Players often don’t know where to buy ship parts in Starfield, especially when they are upgrading their ships for the very first time. Keeping that in mind, we have prepared this guide for such players.
In this guide, you will learn everything about the ship parts in Starfield, such as where you can buy these parts and the different parts used to upgrade a ship. The ship parts are mainly available to ship technicians located on different planets and offer the ability to purchase things like weapon upgrades for your ship.
These technicians not only offer the ship parts, but they also have unmodified ships for sale.
Making progress in the game is based on upgrading your ships. Without modified ships, it will be difficult for you to fight with your opponents, who get stronger as you level up. So, upgrading your ships whenever you have enough credits is best.
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Buying Ship Parts in Starfield

Players can buy ship parts in Starfield from ship technicians. They are located on each planet and also in spaceports. Ship technicians have all sorts of ship parts, such as the engines, cargo hold, landing bay, fuel tank, landing gears, and others.
These parts are essential to upgrade your ship, making it much stronger and preparing them for high-end battles. Ship parts are not only offered by ship technicians but you can also find them on the showrooms of major ship building manufacturers.
These are the major manufacturers.
- Deimos Staryards Inc
- Horizon Defense
- Reladyne
- Slayton Aerospace
- Nautilus
- Dogstar Avionics
- Nova Galactic
These are some of the major manufacturers, you can find some others as well on different planets. Apart from these brands, you can directly head to ship technicians where you can easily upgrade your ship upfront. Here are the areas where technicians are located.
- Akila City
- Cydonia
- Gagarian Landing
- HopeTown
- Neon
- New Atlantis
- New Homestead
- Paradiso
- Red Mile
- The Den
- The Eleos Retreat
- The Key
Just head to any of these locations and look for the vendor. Interact with the vendor and select shipbuilding and customization. In that menu, you will get the option to select your ship. Once the ship is selected, cycle through its parts and choose the one you want to upgrade.
Ship Parts

Ships can be upgraded with various parts. These parts affect different stats of your ship. With each upgrade, your ship can have better weapons, a more powerful shield, boosted speed, higher jump range, better storage capacity, lower mass, and others.
Here are the ship parts that are available for the upgrade.
Upgrading the engine will increase the speed and acceleration of your ship. A ship can be upgraded with 6 engines at a time.
Cargo Hold
A ship can have multiple cargo holds. The more cargo holds your ship has the more items you can store on your ship.
A docker is allowed to dock or board with a station or another ship. A ship can have one docker installed at a time.
Landing Bay
Landing Bay allows players to exit the ship when it is landed on the ground. Your ship can have one landing bay at a time.
The cockpit is from where you control your ship and view your path.
Landing Gears
Landing gears are used when you are landing your ship on the ground. Your ship can have two landing gears at a time.
Fuel Tank
Ships can have multiple fuel tanks at a time. These increase the fuel capacity of your ship and also help in improving jump.
Grav Drive
Grav Drive allows your ship to have better jumps. When you have upgraded Grav Drive, your ship will perform longer jumps.
The reactor supplies power to your ship. An upgraded Reactor can supply high power to the overall ship.
Upgrading weapons affects a lot when you are in battles with your opponents. High-upgraded weapons are recommended for high-end battles.
How Many Ships Can You Have in Starfield?
Each player has around 10 ship slots in their inventory. You can keep a maximum of 10 ships. Ships can either be stolen or purchased from the vendors. Sell off low-end ships when you have better ships.
This will make space to keep the upgraded and high-end ships in your arsenal. You can repeat this same process to have only high-end ship builds in your collection.
Can You Build Your Own Ship in Starfield?
Yes, players can build their own ships, but you have to start it with an existing ship. What you will need to do is remove the parts from your existing ship and build your ship again with the parts that you want.
This is how you are going to build your very own ship. Parts can be obtained from different vendors and manufacturers. Use better parts to have a high-end ship.
That’s everything for Starfield Where to Buy Ship Parts. Now, you see that ship parts can be purchased from different shops around the planet and also from the major ship part manufacturers.
You can then use these parts to upgrade your ship into a lot better ship. Also, you can directly visit the ship technicians who install the parts in your ships the way you want them.
Hopefully, this guide has helped you out in getting ship parts. Stay connected with us for more exciting and informative guides.