Starfield offers a plethora of some of the best weapons in any game by Bethesda. Even though you can talk your way out of most situations, but in some cases, violence is the only option. So, definitely, you must stock up your weapon stash if you wish to survive the toughest foes in the game.
The only problem is that Starfield has more weapons than any of Bethesda’s previous titles, even Fallout. Moreover, acquiring these weapons requires exploration, completing quests, and purchasing with your precious credits. So, the best strategy is to shortlist your preferred weapons and only focus on acquiring them. Therefore, this article provides the top 10 best weapons in Starfield to complete your build.
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Top 10 Best Weapons in Starfield and How to Get Them:
According to Reddit, there are more weapons in Starfield than any of Bethesda’s previous games. In total, there are 48 weapons, 8 melee weapons, and 11 grenades in the game. As you can easily get your hands on most types of grenades, we will only focus on firearms and melee weapons here.
The only problem that the majority of players face is that all these weapons are located far apart. Furthermore, you can only acquire certain weapons by completing questlines and defeating tough bosses. So, the best strategy is to shortlist a few weapons for your build and only focus on them. So, here are my picks for the top 10 best weapons in Starfield for all builds:
Heller’s Cutter: Best Weapons for Laser

You will always have a Cutter in your inventory. You need it to break rocks, collect artifacts, and even deal some damage. So, why not get yourself an upgraded version of this compulsory weapon?
Heller’s Cutter is a unique weapon in many ways. Firstly, unlike regular Cutter, it can deal 20% extra damage to robots. While this damage may seem minimal, it quickly adds up with just a few successful attacks.
Secondly, you don’t need to collect ammo for your Cutter. The energy is infinite but requires a small cooldown once it gets depleted. So, even if you run out of ammo for all other weapons, you can always rely on your handy Cutter to get the job done.
You can get the Heller’s Cutter in Vectera hab during the Back to Vectera quest.
Va’Ruun Inflictor: Best Weapons for Particle Beam
Va’Ruun Inflictor is probably one of the most powerful particle beam rifles in Starfield. It deals a massive 113 energy damage and 38 physical damage. Such huge damage output is enough to down some of the toughest foes in just a couple of blows.
You can better understand the numbers by comparing them with the Magsniper, the most powerful rifle in the game. The benefit of choosing Va’Ruun Inflictor over Magsniper is that it has a higher fire rate and a larger magazine size. The only drawback is that the Heavy Fuse ammo is a bit hard to get.
Lastly, the Va’Ruun Inflictor has a low fire range. Still, you will find it useful on several occasions, especially when you need to kill someone fast. You can acquire this weapon from random vendors in The Key (after you reach level 30).
Experiment A-7: Best Weapons in Shotgun

Experiment A-7 is a shotgun that looks like it came straight from Area 51. It is such a unique weapon that comes with 6 out of the total 8 customizations by default. So, once you get your hands on one of these bad boys, you won’t consider switching to a better option.
Experiment A-7 deals a total of 131 damage from a single blow. The only drawback is that it has a fairly low range compared to other options. However, the increased rate of fire, bigger mag size, reflex sight, and tactical stock make up for these flaws.
You can acquire Experiment A-7 fairly late in the game. During the Entangled main quest, ask Ethan if he has any tools to deal with the aliens. Next, pass the Persuasion check to get the strongest shotgun in Starfield.
Tanto: Best Weapons for Melee

Tanto is the next best melee weapon after Wakizashi in Starfield. While it has a lower damage output, its lower cost and weight make up for that flaw, making it the best melee weapon for the mid-game phase.
Tanto deals a total of 40 Physical damage from a single blow. However, you can make up for this flaw either by choosing the Dueling skill or by starting with the Ronin Background (the best background ever). Secondly, it’s a far better option than Wakizashi as it is fairly easy to acquire it and goes well with certain traits.
You can find the Tanto sword from a merchant in Neon for roughly 20,000 credits or less. However, it respawns randomly in the area, so it would be best to check out all the merchants.

Deadeye isn’t as powerful as Experiment A-7. However, it is still one of the most damaging revolvers in Starfield. With the base damage a bit higher than your regular magnum, Deadeye has many other features in the stock. In other words, it carries such a punch that players have named it the Mike Tyson of handguns.
Regardless to say, Deadeye is a far better option than any regular magnum revolver. For instance, it has a better fire rate, better accuracy, a stock laser, and uses 7.5mm ammo rounds. Even though it can’t replace your primary shotgun or rifle, but it is a handy sidearm for your inventory.
You can acquire Deadeye by first completing the Job Gone Wrong quest in Akila City. Next, speak with Emma Wilcox and ask to join the Freestar Rangers. Finally, you will get the pistol for free after completing her quest.
Fiscal Quarter:

Fiscal Quarter is a unique auto rifle that you gain fairly early into the game. Even though it’s not worthy of being called an overkill weapon, it will get the job done. This badass rifle comes with a serious fire rate, higher damage output, and a respectable scope.
Furthermore, this weapon will take you through the mid-game sequence if you throw in a bunch of mods (upgrades). If you are interested in knowing, you should get the Short Scope, Tactical Grip, and Armor-Piercing Rounds mods.
After completing the All That Money Can Buy main quest, you can acquire the Fiscal Quarter as your reward.
Gallow’s Reach: Best Weapons for Poison

Gallow’s Reach is like the AK-47 of the poison weapons class. It fires poisonous rounds with the same speed and accuracy as an AK. So, if you are a fan of melting your enemies, you should consider it for your early game build.
The problem with almost all poison weapons in Starfield is that they don’t fire rounds fast enough. As a result, they are usually useless against faster enemies. Fortunately, Gallow’s Reach doesn’t carry all the burden. Moreover, it is a better use for all those 7.62mm rounds that you find early on in the game.
You can acquire Gallow’s Reach during the No Sudden Moves main quest. During this quest, head to Petrov’s office to find the gun hanging on the wall.

Lawgiver is an uncommon weapon that you can stumble upon by chance. However, if you manage to get your hands on one of these, it will become your fight-starting weapon. In other words, never say no to a Lawgiver, whether it’s free loot or available at a merchant.
Lawgiver is a unique rifle with a slower fire rate. However, it comes with other perks like massive damage output, longer range, and higher accuracy. Furthermore, you can combine it with several mods to make it the most powerful weapon in Starfield.
You can find Lawgiver at random merchants after you reach level 35. Furthermore, there is a chance to drop it from spacers in Abandoned Mines and Abandoned Mineral Refineries.

Ah, the old-fashioned yet effective Microgun. This bad boy is probably one of Starfield’s most overpowered machine guns. With a fire rate of over 350, this weapon can help you defeat hordes of enemies without getting hit.
Microgun is basically the mini-gun from all your nostalgic games. Do you remember the powerful mini-gun from GTA Sa or the one from Call of Duty MW? Well, this gun performs exactly the same functions but at a larger scale.
Before you can acquire the Microgun, you should get the Stealth skill. Next, head to Atlantis City and make your way to UC Surplus. Here, you will find a large crate placed in front of the desk. Get into sneak mode and quietly grab the Microgun without getting caught.
Eternity’s Gate: Best Weapons for Endgame

Finally, we have the most powerful, overkill particle rifle. Eternity’s Gate, when in the right hands, will surely deliver many to the gates of eternity. This extraordinary weapon gets better as you keep firing with it. So, if you are looking for the best weapons for your endgame phase, don’t forget this one.
This particle beam rifle has 6 mods and 3 perks, and it’s quite powerful even without them. Furthermore, it packs the trickshot perk by default, so it will shoot 2 projectiles on your 4th shot. Secondly, it deals 10% extra damage to humans and can one-hit-kill most enemies.
To acquire the Eternity’s Gate, you must side with Hunter during the Unearthed quest. Next, complete all the quests until you face The Emissary in the Revelations quest. Here, instead of solving it peacefully, go the other way around to receive Eternity’s Gate as your reward.
However, suppose you choose the peaceful option and pass the Persuasion check. In that case, you will lose this weapon and get the Unmitigated Violence rifle instead.
Weapons are extremely important in Starfield. Even if you like to take your way out of most situations, you are bound to fight at some point. So, having some of the best weapons in the game can save you. However, choosing the right ones is a bit confusing with such a huge plethora of weapons. Therefore, this article provides the top 10 best weapons in Starfield and how to get them so that you can focus on your target.