Merlin Trials in the Poidsear Coast region are challenging and enjoyable at the same time. However, you will lose many hours trying to solve them on your own. Therefore, this article will guide you in finding and solving all 10 Merlin Trials in the area.
Poidsear Coast is an important location that you need to explore to access dark dungeons, NPCs, treasures, and unlock the Coasting Along Trophy. However, you must first unlock the Coastal Cavern during The Girl From Uagadou Quest to reach this region. Furthermore, there are 10 Merlin Trials that you must finish for some extra rewards. This article provides a detailed guide about the locations and solutions of all these trials.
Merlin Trial Solutions in Poidsear Coast
The 10 Merlin Trials in the Poidsear Coast region are simple yet very enjoyable. These puzzles will test your problem-solving skills, time management, and knowledge of magic spells in Hogwarts Legacy. The infamous Tomb of Treachery Merlin Trial is also a part of these puzzles. Here’s all you need to know about them:
Puzzle 1: Stone Platforms in the Tomb of Treachery
The Stone Platforming Merlin Trial is as easy as it can get in Hogwarts Legacy. The goal is simple, parkour through all four platforms without touching the ground. You can access this Merlin stone by traveling along the coast on your Broom, as shown in the picture:

Initiate the puzzle with Mallowsweet Leaves, then climb the rocks behind the Merlin stone to access the platforms. Next, jump on the first platform to begin the course and jump on the second and third aligned platforms. After reaching the third stone platform, move back to the second one and then jump to the platform on your right to complete the Merlin Trial in the Tomb of Treachery.

Puzzle 2: Lighting the Braziers
The second puzzle in the Poidsear Coast requires you to ignite all three braziers simultaneously. The torches will start descending into the pond below, giving you little time to move. So, the best way to solve this puzzle is to locate all three braziers before lighting them up. You can find this Merlin Trial in the west of the Tomb of Treachery, as shown in the picture:

Start the puzzle by throwing Mallowsweet Leaves on the Merlin Stone. The first brazier is located right behind the Trial site. Keep moving past this brazier to find the second short brazier near the bushes. Finally, the last brazier is hidden in the rocks to the south of the middle brazier, as shown in the picture. Once you locate all three torches, you must light them in the order of Third, Second, and first using the Confringo spell.

Puzzle 3: Moonlight Pillars
The third puzzle is a slightly challenging one. To complete this Merlin Trial, you must guide the Lacewing Flies to the Moonlight stone pillars to activate them. These flies will follow you when you cast the Lumos spell near them. However, the real challenge is to find all three pillars while still holding the flies. You can reach this Merlin Trial puzzle site by traveling southwest from the previous puzzle, as shown in the picture:

Start the puzzle with Mallowsweet Leaves and then use Revelio to reveal the first two Moonlight stone pillars. The first cluster of Lacewing Flies is located right behind one of the pillars. The second cluster of flies is direct to the west of the first stone. Finally, the last cluster of flies is to the left of the second cluster. To reach the final Moonlight stone pillar, go down the slope and through the wooden barriers, and the pillar will be on your left. When you cast Lumos near the flies, they will follow you and take them to the nearest Moonlight pillar to complete the Merlin Trial.

Puzzle 4: Destroy Stone Pillars
The next Merlin Trial puzzle requires you to destroy five large stone pillars near the Merlin stone. Four of these stones are around the puzzle site, and the fifth isn’t very hard to find. Once you locate all five pillars, you can use Confringo or Incendio while aiming at the pillar to destroy it. This Merlin Trial site is located in the west of the Tomb of Treachery, as shown in the picture:

To solve this Merlin Trial puzzle, cast Revelio to reveal all four stone pillars near the site. Use Confringo to destroy them one at a time. For the final stone pillar, run through the rocky path on your left. The fifth stone pillar is located on the hill, as shown in the picture.

Puzzle 5: Symbol Pillars
The fifth Merlin Trial in the Poidsear Coast region is the most challenging of them all. There are three stone pillars with three sides placed around the area. Moreover, there are stone cubes placed atop these pillars having similar shapes. To solve the puzzle, you must use Flipendo to flip the stone cube such that each face of the cube matches the one on the pillars. It will take some time to solve the puzzle, but you will find it quite easy once you get a hold of its mechanics. You can find this Merlin Trial in the south of the previous Merlin Trial, as shown in the picture:

Use Revelio after initiating the Merlin Trial to reveal all three stone pillars. The first two stone pillars are to the left and right of the Merlin Stone. The final pillar is located on the far right side of the puzzle site. To complete the challenge, examine all faces of a pillar and then use the Flipendo spell to flip the stone cube. You must keep flipping on all three faces till the shapes are aligned on all pillars to complete the Merlin Trial.

Puzzle 6: Small Stone Balls
The next Merlin Trial makes use of the Wingardium Leviosa magic spell. To solve this puzzle, you must guide the small stone balls into the holes in the stone plates. There are three holes and stone ball clusters in the area. Once you locate all three stone holes, guide the small balls into them to complete the puzzle. You can find this Merlin Trial in the middle of the Poidsear Coast, as shown in the picture:

The stone ball clusters are scattered around the ruins. The first cluster is outside the eastern wall of the ruins, and the holes are along this wall. The second cluster of balls is on the southern side of the ruins, and the socket is outside the western wall. Finally, the last cluster of stone balls is inside the room in the western corner of the ruins; the holes are right behind them. You can also use Revelio to reveal all nearby stones and sockets for better results.

Puzzle 7: Giant Stone Ball
The next puzzle can be solved in many ways depending on your playing style. The goal is simple, guide the large stone ball to the giant hole in the ground to complete the challenge. However, the hole is located on another hill with a large gap in between. You can find this Merlin Trial in the southwest of the small tree plantation on the Poidsear Coast, as shown in the picture:

The best way to solve this Merlin Trial is to use a combination of Wingardium Leviosa and Depulso spells. Use the Depulso spell when the puzzle starts to guide it toward the large hole in the west. You must keep hitting the stone ball till it falls into the gap between the cliffs. Next, jump to the other cliff, elevate the ball with Wingardium Leviosa, and place it inside the hole to complete the Merlin Trial.

Puzzle 8: Giant Stone Ball #2
The next Merlin Trial is pretty much the same as the previous one. However, the path is blocked by wooden boxes, and the hole is hidden under wooden planks. Apart from this, the goal is the same, i.e., guide the stone ball into the large hole in the ground to complete the puzzle. You can find this Merlin Trial on the west of the large bridge on the Poidsear Coast, as shown in the picture:

Initiate the puzzle by throwing Mallowsweet Leaves on the Merlin stone. Next, move up the wooden platform and clear the wooden boxes with Confringo or Incendio. From here, you can either push the ball with Depulso or elevate it with Wingardium Leviosa to the other side of the ruined gate. The large hole is under the flag on the other side. However, it is hidden under wooden planks that you must break with any destructive spell. Finally, guide the large ball into the large hole to complete the Merlin Trial.

Puzzle 9: Moonlight Pillars
The next puzzle in the Poidsear Coast region requires you to find the Lacewing Flies and guide them to the Moonlight pillars to activate them. These pillars are scattered around the ruins, so you must find them with Revelio. The location of Merlin Trial is located directly on the east of the riverbank, near the tree plantations, as shown in the picture:

You can reveal all three stone pillars by using Revelio while standing on the Merlin Stone. The first cluster of Lacewing Flies is on the path opposite the pillar. The second cluster is behind the wooden wall near the pillar inside the southern gate. You can break the wall with Confringo to access these flies. Finally, the last cluster of flies is above the ladder behind the first pillar. To reach the final pillar, you must jump from the northern side of the platform. Lastly, Lacewing Flies are attracted to Lumos, so you must cast it every time after losing the flies.

Puzzle 10: Repair Stone Statues
The final Merlin Trial in the Poidsear Coast region isn’t that difficult if you know where to find the statues. The goal is simple, find the broken statues and repair them with the Reparo spell to complete the challenge. You can find this Merlin Trial on the far side of the hill, as shown in the picture:

The first broken statue is right beside the Merlin stone. The next statue is on the western side of the Merlin Trial site. Finally, the last broken stone statue is near the campsite above the northern hill. You must fly to this camp on your Broom to reach the statue. After finding a broken statue, use the Reparo spell to fix it. Repair all three statues to complete the Merlin Trial.

Merlin Trials are fun, challenging, and rewarding at the same time. You must solve all the puzzles in the game to earn inventory boosts and unlock Merlin’s Beard! Trophy. There are 10 Merlin puzzles in the Poidsear Coast region, one of them is in the Tomb of Treachery, and the rest are spread on the far side of the coastline. So, how to locate and solve these puzzles? Well, this article provides a detailed guide about solving all Poidsear Coast Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy.