Polora the Feywalker is an important boss you need to defeat in V Rising. She gives you access to more vampire powers and crafting abilities you will need further down the line. So, where can you find Polora the Feywalker? I’ll be showing you Polora the Feywalkers’ location and even tell you how to beat her.
P.S.: We have a page on our site dedicated to a V Rising interactive map. Go check it out!
Make sure to check out our Vincent the Frostbringer location guide, when you’re ready to go to tier 2!
Table of Contents
Where to Find Polora the Feywalker in V Rising

Polora the Feywalker can be found at Gleaming Meadows, walking around in the area. I found Polora along one of the creeks in the area. Gleaming Meadows is towards the top left of Farbane Woods.
Once you’ve found Polora the Feywalker, you can defeat her and drink her V blood to gain access to garlic resistance potions and garden flooring. Two very important things for the mid to late game.
If you want precise information on how to track Polora, I recommend using your blood altar and tracking her. This is normally how you track bosses in V Rising and use them to get more forms. The blood altar is somewhat confusing at first, but you’ll get a hang of it quickly. Just remember, if you are too low of a level you can’t track at the blood altar!
The fight itself isn’t very difficult. Just make sure you are around gear level 34, as this is her level. Also, avoid dying, as the nearest vampire waygate is pretty far away from Gleaming Meadows.

What are Polora the Feywalker Rewards
Defeating Polora the Feywalker gives you the following rewards:
- Spectral Wolf
- Veil of Illusion.
- Vampire Waygate
- Golden Floors.
- Minor Garlic Resistance Brew.
The Vampire Waygate is super important in V Rising. This is how you will teleport through the world without constantly having to run everywhere. This is one of the main reasons you need to locate and defeat Polora.
You can use this in a variety of ways, one major one being quickly going to farming locations and grabbing horses. A much faster way of traveling than wolf form. Afterward, you’ll be able to run back to base in half the time!
Not mentioned elsewhere, Polora the Feywalkers location, Gleaming Meadows, has lots of various plants that you can harvest for seeds! Bloodrose, Snow Flowers, and Fire Blossoms, are all available in massive quantities here.
And of course, you will also have a high chance of getting an unsullied heart from Polora, which you can use to turn into greater blood essence.
As you can see, v rising Polora is a very rewarding blood boss.
How to Beat Polora the Feywalker

The easiest way to beat Polora the Feywalker is to keep distance and spam ranged attacks on her. All of Polora’s attacks are ranged and easy to dodge from a distance. If you keep even just a little space between you, you can easily move out of the way in time.
She does summon minions at various points during the fight, but these just use similar ranged attacks like her. You can choose to ignore them if you want, however they are very easy to dispatch if appropriately geared.
I’d recommend not getting into melee range against Polora. She attacks frequently with little downtime, so it is quite difficult to dodge at a short-range. Make use of your vampire dash and ranged attacks for maximum effectiveness.
Chaos Volley, the vampire spell you get from Lidia the Chaos Archer, is a great skill to have for this fight. Not only does it do more damage than the other spell, but you get two projectiles.
Really, the hardest part of the fight is going to be finding Polora the Feywalker location.
And that’s our Polora the Feywalker location in v rising guide!
Hopefully, this helps you unlock some of the most important recipes in the game!
Good luck!
[…] P.S. If you need help with one of the next bosses, check out where to find Polora the Feywalker! […]
[…] out some of our other guides, like where to find Polora and Quincey the Bandit King […]
Great, almost all weapons are bad against this boss. Amazing game design.
[…] how-to get bones in V Rising guide will show you how to farm them quickly, and our Polora location guide shows you where and how to fight Polora. Both very useful and we have many […]