In this Stardew Valley Sam guide, you will be able to understand and know more things about Sam. If you are eyeing Sam as your marriage partner in Stardew, then this is the best guide for you. You will understand all of Sam’s likes and hates, Sam’s schedule, as well as San’s heart events.
Enough for the introduction, and let’s get into it!
Table of Contents
Who is Sam in Stardew Valley?
The game Stardew Valley is full of NPCs who you can interact with. One of them is Sam, a musically inclined youth and one of the marriage candidates under the bachelors. He dreams of starting a band with Sebastian, but he does not have the habit of starting anything despite his ambition.
Non-player characters or NPCs are one of the most important elements of real-life simulation games like Stardew Valley. In this game, these people are called villagers. These people reside in and around Pelican Town. Aside from providing interactions with you, these villagers also have their schedules every day so you won’t feel that they are mere NPCs of the game. Plus, they give out quests from time to time.
You can do more than just talk during your interactions. Gifting them things that they like significantly increases your relationships with each other. After you reach a high relationship level or several hearts with a villager, you can choose to date and marry them. But take note that there are only some villagers who are available for marriage so you can’t just propose marriage to anyone in the game.
Sam’s Schedule

There are several important points that you must consider in establishing a relationship with the villagers of Stardew Valley, one of which is their schedules. In terms of Sam, his usual schedule is just playing a handheld videogame or practicing some skateboard tricks outside of his house. Sometimes, you can also see him playing the guitar with Sebastian in his own bedroom. On the other hand, weekends are his time to play pool at the Stardrop Saloon.
Since he is still in his youth age, he is just working a part-time job at the JojaMart on Mondays and Wednesdays. However, when it rains, Sam prefers to stay at home than go out. But there are times that he also visits the Stardrop Saloon on a rainy day, but just for a short while.
Aside from his usual routines, you can also check his schedule per season. This is because Sam’s schedule changes if there are some conditions like the change of weather or season.
Just like the normal days, Sam leaves his bedroom at 11:00 am to go to his part-time job in JoJaMart on Mondays and Wednesdays. But if the Community Center has been already restored, you can see Sam in the Museum. He starts his work at 12:50 pm and ends it at 4:00 pm.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sam plays his guitar in his bedroom at 10:40 am. Then on Thursday afternoon, 2:00 pm, he leaves the house and goes near the Mayor’s Manor which is just by the river. While on Thursdays, he usually walks to the bush southeast of Lewis’ house at 1:40 pm.
On Fridays, Sam can indeed say, Thank God, it’s Friday! All his activities for this day are all his hobbies. Plays his guitar inside his bedroom as he wakes up at 10:00 am. After an hour, he will leave his house to try skateboard tricks outside. At 3 pm, he takes a walk to the Stardrop Saloon, arrives at 4:00 pm, and plays pool near the arcade.
Sam usually goes to bed at 9:30 pm except on Fridays. He arrives home at 10:20 pm on Fridays.
As mentioned, his schedule changes when a rainy day comes. Under this weather, he wakes up at 9:00 am and leaves the house at 11:00 am to go to the bridge near the Museum. At 4:00 pm, he will leave the bridge and take a walk to the tree in front of Emily and Haley’s House. Upon arriving, Sam will play his handheld video game. And by 7:00 pm, Sam will walk his way back home.
During this season, Sam usually wakes up at 10:00 am and then plays his guitar in his room at 11:00 am. At 1:40 pm, he will take a walk to the beach by the firepit accompanied by his brother, Vincent. They will walk back home at 7:00 pm and will go to sleep at 9:00 pm.
Moreover, Sam will casually leave his house at 11:00 am to go to the Museum or to the JojaMart for his part-time job on Mondays and Wednesdays. His job starts at 12:50 pm and ends at 4:00 pm.
Now if you still don’t know, Spring is the season of Sam’s birthday. But his itinerary for his birthday differs depending on the weather. If Sam’s birthday is a rainy day, he will wake up at 10:00 am and play his guitar in his room at 11:00 am. At 3:00 pm, he will leave the bedroom to play his handheld videogame in the kitchen.
However, if he is lucky enough to have his birthday in fair weather, he will leave his house and go to the JojaMart with his mother, Jodi. As usual, he will arrive at the mart at 12:50 pm and go home at 4:00 pm.
Sam’s fall season runs just like his usual schedule from other seasons – wakes up at 10:00 am, and plays the guitar in his room at 10:40 am. By 1:20 pm, he will leave the house and take a walk in the Forest. This is located in the southwest area of Leah’s Cottage. Eventually, he will come back home at 7:00 pm.
However, in Fall 11, Sam has an important appointment that he must attend. At 10:00 am, he will wake up and say, I gotta go visit Uncle Doctor today… Great. He will leave his house at exactly 11:30 am and will take a walk on his way to the clinic for his annual checkup. It will be a long wait, and he can just receive his medical checkup at 1:30 pm.
Eventually, he will go back home at 4:00 pm, saying I just got out of the doctor’s office. Completely healthy and vigorous, just as I expected.
During the winter season, Sam won’t have any special occasions to attend to. As per his usual schedule, he will wake up at 10:00 am and will play his guitar inside his bedroom. At 1:20 pm, he will leave his house and walk his way to the Stardrop Saloon. By 7:00 pm, he will leave the Stardrop Saloon and go back home. As usual, Sam will go to sleep at 9:00 pm.
Relationships with Villagers

In Stardew Valley, NPCs are just like the normal people in a village. They have friends, families, and choices of things that they like and dislike.
Sam is the eldest son of Jodi and Kent. He is close to his younger brother named Kent whom he feels responsible for due to the absence of their father. Their father, Kent, is away from their home as he serves in the army. But eventually, he will return to their home in Year 2 in Spring and will live with them in Pelican Town.
Sebastian and Abigail are both his closest friends and his bandmates. Aside from them, he is also friends with Penny. At the Flower Dance, Sam can be seen dancing with Penny if neither of them is dancing with her.
Aside from Sam’s relationship with the other villagers, you can also increase your relationship level with him. Your relationship levels are indicated by the number of hearts you have with Sam.
There are several ways to increase your heart with Sam. You can opt to gift him his likes and favorites, visit his house, or do specific quests.
What Gift Does Sam Like in Stardew Valley?
One of the important things you must consider in fostering a relationship with the villagers is to know what gifts they most like and hate the most. This way, you can thoroughly think about what items you are going to gift Sam.
All villagers have a list of their love, like, neutral, dislike, and hate items. For Sam, here is the gift list that you must know.
In Stardew Valley, there is such thing as universal love. This includes the Golden Pumpkin, Magic Rock Candy, Pearl, Prismatic Shard, and Rabbit’s Foot.
Aside from all these, there are specific loves per villager in Stardew Valley. Per Sam, he also loves the Cactus Fruit, Maple Bar, Pizza, and the Tigerseye.
Once you gifted Sam any of these items, he will say, Aw, yeah! This is my absolute favorite!
Sam especially likes Joja Cola which you can acquire by fishing, buying from JojaMart and Vending Machine, going to the Saloon, or checking the Garbage Can. Along with this, he also likes the universal likes except for the Duck Mayonnaise, Mayonnaise, Pickles, and Vegetables.
Upon giving Sam any of these items, he will respond with a Thanks! I really like this.
Meanwhile, the neutral gifts for Sam are quite numerous compared to his likes and love. All the universal neutrals and all milk are okay with Sam. Along with all the fruits except the Cactus Fruit, bearings of fruit trees, and Salmonberry.
If Sam receives any of these items, he will then say, You got that for me? Thanks!
Now, this is what you should watch out for. The disliked items of Sam are also quite numerous, and you should avoid getting one of these for him accidentally, or he will respond with a, Hmm… this is… interesting.
His disliked items include Chanterelle, Common Mushroom, Daffodil, Dandelion, Ginger, Hazelnut, Holly, Leek, Magma Cap, Morel, Purple Mushroom, Quartz, Salmonberry, Seaweed, Snow Yam, Wild Horseradish, and WInter Root. Together with all these, he also doesn’t like all the vegetables except the Hops, Tea Leaves, and Wheat. Plus, all the Universal Dislikes, with Coal, Copper Bars, Gold Bars, Gold Ore, Iridium Bars and Ores, Iron Bars, refined Quarts, and Tigerseye as exceptions.
In addition to Sam’s dislikes, there are also items he hates more than everything else. First and foremost, the universal hates except Joja Cola and Seaweed.
Focusing on his personal hates include Coal, Copper Bar, Duck Mayonnaise, Gold Bar and Ore, Iridium Bar and Ore, Iron Bar, Mayonnaise, Pickles, and Refined Quartz. If you happen to give one of these to Sam, he will respond with a You really don’t get it, huh?
In short, if you want to establish a good relationship with Sam, you should remember his love and like items, as well as the hated ones so that you can avoid accidentally picking them for him.
Heart Events

Hearts events in Stardew Valley are certain scenes that you can experience once you reach a certain number of hearts with a villager. For each villager, the maximum number of hearts is eight. The hearts increase one by one and each event has a different outcome.
Indicated below are Sam’s heart events and how to win each heart.
Two Hearts
The first thing you should do is go to Sam’s house when he is there. You will see him playing the guitar with Sebastian inside his room. As you enter the room, Sam will tell you that they are planning to start a band but they are still uncertain about what genre they are going to pick. After that, he will give you four choices, and you will pick one for them.
The choices include cheerful pop music, experimental noise rock, hi-energy dance music, and honky-tonky country music. Take note that there is no right and wrong pick. Once you make your choice, Sam will tell you that it is the style that he’s been thinking about. Then he will ask Sebastian if he is in for that. Eventually, Sebastian will agree to it.
Three Hearts
In terms of the three hearts event, you must do it in any season except winter in year 1. You should go to the beach on a sunny day between 7:00 am and 3:00 pm.
As you arrive at the beach, you will see Sam watching over his little brother, Vincent, while playing on the sand. He will tell you that their dad used to take them to the beach on sunny days. Having said that, Vincent asked him if their dad will still come back home since he overheard people talking about the casualties in the military. Despite that, Sam affirmed to Vincent that their father will come back home one day. Because of this, he felt bad for giving high hopes to his brother so he will ask you if what he did is right or not.
You will be given two choices as a response to Sam. One is, It’s best to be honest with kids. While the other one is, You did the right thing. Kids should have hope.
Four Hearts
This time, you should go to Sam’s house again when he is there. You will see him in the kitchen. While saying hello, he will get you a snack. But upon reaching for a snack, he will accidentally drop an egg on the floor. His mom, Jodi, hears this causing her to check the kitchen. Since Jodi is upset about the situation, Sam will ask you to tell her what happened.
This time, each of the three choices will have a significant effect on your friendship.
Sam handed me the snack and then I dropped it. Choosing this will give you +50 friendships. While Sam dropped the snack as he was handing it to me, will give you a -10 for your friendship. However, Sam dropped it on purpose. He thought it would be funny, will give you a -50 friendship.
Jodi will thank you for your honesty, but talking to Sam after this incident will cause him to apologize to you.
Six Hearts
To start this event, go to the town on a sunny day between noon and 4:00 pm. There, you will see Sam skateboarding and grinding on Emily and Haley’s flower box. Then Lewis will catch him and will get mad at him. Since you are already there, Mayor Lewis will ask for your opinion. Three options with different outcomes will be given to you.
You’re right, sir. Sam should respect private property. Choosing this will leave Sam in an unhappy mood, but he will oblige and say that he will never skateboard again.
Don’t blame Sam. There’s nowhere else to ride! With this option, Sam will happily agree to you. But Mayor Lewis will be frustrated and disappointed in you, saying that he thought you were more mature than that. Eventually, he will apologize to Sam.
I’m staying out of this. By picking this, Mayor Lewis will say that he doesn’t want to see Sam do it again, after that, he will leave. While Sam will smile at you, asking if you saw his new trick.
Eight Hearts
Sam will appear on your doorstep and will invite you to watch their band play in the city. Aside from that, he will also ask you to meet at the bus stop at 4:00 pm. You must be able to enter the bus anytime between 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm. As you arrive to watch their band play, you will hear them playing the type of music you chose for them. Having said that, Sam will thank you for inspiring him and his members to pursue the band.
Take note that if you skipped the cutscene of the 2 hearts event, you won’t be able to hear the music they are playing.

Since Stardew Valley is a real-life farming simulator, making families is also possible. You can choose anyone from the village to be your marriage partner regardless of their gender. But not all villagers are open to marriage. You can check the social tab to check if a villager is single or already married.
Plus, you already know that the maximum number of hearts for normal villagers is eight. But if you are planning to marry someone from the villagers, you must increase your number of hearts by doing more tasks. This includes upgrading your barn twice, buying a bouquet in Pierre’s shop, and buying a Mermaid’s Pendant from the Old Mariner.
How to Marry Sam

Now, if you want to get serious with your relationship with Sam, you must be ready for more heart events to increase your number of hearts.
Ten Hearts
In this event, you will receive a letter from Sam. You should enter the town on a sunny day anytime between 8:00 pm and midnight.
As you arrive, you will meet Sam outside of his house. Because of the cold breeze, he will sneak you into his room so that you two can talk privately – it is to tell you about his feelings for you. As you two are talking, his mom will knock on his door causing Sam to hide you under his bed. When Jodi sees him profusely sweating, Sam will tell his mom that he was just doing push-ups which will convince his mom.
When Jodi leaves the room, this is where you have to decide. If you chose to Stay put, Sam will crawl under his bed with you and will kiss you. I knew there was something special between us.
However, if you picked Get out of bed, you will be given another two choices: move closer or head for the window. If you picked move closer, you will return Sam’s affection and will kiss each other. On the other hand, choosing the latter means that you are rejecting Sam’s advances.
Fourteen Hearts
For the eleventh heart, this is where you should have an upgraded farmhouse twice between 6:10 am and 5:00 pm while Sam is inside. While for the twelfth and thirteenth hearts, you should enter the farmhouse between 6:10 am and 5:00 pm when Sam is inside. Do this at three days intervals. Finally, for the fourteenth heart, do the same thing but after four Stardew Valley days.
Once you two are married, Sam will eventually move into your farmhouse like a normal married couple. He will also have his room in the right bedroom. To continue his hobby, Sam will make a half-pipe set up behind the farmhouse to practice and maintain his skateboarding skills.
Now that Sam is no longer single, his schedule will also be affected. Here’s how his new schedule will be after marriage:
On both Mondays and Fridays, Sam will wake up at 6:00 am and will stay at home. He will leave the house at 8:00 am and will head for Pelican Town. by 9:30 am, he will arrive at 1 Willow Lane and will stand in the kitchen. On Mondays, he will leave 1 Willow Lane at 3:00 pm.
On the other hand, Sam will still have time for his hobby on Fridays. At 11:50 am, he will go skateboarding south of the Stardrop Saloon. By 3:00 pm, he will walk his way into the Stardrop Saloon and will play pool by 3:30 pm. Eventually, he will go home by 9:00 pm and will arrive at the farmhouse at 11:00 pm.
And that’s it for our Sam guide in Stardew Valley! Hopefully, this guide helped you understand everything you need to know about Sam and how to marry him.