Putrid Rat Location in V Rising - Nerd Lodge
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Putrid Rat Location in V Rising

Your vampire may assume a variety of fascinating shapes in V Rising. Players will most likely already own the wolf form by the time they find this tutorial. Prepare yourself now for the second form! In its own unique manner, the Rat Form is strong. Gamers must have a solid escape strategy in place before entering a risky location to obtain precious materials like glass. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if they could outwit all of the adversaries by slipping through the tightest spaces and cracks? That escape is offered by the Rat Form. However, you must first defeat the Putrid Rat in order to obtain it.

Unfortunately, V Rising’s Putrid Rat is a peculiar V Blood. You may look all you want for the Putrid Rats Location, but it won’t turn up. Players must create it instead. So, let’s get started on how to locate, create, and eliminate this pesky rodent.

Putrid Rat Location

Putrid Rat Location

Your castle is home to the location of the Putrid Rat. Yes. That is its location. It is literally unavailable elsewhere. Vampires won’t be able to track this V Blood when they visit the Blood Altar. This implies that they are free to decide where they wish to engage in this conflict. However, you cannot immediately summon the Putrid Rat. It must be created using a Vermin Nest.

360 stones and 120 bones are what is required to construct this Vermin Nest. It can be found in the Production tab’s Refining bit. You won’t have any problem building one because unlocking the Vermin Nest happens in the early game. Preferably, place the Vermin Nest inside the fortress after crafting it. You won’t have to deal with sunlight at all when fighting Putrid Rat if you do it this way. Otherwise, make sure to do this at night.

Summoning the Putrid Rat requires a certain combination of components: 1 Twilight Snapper, 3 Fish Bones, and 6 Grave Dust.

Getting the Ingredients for the Putrid Rat Recipe

Getting the Ingredients for the Putrid Rat Recipe

You must use a Grinder to turn 100 bones into one Grave Dust. Finding bones won’t be an issue if you reside close to a graveyard. Furthermore, strong foes have a chance to drop Grave Dust in cemeteries and graveyards. Here is exactly how you can get bones easily in V Rising.

Fish Bone is also extremely common. Players may get it by placing live fish in the Devourer or by raiding bandit camps. Of course, they will need a Fishing Pole to catch fish.

You also need a Fishing Pole to catch a Twilight Snapper. To get this special item, vampires need to build the Woodworking Bench. Unlock this structure by defeating Rufus the Foreman. It may be crafted with 60 animal hides and 12 planks. Once that has been constructed, use 8 planks, 4 copper ingots, and 4 coarse threads to get your hands on the Fishing Pole.

The Farbane Woods are full of Twilight Snappers. Go fishing around the tiny lakes around the area. Players will have to continue this procedure for a long time because the probability of acquiring a Twilight Snapper is pretty low. Although it might be tedious, only one is needed.

Putrid Rat Rewards

Putrid Rat Rewards

Defeating the Putrid Rat will reward you with:

  • Rat Form – Turn yourself into a tiny rat and blend in with the surroundings to make it more difficult for foes to find you. The result is halted by injures

You will receive the Putrid Rat form as payment for defeating the Putrid Rat. The Vampiric Power wheel can be improved with this power in the arsenal. Although this shape doesn’t have much value by itself, it’s ideal for rapid getaways when in peril. This form is particularly useful when you start robbing the Dunley Farmlands since it allows users to flee with goods like glass or cotton while leaving the mobs behind. It is also useful for entering small crevices, while under the cover of darkness.

Tips for Beating Putrid Rat

Putrid Rat is a level 30 V Blood. So long as you are at least level 25 or higher, everything will be alright. Naturally, as always, ensure that your equipment is durable before using it, and repair it if necessary. These are the powers this rat will use to surprise enemies:

Summon Rats

Digs underground and summons additional rat enemies


Attacks multiple times in a row without stopping. Will be surrounded by a red aura when using the skill

Poison Explosion

Winds up an explosion with poison damage

Although the Putrid Rat is not a particularly powerful boss, it can be irritating. It employs three different powers. Simple bites are its most frequent assault. The Putrid Rat will also use a Rage power where it charges and bites you a couple of times aggressively. There will be a crimson aura surrounding it if it intends to do this. You may easily avoid this strike as long as you are not immediately in front of it.

Additional rats may be born from it. Putrid Rat buries itself underground and releases a large number of weaker, smaller rats as a result. With a blow from your weapon, you can easily dispatch them.

Poison is used for its last ability, which you may identify by the appearance of a green cloud encircling the Rat. Users will be alright as long as they stay outside its area of effect.

The Putrid Rat doesn’t have many long-range alternatives to combat the gamer, as one can presumably infer from these skills. Go in and use the armament of choice to do some significant damage whenever Putrid Rat just finishes an attack. You may rapidly eliminate all of the small rats by saving your AOE attacks for them. Simply run away from the Putrid Rat and fire projectiles at it whenever it appears to be attacking with its Poison Explosion.


This battle against the Putrid Rat is rather simple. The Rat likes to either remain in close proximity to you and nip at you or vanish and call out a swarm of lesser rats to keep the player busy. While single-target abilities like Shadowbolt or Chaos Volley are excellent for taking down the Putrid Rat while avoiding its bite attack range, crowd-controlling abilities like Whirlwind or Corpse Explosion, which you get by defeating Goreswine the Ravager, are perfect for taking down the smaller rats. While utilizing these, the fight will be a breeze.

If you want more V Rising content, also check out how to get through other hard-to-beat V Bloods, like Rufus the Foreman.