Bethesda has finally unleashed its long-awaited Starfield with some of the best traits that any great RPG should possess. Even though it’s not a Fallout sequel or the most anticipated Elder Scrolls title. Still, millions of players are eager to see what this tech giant has cooked for them this time.
When you start the game, you will get the option to create your character during the introductory quest. At the end of the character screen, you must add traits to gain certain bonuses. However, there are over 17 unique traits, and you can only choose 3 of them. Furthermore, certain traits contradict each other, making it even more confusing for new players. Therefore, this article provides the top 5 best traits to choose from in Starfield.
Table of Contents
What are the Traits in Starfield?
Traits in Starfield are special abilities that grant various bonuses, improve boost pack, affect dialogues, the reaction of NPCs, and even unlock extra dialogue options. Furthermore, certain traits also come with cons, like an increased number of enemies, lower oxygen supply, and having to pay a monthly rent.
Bethesda has kept its tradition of offering unique character customization in Starfield. Todd Howard has entitled the game as “the most flexible yet.” Though most of the character creation quest is pretty straightforward, you can go in any direction you like.
However, before jumping into the open world, the final screen is a bit confusing. Here, you must choose 3 traits to add to your build. These traits will stick to your build, grant various bonuses, and affect your gameplay experience for the rest of the game.
Note: There are no right and wrong options in Starfield traits. So, you should acknowledge your gameplay style, preferences, and factions.
Top 5 Best Traits in Starfield:
Choosing traits for your build is your first major choice that will affect your entire game. So, you must carefully study all the options and choose the best traits that complement your planned build.
For some players, this last step can be a bit overwhelming as you have over 17 options at hand. So, here are the top 5 best traits in Starfield that can be your best friends for the rest of the game:
1. Extrovert or Introvert: Best Traits for Companions

- Extrovert: You love exerting yourself and traveling with human companions. Moreover, it also reduces the oxygen demand when you are with companions and vice versa.
- Incompatible with Introverts
- Introvert: You love adventuring alone. So, exerting alone uses less oxygen, whereas traveling with human companions will increase oxygen demand.
- Incompatible with: Extroverts
Humans are either extroverts or introverts; there’s no in-between nature. So, your nature can even show in the game character. Basically, it is a must-have trait regardless of your faction preference.
These traits don’t offer much in terms of bonuses, but they can seriously affect your gameplay. For instance, you can reduce your oxygen demand and get extra helping hands if you choose to be an Extrovert. Similarly, you won’t need much oxygen in exerting, and no one will bother you if you choose to be an Introvert.
However, the first few quests in Starfield force you to take some companions. So, don’t worry; there’s nothing wrong with your Introvert trait; it’s just the game’s script.
2. Empath: Best Traits for Combat

Performing actions that your companions like will yield combat effectiveness rewards. However, your actions will result in the opposite effect if they displease your companions.
The Empath trait mainly depends on your first trait selection. If you choose the Extrovert nature, you will most likely have human companions everywhere you go. So, why not use them to gain extra combat rewards?
However, this trait becomes useless if you choose the Introvert trait, as there won’t be anyone around to applaud your actions. In other words, if you are an Extrovert, you should definitely consider adding this trait in the second slot. Otherwise, you can exchange it with another option.
3. Raised Enlightened or Universal: Best Traits for Religion

- Raised Enlightened: You grew up as a member of the Enlightened religion. So, you can access a special chest full of rewards in the Enlightened house in New Atlantis. However, you can’t access the chest in the House of Universal.
- Raised Universal: You grew up as a member of the Sanctum Universum religion. So, you can access a special chest full of rewards in the Sanctum Universum house in New Atlantis. However, you can’t access the chest in the House of the Enlightened.
Raised Enlightened or Raised Universal? Well, these choices are merely for role-playing purposes. Moreover, the rewards you get from the special chest have pretty much equal value. So, it’s all a part of what you want your character to believe in.
For instance, Enlightened are more realists and focus on the material nature of things. Universals, on the other hand, have traditional values and a balance between materialistic and spiritual realms.
There’s also a third faction, and it yields far better perks than rewards. If you join the Serpent’s Embrace religion, you will gain HP and Oxygen boosts by regularly performing grav jumps. However, you will start losing these perks if you skip Gav jumping for too long.
The only problem is that you don’t get too many Gav jumps early on in the game. So, this trait can pretty much ruin your early game experience. In short, if you have an extra trait slot, you should consider filling it with one of these best traits.
4. Wanted: Best Trait for Adrenaline Rush

You deal extra damage when your HP is below 50%. However, you have a high wanted level, and bounty hunters will spawn occasionally to kill you.
Wanted is a pretty strange trait in Starfield. On the bright side, it gives you an Adrenaline Rush when you are cornered and low on HP. However, this damage boost lasts for a short time before you need to heal yourself.
Secondly, even though the mercenaries and bounty hunters will come after you occasionally, they have certain benefits. Firstly, they aren’t as strong as the foes that you fight during the game. So, killing them will generate extra XP and aid you in testing your battle strategies.
Moreover, they also add a few extra fights to the game. So, if you are really after the action adventure that Bethesda promised, you should consider this trait. Overall, it all depends on your playing preferences and how you wish to tackle Starfield.
5. Faction Traits: Best Traits for Mission Rewards

- United Colonies Native: You can access extra dialogue options and mission rewards for UCN missions. However, crime bounty is increased for other factions.
- Neon Street Rat: You can access extra dialogue options and mission rewards for NSN missions. However, crime bounty is increased for other factions.
- Freestar Collective Settler: You can access extra dialogue options and mission rewards for FCS missions. However, crime bounty is increased for other factions.
This last best trait in Starfield is again based on your role-playing preferences. However, you must consider where you will be spending most of your gameplay hours. Furthermore, the increased crime bounty for other factions can be devastating if you change your faction later.
In this regard, FCS and UCN have influence over larger portions of land. Neon Street Rats, on the other hand, control only a limited area. So, if you want to join a faction, consider the first two options.
However, you should save this option when you don’t want to add anything else to your trait slots. Otherwise, choosing something that better suits your gameplay preferences would be best.
Bonus Best Traits:
If you have an extra slot and don’t wish to add any of the top 5 traits, you can opt for these options. For the most part, these bonus traits don’t have any major drawbacks and even yield some minor rewards. Still, it is better to have some rewards than none at all.
Dream Home:

It grants you a luxurious and spacious home where you can store your items and decorate as you like. However, you must pay a total mortgage of 125,000 credit, 500 per week.
The best part of Starfield is that you can live a virtual life where you can go anywhere and do anything. So, owning a spacious house in the game can make you feel at home all the time. Moreover, the home is completely customizable, and you can use it to store your extra loot.
Moreover, the weekly mortgage isn’t that high if you actively participate in missions and activities. You will earn a lot more than 500 credits per week, so it is a win-win situation for the most part.
Hero Worshipped:

You gain an Adoring Fan who is ready to join your crew. The admirer will become a part of your ship’s crew and generate random rewards.
Hero Worshipped is more of an Easter Egg from Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. This charming admirer grants you a free crew member who also gives you small offerings occasionally. The only drawback of this trait is that the admirer can be pretty annoying, especially during dialogues.
Starfield is Bethesda’s latest title that took the market by surprise. With millions of new players joining the community, it is bound to become the next big hit. The best part of this game is that you can become whoever you want. However, players often get confused when given so many customization options. Therefore, this article provides the top 5 best traits in Starfield that can improve your gameplay experience.