Over the course of your year at Hogwarts, you become friends with a Slytherin named Sebastian. After completing all of his previous companion side quests, and seeing all of the things he is doing to protect his sister Anne, you are given the option by Ominis to either turn Sebastian in or stay loyal and forgive him.
This is the conclusion of Sebastian Sallow’s relationship questline, and whatever choice you make impacts the ending HEAVILY. There are spoilers past this point. Be careful what you choose.
After Sebastian kills his uncle with Avada Kedavra, he returns to the undercroft. Here he will argue with Ominis for a bit, claiming he did it all for Anne. Anne is incredibly confused, wanting Sebastian to face the consequences for what he did but not wanting to turn in her brother.
Sebastian will then speak to you, again claiming he only did what he had to. You can say he went too far or console him and say he did what he needed to. Whatever you choose doesn’t really matter here.
You will then be given the option to speak to Ominis. He will say that he doesn’t want to lose Sebastian, but you don’t have a choice. This is where you choose Sebastian Sallow’s fate; CHOOSE WISELY!
What happens if you turn Sebastian in?

If you turn Sebastian in and betray him, he will be expelled from Hogwarts and sent to Azkaban after a trial at the Ministry of Magic. Even worse, Ominis says that once he revealed that Rockwood was the one who cursed Anne and not a goblin, his hatred only grew for goblins and dark wizards.

Not only that, but if you turn Sebastian in, you will never see him again. He will not show up for the final quest, and you will only hear of what happened to him from Ominis.
What Happens if You Don’t Turn Sebastian in?

If you don’t turn Sebastian in, you will reason with Ominis and tell him that for everyone’s sake, mostly Anne’s, you shouldn’t turn in Sebastian. You will say he is remorseful for his actions and won’t repeat the same mistakes. Obviously, Ominis is weary, considering everything, but reluctantly agrees to speak with Anne and convince her this is the correct thing to do.

By staying loyal to Sebastian and not turning him in, you will see him in the final quest and be able to speak with him after. You will have a quest called “In The Shadow of Friendship,” where he will talk to you about all that’s happened. Sebastian will say that Anne refuses to see him, and he might have lost her forever.

But here is where the good news is. After saying that, Sebastian will admit that he did the wrong thing, and he regrets it all. He will try every day to make up for it and that he owes you and Ominis everything.
This ending also allows him to teach you the curses after the main quest is done. The other ending does not allow this.
Difference Between the Two Choices
When choosing first, you have to think about how much you trust Sebastian. He was quite unhinged in the last few quests with him. However, once you know the actual results of the two choices, not turning him in is far better.
Not only is his sister at least slightly less traumatized, but Sebastian is actually remorseful and has a life ahead of him. Turning him in just makes him live out his days at Azkaban, and his bitterness causes his hatred of goblins and dark wizards to fester even further.
Showing mercy also allows you to learn the unforgivable curses if you turned them down before.
In my opinion, Sebastian isn’t bad. As shown by his remorse. I highly recommend staying loyal. Both from a story perspective and even a moral one as well.
I hope this made the choice easier for you! Good luck, witches and wizards.