No Bethesda game would be complete without the iconic marriage system. We have already seen how certain NPCs developed affection for your character in games like Skyrim and Fallout 4. However, Starfield sets the romance bar a little high, as you must cherish your potential partners, consider their likes and dislikes, and even help them with personal problems.
The only problem is that you can only choose your potential romance partners from a select few companions. Furthermore, each companion has a unique backstory and motivation. So, you must acknowledge their preferences before making a move. Therefore, this article discusses all Starfield romance options and provides a detailed guide for your future endeavors.
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How Does Romance Work in Starfield?
Romance in Starfield is a bit different from other Bethesda titles and even other modern RPGs like Elden Ring. Firstly, you must carefully choose your dialogue options to avoid offending your potential partners. Secondly, your relationship with other companions is determined by an invisible affinity bar.

So, you can unlock special dialogue options, learn more about the companion’s backgrounds, and even unlock companion missions. However, you must play safe and avoid offending them at all if possible. Finally, even if you somehow offend your potential partner, their response depends on the extent of your actions. For instance, they will dislike you temporarily and go back to normal if you commit a small crime.
According to Todd Howard, the relationships in Starfield are far more complex than just some states. The partner will like you, fall in love with you, temporarily dislike you, and then go back to loving you again. So, the relationship status in Starfield can be divided into three main phases, i.e., Alliance, Affection, and Romance.
You will unlock additional dialogue options and companion missions when you perform actions that boost the affinity level. When the affinity has reached a certain milestone, you will automatically unlock the flirt and commitment options. However, wrong decisions and offensive moves will lower your affinity, but you can always cover them with better decisions.
All Starfield Romance Options:
Companions don’t play a major role in your playthrough in Starfield. Unlike the best companions in Baldur’s Gate 3, who accompanied you on your journey, Starfield companions will only help in running your starship. Fortunately, you can choose your ship crew from over 20 unique options.
However, only four of them are available to develop a romantic relationship. Here is a list of all romanceable companions in Starfield:
- Andreja
- Sarah Morgan
- Barrett
- Sam Coe
All of these romanceable companions belong to the Constellation Faction. So, you must avoid indulging yourself in questionable activities and murdering innocent NPCs. Secondly, you can still join all factions in Starfield, but your actions in those missions will definitely affect your standing in front of your companions.
Andreja Romance Guide:

Andreja is perhaps the best companion in Starfield. She has a comparatively darker background and doesn’t mind spilling blood from time to time. So, she is the first option on most players’ wish list.
Unlike Sarah Morgan, she will turn a blind eye to several crimes and doesn’t mind even if you join other factions. However, you should still avoid bribing and killing innocent players in her presence to boost your affinity score.
Lastly, you will enjoy her company as she is more than just a ship crew. Her attacking skills, unique dialogues, and ability to protect everyone around her make her the best romance option overall. Here’s how to win Andreja’s heart:
- Never pickpocket your allies.
- Punish, Intimidate, and Stand tall against villains.
- Tell her that you will always be there for her no matter what.
- Approve The House Va’ruun.
- Always stay true to your friends.
- Admire her for getting through all those hardships alone.
- Never accept bribes in her presence.
- After the “Friends Like These” quest, say you’ll use the House’s archive for good.
Sarah Morgan Romance Guide:

Sarah Morgan, a former UC Vanguard marine and the current leader of the Constellation Faction. She has a strong personality with a great sense of duty. Moreover, she doesn’t approve of breaking the law at any cost. So, if you wish to date Sarah, you must get in her good books.
Secondly, she doesn’t like violence, regardless of the situation. So, you should abide by the law and take the diplomatic path whenever you get a chance. Lastly, she reveals her dark secret and puts her past to rest after the “In Memoriam” quest. After completing this quest, you will unlock the option to date Sarah Morgan. Here’s how to get in her good books:
- Tip generously to the New Homestead tour director.
- Show generosity and courage.
- Help the Underdog whenever possible.
- Always show a positive attitude towards Constellation.
- Avoid breaking the law in her presence (killing, bribing, and stealing).
- Don’t take her to the Crimson Fleet missions.
- Let her do the talking when you get the option.
Barrett Romance Guide:

Barrett is your stereotypical gay character. He is a good-looking guy with a great love for adventures and a desire to help everyone in need. Even though he doesn’t disclose it at first, he has a pretty tragic love life. His previous husband, Ervin, died before the events of Starfield.
However, once you gain his trust, you won’t find a better-written character in the game. However, he doesn’t approve of any immoral actions and decisions. So, if you wish to romance him, you should avoid blackmailing, killing, and stealing in his presence. Finally, when the affinity bar is completed, you will unlock the “Breach of Contract”; after this, he becomes available for romancing.
Here’s how to keep your affinity level high with Barrett:
- Always be generous in tipping and helping others.
- Understand his sense of humor and return respond with better jokes.
- Agree to fund the Breach of Contract companion mission.
- Always help those in need, even during quests.
- Never press the Ervin matter unless he brings it up himself.
Sam Coe Romance Guide:

Sam Coe is your average cowboy kind of guy who loves to live like a free bird. Just after a few interactions, he will start to open up his mind, giving you small glimpses about his likes and dislikes. The good news is that he doesn’t mind bending or even breaking the law unless someone’s life is at stake. So, feel free to play Starfield like the new GTA.
However, you should keep in mind that he really loves the ideology of Freestar Rangers. So, make sure to praise and support this faction whenever you get the chance. Lastly, the only thing that he truly loves more than his freedom is his daughter Cora. Make sure to treat her like a little princess to quickly unlock the “Matters of the Heart” quest and unlock Sam for romancing.
Here’s how to quickly fill up the affinity bar for Sam Coe:
- Always appreciate Freestar Rangers.
- Join the Rangers to get even more affinity.
- Don’t ever get impressed by his social status and connections.
- Appreciate the idea of parenting and praise Cora whenever you get the chance.
- Obey the law, but breaking it doesn’t make any difference either.
- Help the Underdog when Sam is around.
What is Commitment?
Commitment is the final level of affinity in Starfield. It is Bethesda’s synonym for marriage. However, unlike Skyrim, commitment isn’t just a status. Instead, you will receive many free gifts and compliments and get higher XP after sleeping in the same bed as your partner.
Every relationship in Starfield starts as strangers, then it moves to allies, then you start flirting. Finally, when you cross the affinity milestone, you will unlock the option for romancing. Even at this stage, you can go ahead and bind yourself in a commitment or choose to stay friends.
However, you can’t simultaneously commit to two different companions. So, once you get married, there is no way to change your partner without some modding. The good news is that you can still flirt with other companions, but the commitment option will never appear.
Starfield takes the open-world, complete-freedom RPG formula to a whole new level. You can almost live a virtual life in a futuristic world if you spend enough gameplay hours to beat Starfield. For example, you can befriend, flirt, romance, and even get married in the game. However, you can only choose from four unique companions. Moreover, you must consider your partner’s likes, dislikes, and backstories to start dating. Therefore, this article provides a complete Starfield romance guide for all possible companions.