Are you a lover of the arts of magic? Then, there’s no better class to use when playing Lost Ark than the Sorceress class. Using her Stave to cast spells conjuring up the elementals and various creatures, the Sorceress character is an absolute beauty to play with. Squishy in HP but dealing massive AoE damage, the art of evasion must be embedded in your fingers as you game away with the Sorceress character. This Sorceress guide for Lost Ark will help you master this magical class!
Table of Contents
Sorceress’s Characteristics and Identity Skill
The Sorceress is one of the two Advanced Classes under the Mage class. They wield Staves which they use to summon spells utilizing the elements (Fire, Ice, and Lightning). They also deal massive AoE damage and could handle multiple enemies at once due to their ranged spells. However, they can’t survive heavy hits, so you’ll have to master how to hit your skills from afar. Thanks to their mobility that shouldn’t be much of a hassle.

While playing solo with this character could be challenging due to their squishy HP, their agility and heavy-hitting spells could do a world of damage to foes. To survive when playing solo, you must be able to balance evasion with hitting these spells. Also, you must be flexible with the spells you use, as many of their heavy-hitting spells take a long time to cast. If you miss the sweet spot, you could miss a great chance to hit mobs at once.
Also, the Sorceress could either deal heavy damage in their burst mode or do sustained damage whether in or out of burst mode depending on the playstyle you choose.
Now let’s move into their Identity Skill. The Sorceress’s Identity Skills are divided into two types: Blink and Arcane Rupture/Arcane Torrent. When dealing damage to foes, the Sorceress fills up the Arcane Meter, which helps activate their identity skills. When the Meter is 30% filled, you can activate either the Blink or Arcane Rupture.
The Blink is a mobility skill that allows the Sorceress to move 15 meters in the direction of your cursor. Apart from helping the Sorceress escape compromising situations, any foe in the line of movement suffers heavy damage.
The Arcane Rupture skill activates the Magick Enhanced State, where the Sorceress gains added damage on skills alongside Push Immunity Super Armor (protects the character from getting knocked back). However, if you wait until the Arcane Meter is filled, you can activate the Arcane Torrent, an advanced state of the Arcane Rupture.
In this state, the Sorceress does even more damage with her skills. Her Fire skills get more armor-piercing damage on Bosses, while her Lightning skills also produce more effective staggers. However, these Identity Skill buffs do not affect dodge skills and Ultimates.
Once you exhaust the Arcane Meter, the character returns to her typical playstyle characteristics. Also, when in the Identity Mode, you do not gain Arcane Meter energy on any attack launched. However, you can start filling up the Meter immediately after it gets exhausted.
Sorceress’s Skills and Tripods Guide

Once you’re done with leveling your character, you should have 18 skills which comprise the elemental skills (Fire, Ice, and Lightning skills), Normal, and Awakening skills. Also, at this point, you should have exhausted points into these skills to unlock their various tripods. These Tripods allow you to increase the damage you do with these skills and increase the AoE of your articles.
When playing, you only need eight skills with a few tripods to go along. We’ll be reviewing the best eight skills in this section. They will be divided into Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Normal skills.
Fire Skills
- Blaze – You unlock this skill at Combat Level 10. The skill is perfect for mob control and as a team buff if you utilize the right tripods. The skill summons up a rectangular fire in front of the Sorceress, which damages enemies close by. It also stuns them, paralyzes them for a while, and pushes them away from you. The Tripods which make this skill more effective include Damage Amplification, Weak Point Detection, and Flame Expansion. Damage Amplification is a team buff that increases the damage done by you and your team members wield. Damage Amplification makes foes immune to stun effects face more damage, while Flame Expansion increases the radius of the conjured fire. If you’re playing solo, Ignite is better than Damage Amplification as it helps to increase the damage done while the conjured fire burns. Also, Undying Flame is a good substitute for Weak Point Detection when playing Challenge, as it helps do more damage against monsters in this stage.

- Explosion – You unlock this skill at Combat Level 32. This skill makes the Sorceress summon a fiery projectile bomb that can be directed to a group of enemies. Once making contact, it explodes and throws them back. The best Tripods for Explosion are Ignite, Magick Amplification, and Weak Point Detection. Combining these three Tripods helps deal with lasting DoT on foes immune to stuns and maximizes damage done in the Arcane Rupture or Arcane Torrent states.

- Doomsday – You unlock this skill at Combat Level 50. This skill helps unleash a meteorite to a distance within 14 meters of your location. It falls on enemies and inflicts damage on them. The best Tripods include Overheated Meteor, Insight, and Magick Amplification. This combo lengthens the distance you can launch the meteorite while also increasing the damage done by multiple folds.

Ice Skills
- Seraphic Hail – You unlock this skill at Combat Level 10. This skill makes the Sorceress accumulate energy which helps create a tidal wave of ice that drowns the enemies close by and pushes them away. The best Tripods for this skill include Weak Point Detection, Evolved Hail, and Enlightenment. This combo helps deal more damage against foes immune to stuns and increases the damage by your character while helping fill up your Arcane Meter faster.

- Ice Shower – You unlock this skill at Combat Level 18. This skill makes your character inflict damage on enemies by using the Stave to summon the power of cold. The best Tripods for Ice Shower include Frost Zone, Enlightenment, and Enhanced Strike. Frost Zone helps conjure thorns around the AoE of the skill. This helps increase damage. After using the Frost Zone, you can use other skills to kill the enemy off quickly.
- Rime Arrow – You unlock this skill at Combat Level 18. The skill allows your character to summon ice arrows which inflict a world of damage on foes within a 14m radius. The best Tripods to work with this skill include Ice Pick, Enlightenment, and Piercing Strike. This combo of tripods helps deal 50% extra damage to foes and fill up the Arcane meter faster. If you want to eliminate the long cast time of this skill, you can swap Ice Pick for Frost Barrage. Although this swap turns it into a normal skill, the shorter cast time reduces vulnerability.

Lightning Skills
- Punishing Strike – You unlock this skill at Combat Level 14. The skill makes the character conjure a lightning strike which drops on enemies at the specified position within a 16-meter radius. The best Tripods for it include Magick Amplification, Wide Angle Attack, and Destruction. This combo helps to increase the AoE of the attack and increases the damage done when in the identity state.

Normal Skill
- Esoteric Reaction – You unlock this skill at Combat Level 24. This skill causes the Sorceress to invoke a crystal that evolves twice and explodes on enemies within a 16-meter radius. The Tripods perfect for this skill include Enhanced Strike, Quick Prep, and Shockwave. This combo widens the explosion range, increases the damage done by the skill, and reduces its cooldown period. If you’re using the Reflux engraving, it would be better if you swapped out Enhanced Strike for Final Strike. This will increase the damage done by 100%.

Sorceress’s Engravings Guide
Engravings are peculiar skills each Advanced Class in Lost Ark possesses, which grants special skills to their armory. You obtain these Engravings as rewards for completing endgame content such as Abyss Dungeons, Guardian Raids, and Chaos Dungeons. Activating them involves reading Recipe Books and equipping Ability Stones and Accessories.
Every Advanced Class has its Unique Engravings (peculiar to them) and General Engravings (available to other Advanced Classes). There are two types of Engravings for the Sorceress Advanced Class: the Ignite and the Reflux classes. This section will review both Unique Engravings, their characteristics and downsides, and the best General Engravings for the Sorceress Advanced Class.
Sorceress Ignite
The Ignite Engraving is the more popular Unique Engraving for Sorceress users. Providing continued access to the Identity skills (Arcane Rupture and Arcane Torrent), once activated, you can do way more damage than usual over a period (increased DoT). Also, it increases crit rate and crit damage. Also, it reduced the cooldown period for skills done by half the time when activated. It’s pretty obvious to see why many players would prefer this Engraving.

However, it is vital to ensure you upgrade the Engraving to Level 3 to get maximum perks on the skill cooldown, crit rate, and crit damage. At Level 3, you get a 50% reduction in cooldown rate (typical to all levels), 25% increase in Crit Rate (10% at Level 1 and 17% at Level 2), and a 50% increase in Crit Damage (20% increase at Level 1, 35% increase at Level 2).
Since you can access the Identity Skill states with the Igniter Engraving, you can utilize the skillset explained in the section above.
Combat Stats
When playing with the Igniter Engraving, your combat points should mainly be between Specialization and Crit. Specialization takes more priority as it increases the level of damage done when in the Arcane Rupture state. It also helps with storing up Arcane energy. Crit will also help to increase damage efficiency and crit rate.
- Allows continued use of the Arcane states (Arcane Rupture, Magick Amplification, and Arcane Torrent) of the Sorceress.
- Relies heavily on doing a lot of damage when in the Arcane states.
- Reduces skill cooldown rate by 50%.
- Damage done is much lower outside the Arcane states.
- Could be hard to do so much damage when in the Arcane states.
Sorceress Reflux
This Engraving allows the consistent damage outside the Arcane states but stops the use of the Arcane forms. Also, it provides more mobility since the Blink key can be used without entering the discontinued Arcane Rupture state. Also, it reduces skill cooldown rates (however, offering only a 3% reduction at Level 1, 6% reduction at Level 2, and 10% reduction at Level 3). While it seems to take out a lot of damage potential, it is actually easier to use, given that you don’t have to depend on the Arcane states to do heavy damage.
However, you might have to substitute a few skills when playing Reflux. Skills that require the Magick Amplification Tripod (e.g., Doomsday and Explosion) should have the tripod changed to Final Strike instead. Since the Magick Amplification Tripod is only activated in the Arcane Rupture state, it is impossible to use when playing the Reflux Engraving.
Also, you can change the Enlightenment tripod to the Chill tripod for Frost’s skills. This helps slow down your opponents’ attacks and movement speed. Another alternative would be Quick Prep which further lowers your skills’ cooldown rate.
Combat Stats
For the Reflux Engraving, you should share the Combat stats between Crit and Swiftness. Since the mobility rate is higher, Swiftness gives you more speed to work with. Crit will increase Crit Rate, which works in conjunction with the rise in Damage already provided with the Reflux Engraving.
- Does not allow the use of Arcane Rupture and Arcane Torrent.
- Gives more mobility.
- Increases skills’ cooldown rate.
- You can’t use the Identity skill with this Engraving.
General Engravings
This section will explain the best Lost Ark General Engravings that work best with the two Sorceress Unique Engravings.
- Precise Dagger: This works with either of the two Unique Engravings. This Engraving increases the critical hit rate and reduces critical damage. At Level 1 increases the latter the former by 4% and reduces the latter by 12%. The reduction rate is constant for all levels, but the critical hit rate increases with each level (10% at Level 2, 20% at Level 3).
- Hit Master: Hit Master also works with both Unique Engravings. This Engraving increases the damage of attacks not classified as either front or back attacks. The increase is by 3% at Level 1, 8% at Level 2, and 16% at Level 3.
- All-Out Attack: All-Out Attack also works with both Unique Engravings. The Engraving increases the damage and casting speed of holding and casting skills. Increases damage by 4% and casting speed by 5% at Level 1. Increases damage and casting speed by 10% at Level 2. Also, it increases damage and casting speed by 20% at Level 3.
- Grudge: Works with both Unique Engravings. Grudge increases damage done to higher-ranking foes or bosses. However, it also increases the damage taken from them by 20%. Damage increases by 4% at Level 1, 10% at Level 2, and 20% at Level 3. The damage taken from them increases by 20% at all levels.
While most General Engravings don’t have any drawbacks, it is advisable to upgrade Precise Dagger and Grudge to Level 3 before using either of them.
Sorceress’s Awakening Skills
The Sorceress Awakening Skills include Enviska’s might and Apocalypse Call. Let’s review the mechanics of both skills.
- Enviska’s Might: The Sorceress creates a magical dome around herself which inflicts damage on surrounding enemies. The dome pulls foes to its center due to its radiating energy. This inflicts further damage. It then explodes and inflicts the final round of life-threatening blows.
- Apocalypse Call: The Sorceress drops random meteor fragments within 18 meters of her location. The fallen pieces have a radius of 6 meters which deals fire damage to foes and knocks them down.

Sorceress PvP Build
If you want to carry your team in a PvP contest, a Sorceress is a good Advanced Class choice to work with. Even if you’re playing 1v1, the Sorceress could be an excellent choice to totally dump on your opponent. If you’ll love to get that indestructible Sorceress for PvE content, check out these tips:
First, since the Sorceress does a lot of damage from afar, the best choice will be to strike from a distance. Let your teammates do the c=fighting up close while you rain your Elemental skills from the rear.
The skills to use include Lightning Vortex, Frost’s Call, Seraphic Hail, Squall, Inferno, Esoteric Reaction, Punishing Strike, and Reverse Gravity. Your stat points should be between Swiftness, Domination, and Crit (giving them priority in that order). The best Engravings would be Reflux, Precise Dagger, Adrenaline, All-Out Attack, and Hit Master. The Awakening Skill here is Enviska’s Might. It is better to use this when the opponents are close by since it can only be used once in a game. However, don’t use it too late in the game, as it might not have as much effect then.
Lightning Vortex and Frost’s Call will be your go-to skills in gameplay. Since they have AoE damage, you can use them to pick off opponents from afar in battles. Squall and Inferno also go into the same category. Heavy hitters like Esoteric Reaction, Seraphic Hail, Punishing Strike, and Reverse Gravity are also pretty useful.
You can check out this YouTube video for a 328-point Sorceress build for Sorceress PvP content.
Sorceress PvE Build
With a character like Sorceress in PvE, you can wreak a lot of havoc on the mobs of enemies you’ll face. However, your mobility skills need to be at their best, so you don’t get caught amid the mob.
The perfect skills to use in PvE content include Blaze, Esoteric Reaction, Rime Arrow, Frost’s Call, Seraphic Hail, Punishing Strike, Squall, and Reverse Gravity. Your stat points should be shared between Crit and Swiftness in a 70:30 ratio. The best Engravings would be Reflux, Precise Dagger, Grudge, All-Out Attack, and Hit Master. For the Awakening skill, you should use Enviska’s Might.
When playing, you’ll want to make sure that Blaze is your go-to skill. Due to its low cooldown rate and considerable damage, it is the best to use constantly. Squall is the best for countering attacks, but you’ll have to ensure you hit it at the right time due to its cast animation. When it comes to the big damagers, Seraphic Hail, Frost Call, Esoteric Reaction, and Punishing Strike are the best. For the Awakening Skill, you should use it only when you’re facing hordes of enemies (Chaos Dungeons) or trying to play Bosses. It does a lot of damage, so it’s only appropriate to use it for tight situations.
You can check out this YouTube video to find a typical 340-point build for Sorceress PvE content.
The Sorceress is a perfect class to play a ranged attack style with. As a newbie, you might get caught in the heat of battle a few times. However, with constant practice, you’ll be able to balance the mobility and critical damage the Sorceress possesses. If you’ll love to know how to level your Sorceress character to become badass, this is the Sorceress guide for Lost Ark that you should check out.