Stardew Valley Best Mine Level for Gems - Nerd Lodge
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Stardew Valley Best Mine Level for Gems

What are Mining Levels in Stardew Valley

Minerals in Stardew Valley are important resources that the player can get through foraging, mining, and exploring specific locations. It can be used for gifting, trading, and donating in exchange for special items depending on the quality and rarity of the minerals. That is the reason why players need to know the perfect mining levels for each and specific minerals that they want to accumulate

Mining levels are the specific floor level of mining locations where you can find the highest probability of finding the minerals you want to collect.

This article will show you the best mining locations and levels for finding the gems for you to save time and energy while you are playing Stardew valley. Read through this article and enjoy mining for your gems!


If you are a beginner and you are not yet well aware of all the gems that you can find in Stardew Valley, then you landed on the perfect site.

Provided below are all the gems and how they look once you collected the actual gem.

Stardew Valley Best Mine Level for Gems - Emerald
  • Aquamarine

Stardew Valley Best Mine Level for Gems - Aquamarine
  • Ruby
Stardew Valley Best Mine Level for Gems - Ruby

  • Amethyst
  • Topaz
  • Jade
  • Diamond
  • Prismatic Shard
Prismatic Shard

Now, that you already have been introduced to all the gems, let’s move on to the best mine locations for gems.

Best Locations to Mine Gems

Best Locations to Mine Gems

Gems are generally loved by the players of Stardew Valley as these are important resources and crafting recipes of most of the liked and loved gifts of other villagers. Aside from giftings, these can also be used in accomplishing some important tasks and game quests.

If we are going to talk about the best location for finding these precious gems, it would be no doubt the mines. All these gems, except for the diamond and prismatic shard, spawn randomly in the mines. Although gems spawn randomly, certain levels are best suited for you to explore because of the difference in spawn rate.

Aside from the mines, there are also other locations you can refer to where you can also find these gems. Some of which are in the fishing treasure chest, green slime drop, garbage can, panning, and even from the drops after killing the monsters in the mines.

Each gem that you can find is enclosed inside different nodes, usually the gem nodes.

What Are the Best Mine Level for Each Gem

Best Mine Level for Each Gem

As mentioned before, the mines are the best spot for you to gather different gems you could ever find in the Stardew Valley. But it is not as easy as it seems – these gems won’t be as special as they are if they are that easy to find, right?

In this section, you will finally learn which mine levels you should go after based on the gem you are aiming for. Stop wasting your time and energy. Instead, know what you are looking for, and go straight to it.



This gem is one of the easiest to locate among all the gems in Stardew Valley. It is found inside gem nodes and amethyst nodes which can be found on any floor of the mines. Aside from this, it can also be located in a fishing treasure chest, garbage can, green slime drop, and panning.



Another gem that is easy to find in the mines is topaz. On any floor, you can find topaz nodes that contain topaz inside, as well as the gem nodes that have a high chance of having a topaz inside. Just like the amethyst, topaz can also be found in a fishing treasure chest, garbage can, and panning.


Stardew Valley Best Mine Level for Gems - Aquamarine

When it comes to aquamarine and the rest, this is where the mine level matters. Aside from the gem nodes, the aquamarine nodes can be found easily on levels 40 and above. Aquamarine nodes can also be found in a fishing treasure chest, garbage can, and panning.



Jade nodes can be abundant when you reach the level 40 and above. If you want to maximize finding jade nodes, you may also want to consider checking for blue slime drops, and a possible gift that you can receive after the feast of the winter star event. Just like the other gems, this can also be found in a fishing treasure chest, garbage can, and panning.



Diamond is a rare type of gem which you can only find once you reached the levels 50 and above. A diamond node can also be found in a fishing treasure chest, garbage can, and panning.


Stardew Valley Best Mine Level for Gems - Emerald

This green precious stone can be found inside its emerald and gem nodes that spawn on levels 80 and above. If you want to have a better source of emerald gems, check some fishing treasure chests, garbage cans, and panning sites. Once you finish the feast of the winter star event, there is also a big chance that you can obtain an emerald.


Stardew Valley Best Mine Level for Gems - Ruby

If you want to collect some ruby gems, you better consider checking the floors 80 and above. Doing this gives you a higher chance of getting a ruby node or any gem node with ruby inside. You would also want to check on some fishing treasure chests, garbage cans, and panning.

Prismatic Shard

Prismatic Shard

The prismatic shard is described as a very rare and powerful substance with unknown origins. Because of this, it requires you to reach first level 100 and above. You can extract prismatic shards from an iridium node, a gem node, or a mystic stone. Because of its rarity, some of the ways to locate any of these nodes is to defeat a mummy or a serpent from the skull cavern. As well as defeating the shadow shaman or the shadow brute in the mines. I know these are too dangerous, but that is what it takes for you to have a prismatic shard. You can also resort to cracking open some iridium nodes, mystic nodes, or even an Omni geode.