Contraband is the illegal stuff in Starfield that you can sell to any Trade Authority. As soon as you have got yourself some contraband, the best thing to do is sell it to a trader. But selling it can be a bit difficult.
It can be sold to any trader in Starfield, but they will scan you when entering their territory. However, there is a trader in the Wolf System that doesn’t require any scan. So, you can safely enter that system without the risk of being caught.
Contraband is any illegal stuff in Starfield that you have got your hands on. It is marked with a yellow marker in your inventory so that it will be easy for you to identify anything that is contraband.
This guide covers everything that you need to know about how to sell contraband in Starfield. So, let’s get started.
Table of Contents
Selling Contraband in Starfield
Selling Contraband is one of the ways to earn money in Starfield. However, this method involves risk as Contraband is based on illegal stuff in the game. However, there are ways to secretly do this job without being identified.
Each of the star systems has different space stations where the patrolling teams of authorities are always present. And you get scanned for any contraband that you may have. So, the simple thing you can do is look for the system where you won’t be scanned.

That one place is The Den, which is located in the Wolf System. You should always consider this system when you are up for selling contraband. You won’t be scanned on arrival and can easily head towards The Den. There, you can sell your stuff and earn credits.
Although, there are several other places where you can sell your stuff to get extra credits. Here are those places:
- The Key, Kryx System
- Neon, Volii Alpha
- Cydonia, Mars
- Akila City, Akila
- New Atlantis, Jemison
As soon as you have the contraband head towards the Wolf System and enter The Den. Sell your stuff there as soon as possible to avoid any consequences of holding those items.
Contraband Items
Contraband items are different types of things that you can obtain and sell to earn lots of credits. But as we discussed earlier, this involves a lot of risk. The authorities always check your ship for any contraband items.
Still, if you are an expert in the game and know how you can keep them from scanning, then you are good to go. Or you can also head to The Den in Wolf System to avoid scanning.
That said, here are the contraband items you can obtain in Starfield.
- Stolen Artwork: Its value is 15600
- Xenowarfare Tech: Its value is 16110
- Sentient AI Adapters: Its value is 14840
- Harvested Organs: Its value is 13500
- Mech Components: Its value is 12290
- Va’Ruun Heretic Writings: Its value is 8190
- Aurora: Its value is 760
You can obtain and sell these different types of contraband items in Starfield.
Smuggling Contraband Items
Apart from selling contraband in The Den, Wolf System. You can also sell it to other traders in different systems. However, you have to go through the scan and allow the authorities to enter your ship for a regular scan.
Still, you can pass this scan while still holding the contraband in your ship. There are several things that you can do to make it happen.
Avoid Holding Contraband in Character Inventory
Holding the contraband in your character’s inventory is the dumbest thing to do. You will get caught instantly when the team comes up for a scan. Hide all of that stuff in the Cargo Hold of your ship.
Get Shielded Cargo Hold
You can upgrade your ship’s Cargo Hold to a Shielded Cargo Hold. It makes it more difficult for the team to detect the contraband through a Shielded Cargo Hold. Although, the chances of being detected are pretty low. So, it’s a smart thing to do.
You can get a Shielded Cargo Hold from Lon Anderssen. He is an NPC located in Red Mile on Porrima III. Another way to obtain it is by hijacking a ship with a Shielded Cargo Hold. You can hijack a random ship and check it for the Shielded Cargo Hold. If the ship has a Shielded Cargo Hold, it will be mentioned beneath the ship’s total cargo capacity gauge.
Add a Scan Jammer
Scan Jammers decreases the chances of your contraband items being scanned. But they work with the Shielded Cargo Hold. Scan Jammers cut off the signals of the scanner as they scan the Cargo Hold.
You can purchase these jammers from the same sellers from whom you have upgraded the Cargo Hold. These sellers are Lon Anderssen in Red Mile and Jasmine Duran in The Key.
Using all of these techniques doesn’t protect you 100%, but the chances of being detected are pretty low. So, it is recommended that you take these steps when selling items to a trader where you will be scanned.
Can You Sell Contraband in Neon Starfield?
Yes, the contraband items can be sold in Neon, Volii Alpha System. However, you will be scanned on arrival. So, make sure that you have upgraded your Cargo Hold to Shielded Cargo Hold and you also have Scan Jammer installed.
Additionally, don’t forget to put all the contraband in that Shielded Cargo Hold. This will help you out in passing the scan on arrival. Without taking these steps, you will be surely caught.
How Do I Smuggle Contraband Starfield?
Smuggling contraband involves lots of risk as these are illegal items. The authorities are always scanning the ships when you enter a specific system. However, there is Wolf System which doesn’t have a scan team.
So, you can visit The Den in Wolf System without being scanned. Now, if you are planning to sell your stuff to other traders then you will have to go through the scanning. You can avoid getting caught during the scan by upgrading to Shielded Cargo Hold and adding a Scan Jammer.
That’s all for Starfield How to Sell Contraband guide. The Contraband items are the illegal items that are sold in the black market. They are high-value items that can give you lots of extra credit.
However, having these items in your inventory can make you face consequences if you are scanned by the authorities. So, to avoid getting caught, you can hide them in your Shielded Cargo Hold and add a Scan Jammer to it. This will decrease the chance of being detected while the scan happens.
Hopefully, this guide has helped you out in selling contraband. Stay connected with us for informative guides.