Remnant from the Ashes – Weapons Tier List - Nerd Lodge
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Remnant from the Ashes – Weapons Tier List

Remnant from the Ashes – Weapons Tier

Mowing down waves of eldritch monstrosities has never been so much fun before Remnant from the Ashes, and this is especially true given that you are offered a plethora of exclusive weapon selections to choose from in the game! Today, we will be going over the best remnant from the ashes weapons in every tier.

Each weapon has its own unique advantages to suit any playstyle, yet some are just built better than others in terms of overall usability and proficiency regardless of your personal preferences.

Today, we will be showcasing a Remnant from the Ashes – Weapon Tier List to identify which of the available weapons you should definitely consider when opting for a new challenge, especially in Apocalypse difficulty.

For this list, we will take into account a variety of factors in order to evaluate the tier of each weapon, namely:

  • Firepower (raw damage)
  • Rate of fire
  • Weapon handling/ recoil
  • Reloading speed
  • Permanent mods (certain exclusive weapons)

Kindly take note that this tier list will be looking into the Long Guns (primary weapon) and Hand Guns (secondary weapon) categories only, and that DLC weapons are also included too.

Nevertheless, a Melee Weapons Tier List may be coming sometime in the future though, so keep your fingers crossed for that one as well!

Without further ado, let’s jump right into it!

Remnant from the Ashes – Weapons Melee List

What is the Best Melee Weapon in the Game?

Although this list will not be covering about all the Melee Weapons in the game, a general overview of the best in the category can easily be summed up accordingly.

There are currently twenty (20) melee weapons available in Remnant of the Ashes, but when it comes to pure destructive powers, these three (3) items of carnage are undoubtedly the best ones in the game depending on your personal tastes: 

Chain Blade

  • A one-of-a-kind weapon, the Chain Blade is the only chain-sword that is introduced into the game, benefitting from a sword’s swift attacks while also able to extend its reach further by way of its charged attacks.
  • Superb in flexibility in terms of destroying single targets or even mobs.


  • Some call it the ‘Fire Dragon Sword’, Smoulder is a VERY popular choice for most players due to its cool design and exceptional Burning ailment.
  • Upgrade it to the max to see your enemies’ HP dwindle easily from its destructive attacks while also being singed simultaneously, even for Bosses.

World’s Edge or Hero’s Sword (both are almost similar in use)

  • Both of these swords are almost entirely alike if not for their different ranged attacks (yes, these swords have ranged charged attacks!).
  • Opt for the World’s Edge if you wish to strike multiple enemies at once due to its wider ranged blast, or use the Hero’s Sword for maximum single-damage ranged attacks by way of an Energy Wave (akin to Dante’s Drive skill using Swordmaster style in Devil May Cry games).

Remnant from the Ashes is a game that welcomes any playstyle, so choose any of these depending on your liking.

Weapons Tier List

What is the Best Secondary Weapon in the Game?

As we will see later on in this tier list, the Spitfire or the Pride of the Iskal are the two (2) best Secondary Weapons in the game, and here’s why:


  • This rampaging beast of a handgun shoots fiery bullets which can be shot extremely quickly, decimating your foes effortlessly.
  • Its Flamethrower Mod is what makes Spitfire a top-tier weapon as you can instantly roast enemies to a crisp during short-range engagements, or when you are simply drained of handgun ammo.

Pride of the Iskal

  • Pride of the Iskal is a magnificent piece of armament due to its short bursts of fire (three (3) bullets per trigger) which sticks to enemies and explodes later on, damaging the target further!
  • The gun’s unique Vampiric Mod allows you to shoot four (4) beetles which land on enemies and steal small portions of their health, healing you once they return (works tremendously well against Bosses due to their large health pools!).

It is hard to distinguish which one is better among the two weapons due to their distinct advantages, but rest assured that both of them are able to cut through enemy lines conveniently like no tomorrow!

Ashes Primary List

Remnant from the Ashes Primary Weapons Tier List

Wasting no time at all, here is the Primary Weapons Tier List for the Long Guns in the game:




  • A monster of a firearm, the Beam Rifle deals continuous Radiation damage which becomes stronger the longer you fire it at one specific target.

Main advantages: 

  • Extremely fast firing rate (hold the trigger/ fire button to continue shooting)
  • Unbelievably accurate (fires in a straight line)
  • Almost no recoil
  • Hefty magazine size
  • Balanced reloading speed
  • An empty mod slot to make it stronger!


  • Basically an upgraded Assault Rifle, the Fusion Rifle is already a powerful weapon by itself, but its exclusive Fusion Cannon mod elevates its status as an S-grade weapon due to its overpowered (OP) single-line damage that penetrates enemies!


  • High base damage
  • Respectable firing rate
  • Good reloading speed
  • Easy to maintain recoil (intermittent trigger press for slower, accurate shots)
  • Massive magazine count
  • Fusion Cannon mod



  • Although slightly inferior to the S-tier weapons, the Assault Rifle is still unstoppable due to its unbeatable firing rate which outmatches the two superior variants above.
  • Its lack of any special effects/ benefits puts it down a tad bit, besides its relatively low magazine count (prompting reloads every so often due to its immense firing rate).


  • Devastating until the mag runs out of ammo
  • Fast reloading speed
  • Acceptable recoil (if holding the trigger)
  • Effective between close-to-medium ranges.


  • A lethal weapon for stealth kills, the Crossbow deals incredible base damage which is able to potentially one-shot low-level enemies instantly.
  • You need to reload after every shot, but the time taken is almost negligible when compared to other of its main strengths.
  • Extremely deadly (high base damage)
  • Does not make too much noise
  • High Critical Hit Chance (20%)!
  • Quick to reload


  • Ruin fires in 3-round bursts which make it great for mid-to-long range engagements but may be restrictive when surrounded.
  • Its Undying mod allows you to revive with half HP if it is charged when you die out, giving you another chance to continue the fight.
  • Its strong attributes are:
  • Comes with a 3x magnifying scope!
  • Accurate due to its burst-fire mode
  • Balanced reloading speed
  • Its Undying mod


  • A weapon that possesses both Ice and Fire elements, the Alternator fires ice projectiles but is also equipped with an Incinerator mod which allows you to launch firebombs at a specific location, Burning enemies affected within it.
  • Its rate of fire is even quicker than the Assault Rifle, but its reloading speed is a bit slower than most other guns.
  • Boasts amongst the highest rate of fire in the game!
  • Dual element of Ice and Fire
  • Incinerator mod
  • Weapon recoil is good
  • Comfortable magazine count



Hunting Rifle
  • A balanced weapon in all fairness, the Hunting Rifle does deal significant base damage to enemies while also being fairly accurate too.
  • Its low magazine count can sometimes become detrimental in certain situations, and the reloading speed is satisfactory at best.
  • Still, it does have its strong points:
  • Its accurate shots deal tremendous single-target damage
  • The ‘oomph’ factor of sliding the chamber in after every shot!
  • Can essentially snipe enemies from afar


  • A high-powered weapon, the Ricochet Rifle provides extra value when dealing with multiple enemies at once due to its projectiles bouncing off of targets and the surrounding landscape.
  • It lacks the intended firing rate though, as you need to reinsert its ammo after taking each shot which makes you vulnerable especially when swarmed in close quarters.
  • Top-tier raw damage
  • Capable of hitting targets from afar
  • Boasts high Critical Hit Chance


  • The Coach Gun is safely considered an upgraded double-barrelled shotgun that is still capable of inflicting satisfactory results for medium engagements.
  • Its unsurprisingly low mag size (2 bullets per magazine) still favours close combat though, as each shot renders low-tier enemies dead very quickly.
  • Fast reload speed (2 bullets only for reloading)
  • A viable Shotgun alternative
  • Massive raw damage (if enemies are hit by all pellets/ bullet spreads)
Coach Gun



  • A monstrous weapon to behold for the right user, the Shotgun explodes enemies in close range with ease, but obviously trades that advantage for weak distance firing.
  • Use it for the thrill of Close-Quarters-Combat (CQC), but lacks in almost everything else including the reloading mechanic (reloads one bullet at a time).
  • Incredibly huge base damage (if enemies are hit by all pellets/ bullets)!
  • Quick firing rate for its class
  • Recoil is manageable for its category


  • A marksman’s best friend, the Sniper Rifle’s destructive capabilities from distance is undeniable, but such situations are sometimes too far in-between.
  • Its damage for close-to-medium range combat is usurped by other firearms which are just much more potent, where most of the engagements usually take place as almost all enemies prefer to melee you to death.
  • Still, it does have its charms for certain players of the game:
  • Has a 5x sniper scope attached
  • Easier to spot enemies’ weak spots
  • Reloading speed is quite good for its class


  • Don’t get this wrong, Eye of the Storm is a mighty weapon which has a high base damage and also the Static Field Shot mod attached to it.
  • However, its firing rate and magazine size may need to be beefed up a bit in order for it to be truly formidable (and go up the tier list), which may happen in a future patch.
  • At the moment, Eye of the Storm still has a few good things going for it though:
  • Respectable base damage
  • Static Field Shot is superb when clumping enemies together
  • Reloading speed is a plus
Eye of the Storm



  • A collector’s item which pops up in a few other video games as well, the Chicago Typewriter is supposed to be amongst the best weapons in the game but it’s just not.
  • Its weak Damage-over-Time (DPS) potential just could not cut down enemies fast enough even though the gun boasts an incredibly fast firing rate.
  • It is still fun to use occasionally for the extra challenge, but many other options are available to take its place in the game.
  • Boasts an unrelenting firing rate
  • Magazine size is just outstanding!


  • Works similarly to a Shotgun, the Repulsor is conceptually a cool weapon for close encounters yet its overall usability is just way behind its other reliable counterparts.
  • It does have the Banish mod attached to it which can help during overwhelming scenarios (even life-saving too!) but other than that, there’s just not much to say about it rather than being a bit underwhelming (not to mention the reloading speed).
  • Damage potential is good
  • Banish mod helps to thin out the enemy crowd temporarily (besides making the affected enemies susceptible to further damage)



  • The Devastator – with such a profound name, you would expect it to be destroying mobs in just a matter of seconds!
  • Works just like a typical Crossbow, its mediocre damage just doesn’t make it stand out too much as killing enemies take longer than intended.
  • For a single-bullet weapon (reloads after every shot), it’s abysmal reloading speed doesn’t help out at all too, which eventually gets you swarmed by enemies after you manage to eventually kill the first one.
  • Has the Skewer mod which is phenomenal for single targets like Bosses


  • On paper, the Particle Accelerator seems to be an exclusive Boss killer, but its low magazine count and slow rate of fire just doesn’t cut it when compared to others on this list.
  • The Gravity Core mod works almost identically to the Repulsor’s Banish mod albeit it being better due to the explosion that it causes afterwards.
  • Other than that, not much to say.
  • Possesses the Gravity Core mod for swarms of enemies
Particle Accelerator



  • This might be the most controversial one of them all, but the Sporebloom makes it all the way down here due to its single-ammo use and short range of effectiveness.
  • Its Spore Shot mod works wonders as a supplement for other main weapons or teammates, but this essentially puts your Hand Guns as your primary weapon for DPS instead.
  • Granted. Sporebloom still has its fans though:
  • Spore Shot is sometimes irreplaceable
  • Certain character setups/ builds can make this weapon God-tier

And that concludes the Primary Weapons that are ranked from best to the worst according to our predetermined criteria, but nobody is going to tell you what to do in the game, right?

Pick up any weapons you like, go out there and give them hell!

Weapon List

Remnant from the Ashes Secondary Weapons Tier List

After careful consideration, here is the Secondary Weapons Tier List which involves the Hand Guns that are available within the game:




  • The Spitfire is more akin to a Submachine Gun but with flaming bullets!
  • This secondary firearm is capable of becoming your primary weapon for some unique builds, and whenever you are out of rounds, the Flamethrower mod will keep you going until that too is depleted (or your enemies burned to ashes!).
  • Here’s why this special gun makes it at the top:
  • Insane firing rate
  • Max ammo count is ridiculous (a good thing)
  • A Flamethrower mod which essentially makes the a 2-in-1 combo weapon
  • Base fire damage helps to destroy a majority of the in-game enemy types


Pride Of The Iskal
  • Pride of the Iskal is one of the rare burst-fire Hand Guns in the game, shooting three (3) projectiles at once which both damages and stick to enemies (exploding shortly afterwards, dealing extra damage).
  • Its Vampiric mod also steals the health of your targeted enemies, making this an impressive Boss slayer.
  • Here are some of its other main attributes that make it S-grade:
  • Total cumulative damage from shots + explosions is just outrageous!
  • Health sapped from enemies can almost instantly heal you all the way up to full HP if dying (depending on targeted enemy)
  • Exploitative weapon which can kill Bosses quickly by a combination of improved base damage + upgraded explosion stacks + increased health sapped.
  • Good magazine count



  • Possessing a high firing rate, the Repeater Pistol enjoys massive DPS potential early on in the game, letting you breeze through most sections smoothly.
  • A slight disadvantage comes from its mediocre mag size for a quick-firing gun, but you won’t necessarily feel it too much as reloading takes a mere 1 second only.
  • Other great points for the Repeater Pistol are:
  • Steady recoil/ weapon handling
  • Offensive mods can further improve its destructive prowess
  • Reloading speed is balanced


  • Almost as effective as a Shotgun, the Hive Cannon is capable of shooting enemies at range while not receiving any loss in damage output at all.
  • Its Hive Shot mod creates two beneficial instances for you: spawns swarms of insects which continue to attack enemies, and granting Corrosive stacks on affected enemies as well.
  • Its magazine count is just shocking, but its deadliness in destroying monsters more than makes up for it.
  • High base damage
  • Hive Shot mod is just splendid
  • Medium range accuracy is still respectable


  • The Curse of the Jungle God is also another impressive firearm to boot, able to dish out good amounts of damage in relatively quick fashion.
  • Its Tentacle Shot mod creates massive tentacles which both stagger and kills enemies, with more of the tentacles able to be spawned as well depending on charges.
  • An outstanding weapon overall:
  • Firing rate is good
  • Damage feels fitting
  • Tentacle Shot mod provides additional ‘backup’



  • This one could have gotten itself higher on this list but a few niggling disadvantages bring it down just a tad bit; the Defiler is still an effective weapon in the right hands.
  • Offering tons of raw Radiation base damage, it is capable of beating off a few hordes of enemies for a while until its low overall ammo count starts to become a problem.
  • Still a very enjoyable gun to use, with its Radioactive Volley mod dealing massive single-target damage up-close while bouncing off the landscape to attack others as well.
  • Strong and destructive (high base damage)
  • Good firing rate
  • The Radioactive Volley mode shines in certain situations


  • An exceptionally devastating weapon, the Magnum Revolver offers a crazy amount of damage which can hastily decimate enemies during fight-or-flight situations.
  • One of its downsides is its strong recoil and low clip size, but these can easily be circumvented through gear setups and experience.
  • Among its major strong points are:
  • Insanely powerful shots
  • Highly accurate
  • Fast reloading speed (although reloads one bullet at a time)
  • Satisfying to hear its gunshots!



Machine Pistol
  • An unlocked pistol from the Subject 2923 DLC, the Machine Pistol is great for killing off close-range targets due to its amazing firing rate (ensures every bullet hits the enemy from close proximity).
  • You can even hold the trigger for it to shoot continuously, though the recoil and small magazine count becomes a hindrance later on.
  • The Machine Pistol does not rank higher because of this, besides its relatively weak base damage which could make it elite-tier if it was bumped up more.
  • Incredible firing rate
  • Extremely high maximum ammo cap
  • Good reloading speed


  • Another DLC weapon, the Twin Shot is exactly as the name suggests – a smaller version of the Crossbow which shoots two (2) darts/ arrows almost simultaneously (almost!).
  • Possesses fairly high starting Critical Hit Chance (15%) but requires reloading constantly which can become quite troublesome and annoying.
  • The Twin Shot does have its benefits, though:
  • 2-shot fire produces  outrageous damage
  • Good Critical Hit Chance
  • Astoundingly accurate even from distance



  • A potentially brutal weapon, the Sawed-Off is only ever useful for short, in-your-face engagements.
  • Its shots are extremely destructive but its small clip size makes it hard to maintain yourself in combat for long periods without reloading endlessly, which is also disappointing because its reloading speed is disastrous and reloads each bullet individually.
  • Potentially boasts amongst the highest base damage in the game (if every pellet/ bullet lands on target)



Submachine Gun
  • A staple weapon in almost every video game, the Submachine Gun is placed under the Hand Gun category for Remnant from the Ashes, and it comes equipped with an astonishing firing rate which could potentially be the highest in the game.
  • However, its substandard damage output (pun intended) puts it in a precarious state where almost all other players have moved on to use other viable options in order to beat harder end-game content.
  • If you still want to try the Submachine Gun out, this might help you out:
  • Unbelievably fast firing rate
  • Huge clip size
  • Almost no recoil



  • The final Hand Gun on this list, the Hunting Pistol is most certainly not weak in terms of its raw base damage but everything else about it just makes it the most inferior amongst all the other Secondary Weapons.
  • Chambering only one (1) bullet at a time, you will need to reload after each shot, and missing those crucial hits can be infuriating in the game.
  • You can only do so much with the Hunting Pistol, but there have been players who chose to rise up to the challenge by beating most tough Bosses using it in-game.
  • Unconventionally powerful
  • Immensely accurate

And that wraps up our Secondary Weapons Tier List this time around.

Hopefully, this will prove to be worthwhile for you to equip yourself with the best weapons available in the game.

As a final disclaimer, every weapon is still very much usable in the game and you are always open to experience each of them yourself.

These two (2) weapons tier list are only shared to provide context on which weapons could potentially give you the best overall ease in using them to destroy the countless numbers of enemies in the game, but we all have our own personal preferences now, don’t we?

Remnant from the Ashes Weapons Tier List Hunting Pistol

Guns of your Choice

Remnant from the Ashes is a game which highly promotes players to experiment and personalize their own distinct adventures by creating customizable gear setups and weapon choices.

Still, you have the freedom to decide what to do from here on out, so be sure to rock whatever suits your fancy and mess up the world by kicking some demonic being’s ***!

If you’re looking to find out more about which character archetype fits you the most in Remnant from the Ashes, be sure to check out our general overview of each class as well.

Choose Your Archetype

Until the next full breakdown, stay safe!

Remnant From The Ashes Weapons