Huntress is one of the first survivors unlocked in Risk of Rain 2, and today, I am going to be showing you how to play her correctly in this Huntress guide for Risk of Rain 2. I will review the best items/build for Huntress, her abilities, and how you should play Huntress.
Wanna know where Huntress ranks compared to the other survivors? Check out my tier list for Risk of Rain 2 and the community tier list for Risk of Rain 2. I won’t be discussing how to unlock Huntress here. Instead, I have an unlock guide for every survivor in Risk of Rain 2. So go there if you have yet to unlock her.
So, without further ado, let’s get into the Huntress guide.
Table of Contents
How to Play Huntress in RoR2
The first thing I must tell you in this Huntress guide is how to play Huntress on the macro level. It is different for every character in Risk of Rain 2 so read this section to get an idea of what Huntress is like.
For starters, Huntress is the squishiest survivor in Risk of Rain 2. Both her initial health pool and her health scaling is the lowest in the entire game, making Huntress the so-called ‘glass cannon’. Rightfully so, as she does have a large amount of damage in her kit, which depending on the loadout you choose for her, can be a single target, AOE, or even a little of both.
This means that you will have to be quick on your feet when playing Huntress, as even a single stray wisp or titan beam could mean your end. Although, because you have an absurd amount of damage, if you manage her cool-downs correctly, you can dispatch of any potential danger swiftly.
The biggest thing to understand with Huntress is she needs lots of items to reach max potential. Whereas survivors like Rex or Acrid can be strong even without items, Huntress simply can’t manage that feat. If you are with a group of friends that keep taking your items you have my permission to Glowing Meteorite their a**.
Moving on, we have a quick guide on Huntress’s abilities.
Huntress’s Abilities
This section is just an overview of all of Huntress’s abilities. This won’t be a full ability guide for her or which loadout is better (although we will discuss is briefly). If you’d like to see what Huntress’s best loadouts are and how to unlock them go here.
Huntress’s Primary: Strafe or Flurry

Huntress has two primary loadouts to choose from and the answer as to which one you should use on her is pretty obvious.
Strafe shoots an arrow for 150% damage with a 1 proc coefficient. This has a fire rate of .5s and can be used while sprinting, something other survivors can’t really do.
Flurry, on the other-hand, shoots three arrows for 100% damage each. If you end up landing a critical strike, you will shoot double the amount at a total of six arrows (which all do double damage as well). Although the fire rate is slower, you still end up with more DPS by choosing Flurry over Strafe.
Huntress Secondary: Laser Glaive

Huntress has one secondary option to choose from, Laser Glaive. Glaive is one of the most important tools in a Huntress’s toolkit as it clears squishy yet annoying enemies out in a flash and can make Shrines of the Mountain look like cake walks.
The glaive will bounce six times for 250% damage, however, that damage increases by 10% every bounce, so the more enemies you hit the higher the damage goes. This compliments Huntress’s first ability (a single target attack) extremely well and rounds out her kit for raw DPS potential.
Huntress Utility: Blink & Phase Blink

Huntress players have a couple abilities to mull over in her utility skills as well. Sadly, the choice is depressingly her initial blink.
Blink, the base ability, allows Huntress to teleport ‘forward’ meaning in whichever direction she is facing. So if you are looking up, you go up, to the left, you go to the left, etc. It doesn’t matter if you are on the ground either, this ability will let you jump in the air and traverse otherwise impassable areas with ease. A very important ability to someone as squishy as Huntress.
Phase Blink on paper sounds like a straight buff. The text is the exact same and can be used three times vs. the one time of Blink. However, this is not the case. Phase Blink does not give you the momentum that Blink does and only puts you a very short distance in front of yourself and restricts that movement to the ground. Aka, you can’t use it to jump around the map, making it largely inferior to the Blink.
Huntress Special: Arrow Rain & Ballista

Huntress has two specials to choose from.
Arrow Rain teleports Huntress into the sky and allows her to target an area to lay down a barrage of arrows that deals 225% damage per second with a .2 proc coefficient.
Ballista teleports Huntress backwards and allows her to fire three arrows that deal 900% damage each with a 1 proc coefficient on each arrow.
For any Huntress player, I would recommend Ballista. Huntress has an insane amount of AOE from her glaive and doesn’t really need anymore, plus she oddly lacks single target damage without this ability because of how little damage her primary attacks do (one of the lowest in the game).
Huntress Rotation
Here is my opinion on an optimal Huntress rotation:
- Glaive
- Blink
- Primary attack
- Ballista
It probably sounds pretty dumb/obvious, but let me explain to make it clear. You start out with Laser Glaive to kill all of the trash mobs that are around the larger and tougher enemies you are trying to fight. Once the weaker mobs are dead, you can go ahead and use your Ballista to finish off the stronger enemies, making sure to use your primary attack whenever you have downtime on abilities.
Also, very important. Blinking will cancel the long animation of Glaive. If you want to max out DPS on Huntress, cancel the animation with your Blink.
Huntress Juggling
Something to be aware of on Huntress is that she can “juggle” herself in the air for a while, making her pretty hard to kill for any non-ranged enemy. The process of juggling on Huntress is as follows:
- Use Blink to get in the air (Blink, not Phase Blink!)
- Use Laser Glaive (this slows your fall)
- Use Ballista (teleports you backward in the air and slows fall)
- Repeat
This won’t keep you in the air indefinitely, but if you have items like Hard-light Afterburner or Backup Magazine, you can stay in the air for almost as long as you’d like. Who needs to play Mercenary anyway?
Best Items for Huntress

Quick item guide for Huntress. I won’t be putting very obvious things like crit glasses here because ofc, you want to crit on every survivor in the game.
- Backup Magazine – One of the best items Huntress can get in the game, better than most legendaries on Huntress
- Ukulele – She lacks AOE once enemies start surviving her Glaive; this helps finish off any she might miss with the Glaive attack
- Alien Head– Huntress is CD dependent, reduce her CD, and she becomes unstoppable
- Hardlight Afterburner – As I mentioned above, you can juggle Huntress for as long as you like with this item
More items will be huge boons to any Huntress player, like Brilliant Behemoth, but those kinds of items are good on everyone and should be excluded from survivor-specific items. The items above are good, specifically on Huntress, and she should be the one getting them over other players (only on rare occasions should she not).
With the Survivors of the Void DLC, Huntress has many more items to build with. Here are some of the best ones (it is a paid DLC, though):
- Laser Scope – more crit, doubles crit damage
- Polylute
- Plasma Shrimp
- Lysate Cell
- Voidsent flame
- Weeping Fungus
I wouldn’t recommend picking up the void item, Lost Seer Lenses, as it removes your main source of crit. If you go with Flurry, this will be VERY bad for your DPS.
And that’s it for my Risk of Rain 2 Huntress guide. I hope all of you future Huntress mains enjoyed and learned something. I’ll keep this updated for future patches and try to add to it if I become aware of anything else you might need to know about Huntress.
Thanks for reading!