Starfield doesn’t put any limits on your creativity, i.e., you can do anything that pleases you. However, regardless of where you end up on your space adventure, you will need money or credits to upgrade your character, purchase and upgrade ships, and even buy outposts and houses. So, you must find a way to make money, and a lot of it, if you wish to experience everything in the game.
Fortunately, like previous Bethesda titles, Starfield doesn’t stop you from earning some fast credits. There are plenty of ways to make money, Starfield, though not all of them are legal in the eyes of space laws. Still, if you play the right cards, you can easily get through the main storyline without getting arrested. Therefore, this article provides the top 4 ways to make money in Starfield.
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How to Make Money?
Earning money in Starfield isn’t as hard as making Runes in Elden Ring. You don’t need to kill tough bosses or find undiscovered locations. However, you must create a sound strategy if you want to become a millionaire before reaching New Atlantis. Here are the top 4 methods to make money fast in Starfield:
Make Money with Faction Missions:
The most common and practical way to earn some honest cash is to complete faction missions. Though you will get plenty of opportunities to earn credits in the main story quests, but these side quests are highly paying jobs. Moreover, these missions are diverse, straightforward, and offer the best insights into the game.

What’s even more interesting is that you can join any of the 4 factions to unlock different questlines. Each faction mission will yield precious rewards like traits, weapons, armor, and even money. So, once you have the time, sign up to join one of the factions to start earning some quick cash.
The Crimson Fleet faction has some of the most highly rewarding missions among these factions. However, their methods are a bit illegal; obviously, they are space pirates. So, if you don’t mind going out of the way or even getting some bloodstains, you will do a great job. Lastly, to join the Crimson Fleet, you must get arrested and agree to join the pirates.
Selling Loot:
Let’s get this straight: Bethesda games have the best loot opportunities in the world. You can find collectible, valuable items, from killed enemies to chests and even atop some desks. Furthermore, you can even sneak behind an NPC and steal items from his inventory.

However, the only problem is that you can only carry a limited supply of items. So, if you prefer this method, you should invest your skill points in Weight Lifting and upgrading your ship’s cargo capacity.
Secondly, your spacesuit can greatly increase your carrying capacity. For instance, mechanized suits offer +40 capacity, i.e., it can take you from 140 to 180 without doing anything. Also, you must prioritize the goods that you must collect in your inventory.
Among these loot items, spacesuits, weapons, and Antique Earth relics sell for the most value. However, these precious items can quickly fill up your inventory capacity. Once you have enough items, the next step is to acquire the Commerce skill. You can get it for free with a few backgrounds, but you may have to get it yourself through skill points.
Commerce skill allows you to get better value for your goods. Now that you have the best skills, simply head to the nearest vendor and sell your extra loot for some quick cash.

Lastly, you can also loot cargo from other ships. Simply focus your fire on the enemy ship’s engine to put it at rest. Next, board the ship and defeat all enemies to transfer its cargo to your ship. However, these items must be stored in your shielded cargo storage to avoid detection from the planet’s scanners.
Starfield Money Glitch:
This next method is a bit controversial and may not stick around for long, as Bethesda will fix it in future updates. However, for now, it is a practical way to get tons of money and fast. Basically, all vendors in Starfield store their inventory items and money inside secret chests.

The good news is that you can easily access these chests without even getting caught, so it doesn’t count as thievery. All you need to do is to find the right spot, neat the vendor’s shop, crouch at the right spot, and find the chest.
Once you unlock the chest, you can loot all their items and even their money without doing anything. For example, you can access the Shepherd’s General Store chest by visiting Akila City. Next, go left from the landing spot and crouch in the puddle right in front of the store to access this chest.
Once you have looted the chest, you can simply rest twice for 24 hours to reset the vendor’s inventory. Repeat the process as many times as you wish to earn unlimited cash. Lastly, you can also loot several hidden chests simultaneously and rest to replenish their inventories again. However, you must speak with the vendor at least once to generate his inventory.
Console Command to Generate Money:
As a last resort, you can turn to cheating if you don’t like any of the above methods. Actually, it doesn’t even count as cheating as long as it doesn’t affect other players or NPCs. However, this method will disable your Starfield Achievements, but you can still unlock them through mods.
To generate money with Starfield Console Commands, bring out the console menu by pressing the ~ key on your keyboard. However, it won’t work if you are playing on Xbox. Next, type the following command and press enter to instantly add the funds to your inventory:
Player.additem 0000000F 1000000
When you enter this command, you will receive 1,000,000 free credits without doing anything. Moreover, you can increase as many zeros as you like unless they break the game. For example, want to be a millionaire? Add another zero, billionaire? Add two zeros. Well, you get the general idea about the whole concept.
Starfield brings the best space adventure experience in the gaming world. You can visit other planets, engage in space dogfights, use Boost Packs, or even purchase some of the best ships and weapons to support your voyages. However, you will need to earn money or credits to afford these luxuries. Therefore, this article provides the top 4 proven ways to make money in Starfield.