The Cybernetic Blademaster build in TFT is one of the most popular and strongest comps in Team Fight Tactics right now.
So in this Blademaster build guide, I will be showing you the Cybernetic/Blademaster comps synergies and how to play Blademaster in the early, middle, and late game. This build is updated for 10.12 and TFT Set 3, so don’t worry about any outdated information.
Table of Contents
Blademaster Synergy/Class Bonus
The class bonus that all Blademasters get is as follows:
- 3 Blademasters get a 30% chance to trigger two additional attacks.
- 6 Blademasters get a 70% chance to trigger two additional attacks
- 9 Blademasters get an 100% chance to trigger two additional attacks
Note: These values were buffed in 10.12 from 30/55/100. Making the mid-game much stronger for Blademasters.
All of these additional attacks can trigger on-hit effects making it powerful when you are stacking several of them.
So to answer a couple of questions, do Blademasters proc Statikk Shiv? Yes, they do. Does Rageblade stack? Yes.
Moral of the story, Blademasters work with any on-hit items.
Cybernetics Synergy/Class Bonus
Cybernetic champions with at least one item (component or full) gain Health and Attack Damage.
(3) 350% Health and 40% Attack Damage.
(6) 600% Health and 80% Attack Damage.
This makes Cybernetic champions in TFT tanky as well as heavy damage dealers.
All of the Blademasters in TFT
These are all of the Blademasters in TFT:
As many of you know, you can “create” a Blademaster from any other class by equipping the Blade of the Ruined King on them. This makes any non-Blademaster a Blademaster (and they also keep whatever other class they were before as well).
To create a Blade of the Ruined King you need a Spatula and a B.F. Sword. What the Spatula does in TFT is it allows you to change the class of another champion to whatever class you want dependent on what you build the Spatula into. For this example, you would use the Spatula to create a BoRK and therefore a Blademaster.
Best Cybernetic Blademaster Comp
Fiora – Fiora enters a defensive stance for 1.5 seconds, becoming immune to damage and enemy spell effects. As she exits this stance, she ripostes, dealing magic damage to a nearby enemy and stunning them.
- Damage: 200 / 300 / 450
- Stun duration: 1.5 / 1.5 / 3
Lucian – Lucian dashes away from his current target, then Basic Attacks them and fires a second shot which deals magic damage.
- Damage: 150 / 200 / 375
Vayne – Vayne focuses for 10 seconds, tumbling away from her target immediately and every third attack thereafter. Vayne is invisible while tumbling, and attacks after tumbling deal bonus damage.
- Percent damage: 175% / 200% / 225%
Vi – Vi charges at the furthest enemy, knocking aside and dealing magic damage to all enemies along the way. When she reaches her target, she deals magic damage and knocks them up.
- Damage: 400 / 600 / 1200
- Secondary damage: 150 / 200 / 500
- Stun duration: 2 / 2.5 / 3
Irelia – Irelia dashes past her target, attacking them for a percentage of her Attack Damage as she passes through. If this kills the target, she casts again immediately at the enemy with the highest mana.
- Percent of Attack Damage: 175% / 250% / 500%
Riven – Riven dashes and shields herself, then slashes forward dealing magic damage. Every third cast, Riven leaps into the air and launches a wave of energy that deals magic damage.
- Initial damage: 100 / 150 / 450
- Secondary damage: 300 / 500 / 1500
- Shield amount: 250 / 400 / 1000
Ekko – Ekko shatters the timeline, freezing all units in time before attacking enemies with bonus magic damage, applying on-hit effects, and reducing Attack Speed by 50% for 7 seconds. Ekko cannot die while he has stopped time.
- Damage: 100 / 200 / 2000
- Number of Hits: 5 / 7 / 20
Thresh – Thresh tosses his lantern towards random unit(s) on your bench, pulling them into the current combat and granting them and himself bonus mana. Traits are unaffected.
- Number of units: 1 / 1 / 9
- Mana: 25 / 50 / 200
Early Game
In the early game you are going to want to pick up several Cybernetic units for later in the game. Usually this will be Lucian and Vi, since we will be using them later on in our full Cybernetic/Blademaster/Chrono comp synergy, but you can also have a few fillers if you can’t find either of those champs at the beginning. Leona, for example, can replace Lucian.
At first this will look like a brawler build because of some of the early pickups, but realistically, this is just to get us through the early game. Picking up Blitz and Vi make your comp tanky with the Brawler class synergy, and Blitz and Ezreal make the Chrono synergy work (15% extra attack speed for ALL allies).
Optimal early game comp for Cybernetic Blademasters:
- Blitzcrank
- Lucian
- Ezreal
- Vayne
- Vi
Your primary carries for the early game will be Vayne and Vi.
Mid Game
The mid game for the Cybernetic/Blademasters comp should be focused on getting what is called the “fast 8”. Fast 8 is when you get level eight at around the 4-3 round mark so you can acquire the 4-5 cost champs before anyone else. Seeing as how you need several 4-5’s for this TFT Cybernetic/Blademasters build, it is incredibly important to go for levels early.
As for what units to get, it doesn’t really matter a whole lot. Stick with the above recommended units to carry you through the early game and then try your best to get your 4-5 star champs such as Irelia (who is the most important unit in this build).
Late Game
Late game for the Cybernetic/Blademasters comp will revolve around getting your 4-5 stars complete and your Irelia all the way to three star. If all goes well, you should have your Irelia with Guardian Angel, Infinity Edge, and Last Whisper as her items.
Here is what the final build for your late game looks like:
- Fiora
- Lucian
- Vayne
- Irelia (3 Star) – Guardian Angel, Infinity Edge, and Last Whisper
- Riven
- Ekko
- Thresh
At the end-game for this comp you will have a total of 4 synergies from Cybernetic, Mana-Reaver, Blademaster, and Chrono. Here are all of the bonuses you get from those synergies in your comp:
- Cybernetic (6): 600 Health and 80 Attack Damage
- Mana-Reaver (2): Mana-Reaver’s Basic Attacks increase the Mana cost of their target’s next spellcast by 40%.
- Blademaster (3): 30% chance to trigger two additional hits.
- Chrono (2): 15% attack speed every 8 seconds.
Best Items for Cybernetic/Blademasters
The best items for this comp are:
- Guinsoo’s Rageblade – for Vayne
- Ionic Spark – for Vi
- Guardian Angel – for Irelia
- Infinity Edge – for Irelia
- Last Whisper – for Irelia
- Morellonomicon – for Ekko
Here are the best items to get from the carousel:
- Sparring Gloves (builds into Infinity Edge)
- B.F. Sword
- Recurve Bow
Here is how you should be positioning your champs for the Cybernetic/Blademasters TFT build.

Vi should be at the front line with a majority of your other champs, while Ekko should be at the back to ensure he goes to the enemy backline (because he is an infiltrator). Vayne and Lucian should be towards the back as they are squishier and Vayne benefits from being as far away as possible from whomever she is hitting (sniper class).
And that’s it for the Cybernetic/Blademasters TFT comp. I think that this is one of the stronger comps in all of TFT and certainly the most popular of all Blademaster builds (which is a weaker class right now).
Do you agree? Let me know in the comments!