to level 12 and give up one Orb of Transmutation. If you decide you want to sell the build, you can sell it for 1 scroll fragment. The build is easily treatable, especially for beginner players who have limited resources. You can rely on this bill to help you defeat bosses and enemies effectively, with little resources at your disposal. It is also fun to use.
#6: Toxic Rain Pathfinder
This is one of the best builds in the game and has some of the most power. The Toxic Rain Pathfinder only requires a four-link to be viable in maps. It is a poison that you can put on enemies and bosses. At the beginning of the game, it’s a little bit difficult to target it at a specific enemy or boss, but as you get later into the game it becomes easier to make your targeting more precise. How does it work?
When you shoot the Toxic Rain Pathfinder, it comes out of a bow and arrow that shoots an arrow up into the sky and then rains down spores onto your enemies and bosses standing on the ground. The spores that do not hit your enemies directly seep into the ground and cause long-term, gradual damage to your enemies. They also are known to without warning, hit your enemies and bosses. This means that this type of build causes an exponential amount of long-term damage to your enemies. It is very useful.
#5: Cyclone Slayer
Cyclone Slayer kills any enemies that are in your way. Its design is one of the simplest. It shoots directly from you to the enemy or boss in order to cause them immediate damage. It comes with armor and up to 9,000 effective life.
Some Cyclone Slayer builds are as cheap as 5 exalt. There are a plethora of different ways to build this particular tool. As a beginner player, you are able to use limited resources in order to conjure up the Cyclone Slayer. We believe that the game designers understood the importance of this build and that’s why they made it so easy to acquire. Either way, you will find it is very useful for directly targeting your enemies and causing them damage.
#4: Summon Spectres Necromancer
This handy build allows you to call on dead monsters to stand by your side in battle. You don’t have to invest anything to use it and you only need three links in order to enable the build.
#3: Storm Brand Assassin
This is one of the best beginners builds. The only thing that you need to purchase is avoid battery. The Storm Brand Assassin build allows you to freeze screens, causing damage. It is excellent for killing S-tier bosses. Storm Brand can both map and boss characters.
You should use this build in conjunction with Brand Cluster Jewels. It helps with tasks like delving, Inscribed Ultimatum, and farming delirium. In fact, it farms delirium at 100%. It’s by far one of the most effective builds for clearing maps quickly and effectively.
#2: ARC Elementalist
In order to make this build, you have to start with the witch class. You then complete the Labyrinth Quest so that you can acquire the Elementalist skill set. You get this automatically and act one when you finish the Siren’s Cadence. This only applies if you’re a witch.
If you’re not a witch, you have to purchase this build as a shadow from Nessa after you finish the Siren’s Cadence. This build has perks that you can use to embellish upon it. You can use spell echo to make the spells repeat after You cast them. You can also use hypothermia to increase any skills that hit enemies.
The Best Beginner Build for POE – Frost Blades Assassin
The Frost Blades Assassin is a complex build but what we consider the best beginner build for POE. Start out as a shadow and then once you the Labyrinth Quest, you experience ascendency to become an assassin. You then have to pick up three perks on the upgrade tree – Ambush & Assassinate, Opportunistic, Unstable Infusion, and Deadly Infusion. This will give you your build.
Only shadows, not witches, marauders, or templars, can pick up this build. You need to talk to Nessa after you complete your Enemy at the Gate Quest in Act 1 in order to acquire this build. If you want to use this build to damage two enemies at one time, you should use the Ancestral Call gem.
You can use the Hypothermia Gem to make your attacks more effective. You can pair this build with armor. You can choose an amulet or a ring. The more accuracy points you have on your piece of armor, the more effective it will be. Is there a bare minimum for how much accuracy piece of gear? The answer is that 300 is the absolute lowest that you should ever aim to have on anyone piece of armor or gear. This applies by all means to the armor you use for the Frost Blades Assassin build, as well.
Super Builds for Strong Gameplay
All seven of these bills will ensure that you play your strongest game with the most formidable of players. You are able to battle off enemies and bosses using the skills that these builds enable. Whether you’re using Toxic Rain arrows to thwart your enemies or cyclones layer to target them directly, you are sure to do better in the game if you use one of these seven builds.
Keep in mind that it takes time to acquire the tools necessary in order to enable the builds. From the time you start playing the game, you should be looking out for the gems and accuracy that you will need in order to activate these builds later in the POE Ultimatum game. Maintain a long-term perspective and you should be sure to be able to build some incredible characters.