Hellions are aptly named— they truly are troublesome to deal with. Dealing with them can get very frustrating as after you kill one, a copy of the slain unit (with one less star and no items) jumps out of the Hellion portal and joins the battle. In addition, Hellions get bonus attack speed, meaning that units with on-hit effects in their abilities (such as Kled) will have those abilities proc more in battle. And, of course, units that attack faster regenerate their mana faster. This means that they get to use their abilities faster than opponents.
What makes Hellion team compositions is that aside from the fact that it tries to overwhelm opponents with sheer numbers, it also tries to do so with speed. If something goes wrong and a unit dies, one will be sure to arrive from the portal. Hopefully, it will make a difference in the round.
Table of Contents
Hellion Team Compositions

I will present two variations of the Hellion team compositions that you can try building.
The first, and possibly the strongest form of the Hellion team composition is Kennen, Kled, Rell, Ziggs, Teemo, Poppy, Tristana, and Lulu. This composition grants the player the following synergies:
- 8 Hellion
- 1 Cruel
- 2 Cavalier
Managing to build this team composition gives great rewards. The 8 Hellions give your Hellion units an additional 130% attack speed. And, Kled and Rell take reduced damage due to their 2 Cavalier trait. This composition is just oppressive, there’s no other way to put it.
The problem this composition has is that it requires a Hellion emblem to be built. To be able to create a Hellion emblem, one would need a Spatula and a Recurve Bow. This means that if you are unable to find either a ready-made Hellion emblem, or a Spatula and a Recurve Bow, you can take one unit Hellion off, and you can pivot into getting a Lucian or a Miss Fortune for the 2 Cannoneer Trait, or a Gwen for the 2 Mystic trait. 2 Cannoneers make cannoneer units’ every fifth basic attack be replaced with a cannon shot that deals physical damage (equal to 225% of the cannoneer unit’s AD) in an explosion around the target. Pivoting into a Gwen is more defensive, granting an additional 40 magic resist to all units.
The Other Variation
The other variation of this composition is a little bit less ambitious— it doesn’t aim for the highest Hellion bonus. Instead, it seeks to be a more well-balanced composition that also has Hellion units. This team composition has Kennen, Kled, Rell, Ziggs, Teemo, Gwen, Jax, Lulu, and Tristana. With these units, you get 6 Hellion, 1 Cruel, 1 Inanimate, 2 Mystic, 2 Ironclad, and 2 Cavalier. In addition to the damage reduction of the Cavalier trait and the attack speed from having 6 Hellion units, Gwen grants damage reduction to units in her mist, 2 Mystic units give you magic resist as already stated, and having 2 Ironclad units grant each of your units 30 additional armor.
If you decide that you would rather not have Gwen and the Inanimate and Mystic traits that she brings, you could instead get a third Skirmisher like Viego or Nidalee. Having 3 Skirmishers on the board makes them gain a 20% max health shield at the start of the battle. And, they gain an additional 3 attack damage per second.
What to Look Out for When Building a Hellion Team Composition
As both variations of the Hellion team composition have units from almost every gold cost, being careful about managing your economy is a must. Leveling up too early might make you lose power on your lower-cost units. And, leveling up too late might mean you might lose your chance to get your hands on the higher-cost ones first.
Be careful of enemies that could burst your units. This is because a lot of units in this team composition are a bit squishy. Also, this means that you should be mindful of Assassin compositions. They could burst your Hellion units and the ones that come out of the Hellion portal down so fast.
You should also look out for Abomination team compositions as if you kill enemy units fast. That means the enemy’s The Monstrosity might come charging into battle sooner. With the right items, The Monstrosity could single-handedly take on whatever remains of your composition and could win the round for them.
Final Thoughts
Hellions are definitely annoying to deal with, which means that building and playing this team composition might be enjoyable. The potential of this composition to win a game is high. But, as said earlier, a lot of these units are rather squishy. So, positioning would also be very important to secure a victory.